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作者的经验如要投诉,请到,如要提出意见、建议, 请到反馈。热门杂志第1期作文书写技巧790次分享第12期祝你好“孕”402次分享第1期当我们有了孩子303次分享第1期新学期 新气象129次分享第1期孕妇饮食指导479次分享 2017Baidu   ◆请扫描分享到朋友圈


推荐信是文书里 具有 一定格式和内容要求的 也是 格式可以相互套用 借鉴的一种文书 ~~开头前两段 推荐人自我介绍 说明和学生关系认识程度 等!中间 是推荐正文 体现学生的学术 活动 性格etc 最后 总结一下这个学生 结尾~~~

这是我从名校 全奖得主(中国的) 研究生 本科 PHd 各种文书里摘录出来 其实 看那么多文书后 觉的大体的语言形式 格式 什么的换汤不换药的感觉  拿出来给大家当做参考 DIY的同学 大可拿去改编融合成自己的

里面的名字 地名 申请类型 换成自己的就可以~~我以自己的 名字 和学校带进去 做个例子~~~ 

l  开头


l  I"m very glad to learn that Mr. Yang Zeyuan is applying for your undergraduate/Ph.D/^ program. Having been his M teacher and advisor for almost XX years, I am well aware of Mr.Yang"s academic performances and personal traits. I hope my non-reserve recommendation would be helpful to his admission.

l  I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Yang Zeyuan, an outstanding student in XX and XX, for admission to your PH.D/ undergraduate; I have been his Chinese teacher in XXX courses for 5 semesters. So I have the opportunity to contact with him closely and assess him justly. I personally believe Yang ranks among the top 10% in terms of intelligence and personal characters compared with other students in my class.

l  As his XX, I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mrs Yang Zeyuan, the very top student


among XX students of his class, and an excellent young re
