





2007 年 6 月 23 日大学英语六级Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.You hear the refrain all the time: the U. S. economy looks good statistically, butit doesn’ feel good. Why doesn’ ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? t tIt is a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of The Affluent (富裕的)Society by John Kenneth Galbraith, who died recently at 97.The Affluent Society is a modern classic because it helped define a new momentin the human condition. For most of history, ―hunger, sickness, and cold‖ threatenednearly everyone, Galbraith wrote. ―Poverty was found everywhere in that world.Obviously it is not of ours. ‖ After World War II, the dread of another GreatDepression gave way to an economic boom. In the 1930s unemployment hadaveraged 18. 2 percent; in the 1950s it was 4. 5 percent.To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent. Throughadvertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn’t really want orneed. Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unfulfilling. Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut downbecause people instinctively—and wrongly—labeled government only as ―a necessaryevil. ‖It’s often said that only the rich are getting ahead; everyone else is standing stillor falling behind. Well, there are many undeserving rich—overpaid chief executives,for instance. But over any meaningful period, most people’s incomes are increasing.From 1995 to 2004, inflation-adjusted average family income rose 14. 3 percent, to$43,200. people feel ―squeezed‖ because their rising incomes often don’t satisfy theirrising wants—for bigger homes, more health care, more education, faster Internetconnections.The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity. People regardjob stability as part of their standard of living. As corporate layoffs increased, that parthas eroded. More workers fear they’ve become ―the disposable American,‖ as LouisUchitelle puts it in his book by the same name.Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty, the arrival of widespread affluence suggested utopian (乌托邦式的) possibilities. Upto a point, affluence succeeds. There is much les physical misery than before. Peopleare better off. Unfortunately, affluence also creates new complaints andcontradictions.Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants oftheir citizens. But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economicconflicts that disturb the social order. Affluence liberates the inp>

深度阅读 SB_2 You ve now heard it so many times, you can probably repeat it in your sleep. President Obama will no doubt make the point publicly when he gets to Beijing: the Chinese


need to spend more; they need to consume more; they need — believe it or not — to become more like Americans, for the sake of the global economy. And it s all true. But the other side of that equation is that the U.S. needs to save more. For the moment, American households actually are doing so. After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets. In China, the household-savings rate exceeds 20%. It is partly for policy reasons. As we ve seen, wage earners are expected to care for not only their children but also their aging parents. And there is, to date, only the flimsiest(脆弱的) of publicly-funded health care and pension systems, which increases incentives for inp>

58. What should be done to encourage Chinese people to consume? Improving China’s social security system. 【解析】细节题。从原文中的―even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending‖可见,如要鼓励中国人消费更 多,这需要提高社会安全系统。

59. What does the author mean by saying ―savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest‖ (Line 4, Para. 4)? A healthy savings rate promotes economic prosperity.【解析】细节题。根据题干提示,定位至第四段最后一句,我们发现这句话是前面几句 话的概括, 那根据前面―High savings lead, over time, to increased investment, which in turn generates productivity gains, innovation and job growth.‖可知,高储蓄率能够促进投资, 进而促进生产率、创新和岗位增长,即促进经济的繁荣。所以正确答案为 D。

60. In what circumstances do currency traders become scared? When Beijing mentions in public the huge debts America owes China. 【解析】细节题。从原文中的―Every time any official in Beijing deliberately publicly about seeking an alternative to the U.S. dollar for the $2.1 trillion China holds in reserve, currency traders have a heart attack.‖可知,每当中国政府公开提到美国欠我国的大量债 务,货币交易员们就担惊受怕。因为本段一开始提到作为最大的债权国,财政上的漏洞会造 成经济的混乱。所以正确答案为 D。

61. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage? To urge the American government to cut defictis.【解析】主旨题。纵观全文,作者一直在强调美国应该向中国学习勤俭,文中第五段的 第一句话―By running constant deficits, it is dis-saving, even as households save more.‖也 给到我们提示,既然长期运行赤字是不利于储蓄的,那美国政府应该做的是降低赤字。所以 正确答案是 A。2012 年 6 月英语六级试题For most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern,innovating West. Now the question must be reversed. What can the West’s overlyindebted and sluggish(经济滞涨的) nations learn from a flourishing Asia?Just a few decades ago, Asia’s two giants were stagnating(停滞不前) under faultyeconomic ideologies. However, once China began embracing free-market reforms inthe 1980s, followed by India in the 1990s, both countries achieved rapid growth.Crucially, as they opened up their markets, they balanced market economy withsensible government direction. As the Indian economist Amartya Sen has wisely said,―The invisible hand of the market has often relied heavily on the visible hand ofgovernment.‖Contrast this middle path with America and Europe, which have each goneideologically over-board in their own ways. Since the 1980s, America has beenincreasingly clinging to the ideology of uncontrolled free markets and dismissing the role of government---following Ronald Regan’s idea that ―government is not thesolution to our problem; government is the problem. ―of course, when the marketscame crashing down in 2007, it was decisive government intervention that saved theday. Despite this fact, many Americans are still strongly opposed to ―biggovernment.‖If Americans could only free themselves from their antigovernment doctrine, theywould begin to see that the U.S.’s problems are not insoluble. A few sensible federalmeasures could put the country back on the right path. A simple consumption tax of,say, 5 percent would make a significant dent in the country’s huge government deficitwithout damaging productivity. A small gasoline tax would help wean America fromits dependence on oil imports and create incentives for green energy development. Inthe same way, a significant reduction of wasteful agricultural subsidies and otherearmarks could also lower the deficit. But in order to capitalize on thesecommon-sense solutions, Americans will have to put aside their own attachment tothe rhetoric of smaller government and less regulation. American politicians will have to develop the courage to follow what is taught in all American public-policy schools:that there are good taxes and bad taxes. Asian countries have embraced this wisdom,and have built sound long-term fiscal policies as a result.Meanwhile, Europe has fallen prey to a different ideological trap: the belief thatEuropean governments would always have infinite resources and could continueborrowing as if there were no tomorrow. Unlike the Americans, who felt that themarkets knew best, the Europeans failed to anticipate how the markets would react totheir incessant borrowing. Today, the EU is in firefighting mode to stave off sovereigncollapse. In concert with the IMF, it has created a $580 billion fund to bail outEurope’s troubled economies. This will buy the EU time, but it will not solve thebloc’s larger problem. 分享到: 分享到: 使用一键分享,轻松赚取财富值, 嵌入播放器:普通尺寸(450*500pix)较大尺寸(630*500pix)







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