

="txt">一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%)( )

1. A. point B. bikeC. pine ( )

2. A. tallB. toy C. dive ( )

3. A. day B. cat C. date ( )

4. A. coke B. dog C. not ( )

5. A. than B. this C. thank

二、选出不同类的单词(5%)( )

1. A. oldB. youngC. age ( )

2. A. shorterB. taller C. old ( )

3. A. centimeterB. kilogram C. kilometer ( )

4. A. brotherB. sister C. teacher ( )

5. A. little B. brownC. yellow


My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I _______ a new friend. ______ name is Chen Jie. She is 13 years old. She is one year ______ than me. How _____ is Chen Jie? I am 1 kg heavier ______ her. How ______ is she? And Chen Jie is 160 cm ______. She is ______ than me. Chen Jie ______ long hair. But my hair is _______ than hers.


1. Tom is ________(tall) than Amy. But he is ________(young) than her.

2. Who is ________(strong), Zhang Peng or Mike?

3. The desk is 150 cm ________(long).

4. Wu Yifan runs ________(fast) than Zhang Peng.


( )1. Who is younger than you? ( )

2. How heavy are you? ( )

3 Which book do you like? ( )

4. How tall are you? ( )

5. How old are you? A.I’m thirteen years old. B.I’m 35 kg. C.I like the big one. D. John. E.I’m 141 cm tall.

六、根据所给的标点符号连词成句, 注意大小写(10%)

1. are, tall, you, how

2. tall, cm, am, 145, I

3. me, you, shorter, than, stronger, are, and

4. Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40

5. you, is, than, who, taller

七、仔细阅读下列表格,根据表格中的内容补全句子(10%) Name


Height (cm)

Zhang Peng






Mr Lee



1. Line up from taller to shorter. ______________ ______________ ______________

2. Line up from younger to older ______________ ______________ ______________

3. Zhang Peng is 171cm. He is _____________ than Mr Lee.

4. John is _________ cm shorter than Zhang Peng.

5. John is fourteen. He is __________ than Zhang Peng, but he is __________ than Mr Lee.


(1) My name’s Wu Yifan. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 2, Grade 6. I have many good friends. John is my best friend. He is 1 year younger than me, but he is 2 years older than Amy. He’s 141cm tall. He’s 5cm shorter than me. He’s 10cm taller than Amy. We like playing computer games. And we often play computer games and watch TV on the weekends. But this weekend we are going to have a picnic in the park. 根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F(5%)

1. Wu Yifan is in Class Six, Grade Two. ( )

2. Amy is 10 years old. ( )

3. Wu Yifan is 131 cm tall. ( )

4. They like having a picnic. ( )

5. They’re going to have a picnic this weekend. ( )

(2) Dad: Which monkey do you like, Ben?

Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, it’s taller than the brown one.

Dad: Which monkey is stronger?

Ben: The brown monkey is stronger. But the yellow monkey is taller.

Dad: I like the little monkey. It’s younger and funnier.


y kissed her aunt good-bye but her aunt didn’t kiss her back. Why?


二、单项选择 1. There is______ cooking oil left in the bottle. Would you go to the supermarket and get ______

A. a little, some B. a little, some C. little, any D. little, some

2. Listening is just as _______ as speaking in language learning

B. ImportantB. More important C. Most important D. The most important

3. Linda is one of _______ in her class.

C. The cleverest girls B. The cleverer girls C. Clever girls D. Cleverest girl


language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other A man’s mind is rather __much work to be done before we can take a picture forever in our mind.

4. A. learns B. speaksC. talks D. says

5. A. says B. hears C. sees D. thinks

6. A. in big cities B. in their schools

C. in their hometown D. in foreign countries

7. A. quickly B. easily C. happilyD. hardly

8. A. a secondB. the secondC. our own languageD. the English

9. A. homework B. subjects C. houseworkD. friends

10. A. sameB. as C. likeD. similar

11. A. Where B. How C. Why D. When

12. A. showB. giveC. send D. lend

13. A. idea B. wayC. time D. opinion

作业完成时间: 家长评价并签名:__________________


Why are the letter G and letter S in “gloves” close to each other?


1.I have something interesting to tell you. (考点:不定代词)

2.Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers in the world. (考点:形容词最高级)


You can probably all ride a bike well. I’m an exception (例外).

I started riding a bike when I was three. It was a tiny toy bike with four wheels. I loved it very much and rode it every day.

When I was 5, my cousin gave me a pink bike. It was a true bicycle with just two wheels! At the time, my parents were too busy to teach me how to ride it. So I had to learn to ride by myself. I practiced hard on weekends and during vacations, although I still didn’t know how to make turns. One summer vacation, I borrowed an old bike and rode it with my friends on a country road. We sang and practiced our riding skills. Suddenly, a small boy ran into the road. I was shocked and couldn’t control the bike at all. My bike ran into the boy and he fell. He didn’t get very seriously hurt, but his grandma was too angry to accept my apology. My cousin appeared five minutes later and saved me from the mess. But the experience frightened me: I no longer dared to ride a bike.

Then, last year, free bikes were offered to children. My mother tried to teach me how to ride. But the traffic made me so nervous that I had to ride really slowly. But I’m not going to give up. One day, believe me; you’d see me riding a bike in a big street.

14. What kind of bike did the writer have when he was five?

A. An electric bicycle. B. A bicycle with two wheels.

C. (转自:wWw.DXf5.Com 东星 资源网:寒假作业,初二英语28页阅读严厉)A bicycle with three wheels. D. A bicycle with four wheels.

15. Who taught the writer to ride a bike when he was five?

A. His father B. His mother C. His brotherD. No one.

16. Who did the writer hit on the road?

A. A small girl.B. A small boy. C. An old man. D. An old woman.

17. Why did the writer say “I no longer dared to ride a bike”?

A. Because his parents didn’t allow him to ride a bike.

B. Because he didn’t have bikes any longer.

C. Because he hit a small boy and was very frightened.

D. Because he was afraid of that small boy’s grandma.

18. What is the best title of the passage?

A. My experience of riding bikes. B. The bike I love best.

C. How to ride a bike. D. An accident.

作业完成时间: 家长评价并签名:__________________


Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?



1.I used to play tennis when I was at the age of ten. (考点:过去常做某事)

2.Our teacher told us to write a two-thousand-word story. (考点:数词)

3.The more you smile, the happier you will feel. (考点:比较级)


During the Tang Dynasty more than 1,000 years ago, people had to send gifts to the emperor(皇帝). Once, a man called Mian ____19____ to take some swans(鹅) in cages to the emperor. __20______ he was passing a lake, he found that the swans were hot and dirty. He wanted to let the swans loose so they ____21____ have a bath in the lake. ____22___ the swans flew away as soon as they were let out. Only a few feathers(羽毛) were left. ___23___ frightened the man was when he saw that. Suddenly, he got ___24____ idea. He picked up a feather from the ground and left for the capital.

The emperor was accepting valuable gifts from officials. Everyone was surprised when Mian ____25___ his feather. Mian then began to sing, “I’ve come a thousand li ___26____ you the gift. But I lost my swans at a lake. My gift is not___27___, but my love and respect for you are true.” The emperor was pleased at Mian’s wit(智慧). Instead ___28__ punishing him, he gave him a big reward. People then drew the idiom(典故) “a swan feather sent from a thousand li away.”

19. A. was asked B. asksC. were asked D. was asking

20. A. Before B. After C. UntilD. When

21. A. should B. may C. need D. could

22. A. AndB. So C. But D. Though

23. A. What B. How C. What a D. How an

24. A. /B. an C. a D. the

25. A. presentB. was presentedC. has presentedD. presented

26. A. sendingB. sentC. to send D. send

27. A. heavierB. heaviestC. heavily D. heavy

28. A. ofB. inC. with D. to.

作业完成时间: 家长评价并签名:__________________


What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day?


1.If he is here, he will be able to do it better than me.(考点:主将从现)

2. Please do our homework as carefully as your sister. (考点:as+ adj/adv+ as)


It is the fifth day. Robinson Crusoe is all alone on a small island. He feels hopeless. He is tired and hungry. Now he can catch fish for food but he doesn’t have a fishing rod ling enough. He sleeps in a cave but he also has some unfriendly visitors at night. Every day he stands on a rock by the sea. He can not see a boat or a sail. He can only feel the wind from the sea and the waves under his feet. How he misses his beautiful hometown! How he wishes to be away from this place! But he can not, just wait to die! Robinson Crusoe tells himself, “I have to do something!” the next day he starts a long walk around the small island…..

29. How long do you think Robinson will stay on the small island?

A. Five days B. More than 5 days.

C. More than a monthD. Less than half a month

30. What do you think “some unfriendly visitors” most likely means?

A. some of the pirates (海盗 ) B. Some of his enemies ( 敌人 )

C. Some of the natives ( 当地人) D. Some of the sea animals.

31. Why does he feel hopeless?Because _________________

A. he can’t see any boats or anyone come to save (救) him

B. he feels tired

C. he feels hungry

D. he can’t catch fish for food


1. 汤姆在暑假期间去了农村的祖父母家.

Tom visited his grandparents _____ _____ ______ during his summer vacation.

2. 在大学里, 他学会了做很多事情。

He _______ _______ ______ lots of things in the university.

作业完成时间: 家长评价并签名:_________________


What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T?


Harry Peter,18 Lake Street.

Harry stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at nine o’clock. Harry took him to the kitchen(厨房). He was sure that another man was coming. At ten o’clock, the second man arrived. He had a bag under his arm.

“Mr. Peter?” The man asked.

“That’s right,” Harry said, “Can I help you?”

“I have some books. You buy books, don’t you?”

“Yes. Bring them in. I’ll have a look at them.”

Soon the books were on the table. “Come in now,” Harry called out, “And bring the list(目录).

A policeman came in. He read the titles(书名) on the books, and then those on the list on his

hands. They were the same. “Come with me, sir,” the policeman said to the man.

32. Harry Peter is a _________ .

A. studentB. teacher C. thief D. policeman

33. One day, Harry bought __________ .

A. some books B. some pens C. some fruitsD. both A and C

34. The man got the books from _________ .

A. Harry B. Harry’s car C. a book storeD. a library in a quiet street

35. Who was the first visitor?

A. A thiefB. A newspaper reporter.

C. A policeman D. A seller from the bookshop.

36. How did the thief know where Harry lived?

A. He got Harry’s address from the newspaper.

B. He got Hatty’s address from the books.

C. The policeman told him.

D. He got a letter from Harry.


37. The air pollution in some areas is getting _______ than before

A. More worseB. Much worseC. More bad D. Much bad

作业完成时间: 家长评价并签名:_________________