


通常,学校发的论文写作规定会对一篇Assignment应该写成Essay还是 Report格式作出明确要求。


1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍(也有双倍间距的)。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。




Essay 的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论

(Introduction), 主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论

(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的 10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。 但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。



1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. Executive summary是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。


如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出 规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。


Reference 是几乎所有老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。

1、 不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写;

2、 每条reference之间要空一行。

3、 References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。用网址的reference放在最后;

4、 H引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。

请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用 (作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,只是不需要标注页码; 总之references绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。


1、文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。


3、避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….



6、文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。





11、行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman 12pt







我们要做的reference有2种,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的

reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。写一篇论文,2种reference都要出现,也就是说做完in-text reference,还要做最后的reference list。


左右,因为国内的英文出版物有限,各位可以到国外大学图书 的网站上照着相关的书,然后安上去就好了。



行距: 1.5倍

页边距: Word 默认

字体: Times New Roman







Abstract (序);


字数为文章的的10-15%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么abstract一般写200-300字, 除非特殊要求











Introduction 主要是写你将要在你的文章里写些什么,用2-3句话来概括所有In this easy, firstly, I will discuss…, and then I will…, thirdly, I will…的论点,每个论点用几个词即可,例如:

一般来说,老师给的题目都很宽,可以写很多方面,但是你要选其中一点来写,这样文章才能讨论的深入,如果文章写的很笼统的话,肯定会不合格 Introduction最后不需要总结句
















Introduction是讲你在文章里要写什么东西,所以只要用几个词概括你个论点; Conclusion是用1句话总结你的每个论点,要比introduction详细些;




一般只要写一个论点,提出解决办法,如何消除这个弱点,格式和body段落的要求是一样的:introduction,explanation,example和用一句话做个conclusion 一般都不写recommendation,除非老师特殊要求。


1. Introduction

Culture exists in the internal and external modes. It learns and disseminates itself by the help of signs and constructs the special attainments of the human beings (A.L. Robert and K. Clark, 1952). In the east, culture is named Wenhua. From the ancient Chinese books, Wen means the works, the characteristics, the laws and rites. Hua means enlightening people by education. From the aspect of politics, Wenhua is used to enlighten people governed by the emperors. In the west, culture is from the Latin word “culatura”, referring to agriculture and growing. Since the fifteenth century, it has become to mean fostering and developing the ability of human beings.

Culture includes the following: 1. The mental factor, also called the spirit culture, refers to philosophy, science, art, religion, moral and concept of value---- the core of the spirit culture, which is of the most significance. 2. Language and sign. They are the methods that culture accumulates and builds up. Human beings can only communicate through language and signs. Only communication and interaction can create culture. (王福祥,1997,63)

Numbers are invented to meet the needs of society by the help of symbols, signs and semiotics when human beings develop to a certain stage (苏金智,1991, 23). Numerology is a special field in linguistics. In the scientific Numerology world, the function of number is to compute as the real number, however, in another world-----the mind of human beings, its function is to express and to represent. Many numbers became imaginary numbers or fate numbers. They have abundant denotative meanings as well as connotative meanings (王秉钦,1998, 66).

Owning to the influence of the Eastern and Western tradition, religious belief, language worship, there are different apotheoses of the numbers between the East and the West. Besides, there are many things in common and similar laws, especially in the Worship of Number. The easterners have their Fate Numbers, so do the westerns. The developing process of mysterious number always has three stages----apotheoses----generation----imagination(王秉钦,1998, 35).

Semiotics, as the study of how people use and understand signs, is as old as the writings of Plato and Aristotle, but its present-day formulations depend on the unusual insights of Ferdinand de

Saussure and Charles Peirce. The linguistic sign is made of the union of a concept and a sound image. The meaning of any sign is found in the association created between the sound image and the concept. According to Saussure, language is a set of sign system (Saussure, 1966, 16). A more common way to define a linguistic sign is that a sign is the combination of a signifier and a signified. Saussure says the sound image is the signifier and the concept the signified (Saussure, 1966, 21). You can also think of a word as a signifier and the thing it represents as a signified (though technically these are called sign and referent, respectively).The sign, as union of a signifier and a signified, has two main characteristics. The bond between the signifier and signified is arbitrary (Fisk, 1982, 47).

Charles Peirce categorized three types of relation of the sign and the meaning: 1. Iconic: a sign that resembles its object. Iconic signs are based on the similarities between the literal meaning of a sign and reference. 2. Indexical: a sign that is factually linked to its object. Indexical signs are based upon association rather than upon similarity. 3. Symbolic. The shape, color, or function of a sign represents the object. The Cultural structure (the way in which a given society organizes the world which it perceives, analyzes and transforms) is semiotic structures and therefore systems of units each of which can stand for another. (Halliday, M.A.K, 1980, 52)

One of De Saussure’s general assumptions was that linguistic would be taken as a model semiotic system and that its basic concepts would be applied to other spheres of social and cultural life (it places undue restrictions on the concept of the sign and related ideas). (Halliday, M.A.K, 1980, 47)

Morris said the meaning of signs includes three aspects: designative meaning, connotative meaning and pragmatic meaning (Eugene A. Nida, 1993).

In society, we are surrounded by signs of various descriptions. They are the essence of human interaction. What we need is a set of coherent systems of classification, so that we can impose order on this seemingly disorderly situation. The sign in turn is a triadic relation:1. Initiates identification of the sign. 2. Object of the sign. 3. Interpret ant or the effect the sign. This paper is to study the meaning of the number SEVEN as a sign in the western and eastern culture from its designative meaning, connotative meaning and symbolic meaning.

2. Numerology Review

2.1 History of Numerology

The study of Numerology has been developing for many years. With the continuous, great and brilliant contributions made by various scholars, it has three major schools and branches, that is, the Kabbalah, the Chaldean and the Pythagorean.

Generally speaking, the three major schools have done different contributions to the Numerology. Although they have few conflicts about the concepts and points of view on numbers, they emphasize on different parts when interpreting. Therefore, the scholars intersect these different theories for reference on different occasions.

The Kabbalah, origined from the mysticism of Greece, believes that the knowledge does accompany with the soul and minds of the human beings, not the education systems that people have designed. It derives from Greek alphabet. Therefore, this school only has twenty-two vibrate numbers between one and four hundred.

The alphabet of the New Kabbalah is created according to Roman alphabet, not Greek. In addition to that, when discussing the Numerology, the New Kabbalah focuses on another part. They stress on the developing process of the whole thing, not limit to the characteristic of the human beings. The Numerology regular of the New Kabbalah is the same as that of the Pythagorean. For instance, the method of calculating year is from the New Kabbalah.

The Chaldean, whose arithmetic has its own system since Ancient Babylon while adding some concepts of Astrology, considers Number Nine as a pretty holy number because it is dependent from the other vibrate numbers, not corresponding with any other alphabets. This is a notable difference with the rest schools. The Chaldean always used the concept of complex number or plural number.

The Pythagorean School is established by Pythagorean. When he was studying mathematics and arithmetic, Pythagorean was extremely interested in supernatural and mysterious doctrine. He had

done some researches in an Egypt Alchemy School and put what he achieved into the skills and methods of teaching to his Greek students. His students not only wrote these theories by hand but also learnt them by heart. In addition, Pythagorean had discovered The Right Triangle, which was used to represent the individual as well as an interpretive text to the life of human beings

2.2The Meaning of Meaning

Meaning has always been a central topic in human scholarship, though the term “semantics” has only a history of a little over a hundred years. There were discussions of meaning in the works of the Greek philosopher Plato as early as in the fifth century before Christ. In China, Lao Zi had discussed similar questions even earlier. The fact that over the years numerous dictionaries have been produced with a view to explain the meaning of words also witnesses to its long tradition. The subject concerning the study of meaning is called semantics. More specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular (胡壮麟, 2001,158).

One difficulty in the study of meaning is that the word “meaning” itself has different meanings. In their book The Meaning of Meaning written in 1923, C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards presents a “representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favored”(p.186). G. Leech in a more moderate tone recognizes seven types of meaning in his Semantics (p.23), first published in 1974, as follows:

Leech says that the first type of meaning---- conceptual meaning----makes up the central part. It is “denotative” in that it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to. In this sense, conceptual meaning overlaps to a large extent with the notion of reference. But the term connotative used in the name of the second type of meaning is used in a sense different from that in philosophical discussions. Philosophers use connotation, opposite to denotation, to mean the properties of the entity a word denotes.

2.3 The Meaning of the Number SEVEN

2.3.1 the Denotative meaning of the number SEVEN

Semiotics takes the Number SEVEN as a text to analyze, the objective of which is to study the meaning system produced from the text, and the special signs, symbols, and the structure of the text. Analyzing denotative meaning of the number SEVEN is to discover the common and external meaning, the regular and the structure of the sigh of the number SEVEN. This study takes two kinds of methods: (1) Diachronic analysis: refers to the structure relation of syntagm, considering the text as a continuous link of the thing to analyze the narrating structure (Fisk, 1982, 62; Berger, 1987, 14). The meaning of the number SEVEN is one more than six, having seven of the thing specified. (2) Synchronic analysis: analyze the paradigm of the sign. From a group of related factors, choose the factor or units which needed. All the units in the same group must have the same characteristic, however each unit could distinguish from the rest in this group as well (Fisk. 1986, 61). Synchronic analysis of the text is to find the invisible opposite mode and the meaning produced (Berger, 1987, 145). This paper studies the synchronic analysis of the number SEVEN, aiming to compare the various opinions and views on it between the East and the West, their similarities and differences in the texts.



第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page)

第二部分:论文题目与摘要页(Title Page)


第四部分:论文目录页(Contents Page)








系 别 专 业 × × ×

年 级 2004级

学生姓名 × × ×

指导教师 × × ×结稿日期


2008年 5月10



On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of


The theories which proposed by Eugene and foreign translators for a long time, especially the theory of functional equivalen(原文来自:wWW.DxF5.com 东 星资源网:英文论文范文)ce. Functional equivalence refers to the equivalence on the functions but not on the forms and structures.

In our daily life, we live with different advertisements, some of which are translated works. These advertisements are aimed at giving the potential customers a lasting impression and persuading them to buy their product. Therefore, in order to express the ideas of the original works and realize the goal for sale, the translators should take account of the cultural elements and social elements in order to achieve functional equivalence.

This paper consists of three parts. The first part deals with the concept of functional equivalence and its aims and principles. The main aim of functional equivalence is to represent the information of the original work in the target language and achieve the equivalence of functions of languages. In order to make this concept clear, the author gives a brief introduction of different functions. Although different languages have different characteristics, their functions are nearly the same. That is to name the reality and to communicate with the people. The second part deals with the target, principles, requirements and cultural elements of advertisement translation. The third part, the most important part, points out the three main aspects of functional equivalence, semantic equivalence, social-cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence. At the meantime, the equivalence on different levels and how to achieve functional equivalence in advertisement translation are also systematically illustrated.




First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor X, both for his intellectual guidance and for his warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, he labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to him, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.

My cordial and sincere thanks go to all the teachers in Applied Foreign Language Department, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.

I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis.

Last but not the least; big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.