

e Essay

Student’s Name: Class Number: Date: 2015/12/21

Wordsworth’s View on Nature

Based on the Reading of I Wandered Lonely as

a Cloud

Che Hongyu

Wordsworth was a British poet in the 19 century and the poet laureate since th

1843 till his death in 1850. He was born and grew up in the English Lake District and the beautiful scenery of his hometown nurtured his deep love for nature and his purpose of praising nature in his work. He called himself “Prophet of Nature” in The Prelude, and claimed that prophets of nature “will speak a lasting inspiration, sanctified by reason, blest by faith: what we have loved, others will love and we will teach them how” (Wordsworth, 1979: 482), by which he means he, as a nature worshipper, will write about his love for nature in his work and show the readers what he loves about nature, so as to teach them how to love nature and evoke their love for nature.

This essay will analyze the poem I wandered Lonely as a Cloud from the aspects of writing background, metrical patterns, figures of speech and images so as to examine William Wordsworth’s view on nature.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud was written in 1804 and believed to be one of the most beautiful poems written on nature. The poet wrote this poem based on his experience on April 15th, 1802. That day, Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy Wordsworth were walking in the Lake District, to quote Dorothy in Grasmere Journals, “It was a threatening misty morning-but mild. We set off after dinner…The wind was furious & we thought we must have returned…We first rested in the large

Boat-house, then under a furze Bush…The wind seized our breath the Lake was rough. We rested again in the Water Millock Lane…We got over into a field to avoid some cows…When we were in the woods beyond Gowbarrow park we saw a few daffodils close to the water side” (Abrams, 2000: 391). It was clear that that day was a windy one, Wordsworth and his sister set off for a walk after dinner but was frustrated by furious wind. They rested in the Boathouse, under a bush, and in the Water Millock Lane and they walked on against the wind and when they arrived at the woods, they saw the daffodils. The daffodils were beautiful and vast, “there was a long belt of them along the shore, about the breadth of a country turnpike road (Abrams, 2000: 391)”. They did not expect to see such beautiful daffodils in such a multitude on such a rough day. “I never saw daffodils so beautiful they grew among the mossy stones about & about them, some rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness & the rest tossed & reeled & danced & seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they looked so gay ever glancing ever changing (Abrams, 2000: 391)”. The daffodils are not only beautiful but also cheerful, such natural beauty cheered up the two travelers on such a windy cold day. Two years later, Wordsworth wrote the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud to praise nature.

Obviously, the theme of the poem is “nature is beautiful and wise” as shown in daffodils. To show the beauty and charm of daffodils, the poet creates a musically beautiful poem. This poem was written in iambic tetrameter, with a rhyme scheme of ababcc. All the four stanzas follow the same metrical pattern, and the whole poem is actually an ode to daffodils of the Horatian type. Tetrameter, shorter than pentameter, creates a cheerful rhythm and the use of traditional iambic meter ensures the soothing effect of musicality of the poem. The long vowels of au, i:, ai, ei, a: also create a comforting, calming effect on the readers, beautifully soothing. The repetition of the lateral l sound adds to this loving and peaceful effect. The poet’s use of the euphony shows how much he wants to show and convey to the readers the beauty of daffodils, which is also the beauty of nature.

Apart from the musical beauty, the poet uses various figures of speech and images to further show the beauty and cheerfulness of the daffodils. At the beginning of the poem, the speaker was seen as a lonely wanderer in the hill, who was compared to “a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills”. But the appearance of the daffodils greatly changed his melancholy mood. He did not see just one or two

daffodils, but a great many, “a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils”, “continuous as the stars…on the milky way”, “they stretched in never-ending line”, “ten thousand saw I at a glance”. The images of “crowd”, “host”, “never-ending line” showed the non-loneliness of the flowers which instantly impressed the speaker. The daffodils are not only impressive in number, but also extremely cheerful, happy and inspiring. The kinesthetic images of “fluttering”, “dancing’, “shine and twinkle”, “tossing their heads in spritely dance” depicted vivid pictures of this “jocund” company.

Nature is beautiful, as shown in the poem, but not only so. Nature teaches people about the wisdom of life too. The daffodils are blooming in the rough wind, dancing, shining, fluttering against the bad weather, which tells the speaker a truth about nature: nature is naturally merry. The wind is rough, that is what the wind is; this does not stop the daffodils from remaining happy and celebrating life. The speaker was influenced by the cheerfulness of


nature and forgot his loneliness. Even upon retrospection, when the speaker was “in vacant or in pensive mood”, the wisdom taught by nature’s beauty still came back to him, “they flash upon that inward eye/Which is the bliss of solitude” and this inspired him and worked a wonder on him, and he became happy.

To conclude, Wordsworth loves nature and believes nature is not only beautiful, but also wise. He, as a poet, takes “praising nature” as his mission and tries to be the “prophet of nature”. He uses the persona to express his faith in and love for nature in this poem. He believes if people try to appreciate nature’s beauty, take in nature’s wisdom, humbly accept nature’s nurturing, people will be wise and happy.

Note: All the quotations of the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud are from《英语诗歌欣赏》,蒲度戎主编,2008,重庆:重庆大学出版社。


1. Abrams, M. H., 2000, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th edition, volume 2. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

2. Wordsworth, W., 1979, The Prelude: 1799, 1805, 1850. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.


正文格式:字体:英文Times New Roman, 中文宋体;字号:小四;行距:20磅(正文开始)



关键词舒婷诗歌自我人性 爱情


ShuTing, a heart full of hope of poet, the turmoil of the alienation of s in ten years, she tightly wrapped his own pride. Into people's inner world, is a reflection of self, as a female poet she dives into women's ontology, starting from the value of human dignity and issued a

declaration of love, resolutely denied for thousands of years oppression of women fake of love, in the days of interpersonal tension humanity she calls for looking for true human nature, with infinite love feelings looking for understanding and respect, as uest s poet, she not only sigh with sadness, but bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the era have entrusted to, unyielding faith raise the ideal sail with her, she's ode to the motherland, to express patriotic feelings. Her poetry is full of the passion of love and because of the time stamp of the tragic makes her poems reveals melancholy, rendering the beautiful sad tone.

Keywords  ShuTingself human love poetry


摘要???????????????????????1 英文摘要????????????????????2 目录??????????????????????3 前言??????????????????????4

一、 舒婷诗歌的思想意蕴?????????????5

二、 彰显对人的价值及社会权利的追求???????7

三、 呼唤女性追求????????????????9


五、舒婷诗中的意象特点?????????????12 参考文献????????????????????15




一、 舒婷诗歌的思想意蕴






近时代造就的才女 屈原在充满爱国激情的抒忧发愤之作《离骚》中写道“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”在追寻真理方面,前方的道路还很漫长,但我将百折不挠,不遗余力地去追求和探索。中华上下五千年历史长河的积淀中,无数风流人物所留下脍炙人口的篇章深深震撼着后人。在古典诗词的赏析中,我们又何尝不是慢慢积累,斟酌古代诗人的用词技巧,联系当时的生活背景,国家,仕途命运,品析诗词中所寄予的情怀。古典诗词之所以散发着无穷的诱惑力,很大程度上正源自古代文人用笔的高超,以及对现实生活、仕途、国家命运的深刻品寓。







2、【词中名词释义】 词中出现的名词解释:永昼:漫长,悠长的白天。瑞脑:即龙脑,是一种香料名。金兽:兽形的铜香炉,用于焚烧香料。玉枕:瓷枕的美称。纱厨:纱帐,一称碧纱帐。东篱:语出陶渊明《饮酒》诗:“采菊东篱下,悠悠见南山”。后即以东篱指代赏菊之处。暗香:幽香。这里指菊花的香气。帘卷西风:“西风卷帘”的倒文。黄花:指菊花。










5、【个人感悟】 通过全面学习《醉花阴》这首词,李清照用清丽的语言,写的是思亲,但却没有出现思亲或相思之苦的语句,用叙事的方式,表达了内心世界深深的思亲的愁苦,显的很沉重高雅。通过深秋环境的渲染,描述了重阳佳节把酒赏菊的情景,更烘托了一种凄凉寂寥的氛围,抒发了作者思念丈夫的寂寞与孤寂的心情。整首词宛如一幅忧愁而美丽的画面。词人的愁情,能穿透时空,盾破天际,引起每个人内心的共鸣。李清照的词美,美在含蓄,美在幽婉,美在词法用功之妙。在今后的学习生活中,想必李清照的词将陪伴我左右,欣赏的不仅是她傲人的才华,更是她豁达的胸襟,闲看庭前花开花落。作为一个封建时代的女性,她一生经历了无数苦难和坎坷,国破,家亡,财散,再嫁,离婚,还没有子嗣。她凭借顽强的意志挺住了,她现在留存下来的文学作品,诗,词,和文,全部加起来也就不过七八十篇,但其地位与多少大作家,文豪在中国的文学史上平起平坐,她无疑是中国古代文学史上一道亮丽的风景,过去如此,现在如此,以后也将如此。