

In today's lecture I'm going to continue the theme of animal communication, and I'm going to describe some of the latest research into the largest of all land animals. And that is the elephant, of course.

Let me begin by briefly outlining the structure of elephant society. Elephants live in layered societies. The basic family unit is formed of small groups of adult females, who are related to each other, and their young of both sexes. Now the females remain in their families for life, they're highly social, but male elephants leave their families at about fourteen years of age. They travel alone or congregate in small, loose groups with other males, occasionally joining a family on a temporary basis. When males are ready to mate they wander widely, searching for receptive females.

The family unit, on the other hand, often contains three generations, and it can remain stable for decades, or even centuries. Then … each family associates with between one and five other families, probably consisting of their more distant relatives. Scientists call these groups of families 'bond groups', and bond groups belong, in turn, to even larger groups, called clans.

So elephants have a complex social structure. And like other social animals they have to be able to communicate. But what baffled early naturalists was their ability to communicate over long distances. So they set about researching this question.

In one experiment, scientists fitted groups of elephants with radio-tracking collars. And what they observed about their behaviour really intrigued them. Because they found that there was some sort of co-ordination between families. For example, two separate family groups might move in parallel to each other, miles apart, and then change direction simultaneously, either turning or moving towards each other. Now elephants have a keen sense of smell which they use whenever they can. But smell alone couldn't account for these synchronized movements, because the wind often carries odours in the wrong direction. So, the scientists concluded that the elephants were using their hearing instead, and attention then turned to the nature of elephant calls.

In another experiment, scientists from Cornell University in America went to Etosha National Park in Namibia, and they produced a recording of calls made by a female elephant to potential mates. Then they broadcast it. And they did this from a van which was parked more than half a mile from a water hole where several bull elephants were drinking. And two of these looked up, spread their ears wide, and then crunched through the bush towards the loudspeakers. As you can imagine, the scientists may have been alarmed at this point, but the elephants marched straight on, past them and their van, in search of a female elephant. But the striking aspect of this experiment was that, when they replayed their recording, neither the two scientists nor the rest of their team, who were filming from a nearby tower, could hear it. And that's because the sounds that they had replayed were below the lower threshold of human hearing. In scientific terminology, the sounds are infrasonic.

Elephants can make these extremely low-pitched sounds because although they have a larynx, or voice box, that is similar to those of all other mammals, it's much larger. But wha


t do the sounds

'mean'? Scientists from Pittsburgh Zoo in the USA have classified certain infrasonic calls, based on when these occur and how other elephants react to them. They found, for example, that when individual family members re-unite after separation, they greet each other very enthusiastically, and the excitement increases with the length of time that they've been separated. They trumpet and scream and touch each other. They also use a greeting rumble. This starts at a low 18 Hertz – Hertz is a measurement of sound pitch – crests at 25 Hertz, which is a level just high enough to be audible to humans, and then falls back to 18 Hertz again. In another example, an elephant attempting to locate its family uses the contact call. This call has a relatively quiet, low tone, with a strong overtone which is clearly audible to humans. Immediately after contact calling, the elephant will lift and spread its ears, and rotate its head, as if listening for the response. The contact answer is louder and more abrupt than the greeting call, and it trails off at the end. Contact calls and answers can last for hours, until the elephant successfully rejoins her family. A third type of call seems to represent a summons to move on. At the end of a meal, one member of a family moves to the edge of the group, typically lifts one leg and flaps her ears. At the same time she emits a 'let's go' rumble, which arouses the family, and they start to move on. Finally, mating activity is associated with yet another group of calls.

So, our understanding of elephant communication has increased considerably in recent years. However, even with the use of radio tracking collars it's technically difficult to document the functions of long-range communication. So although scientists are aware that elephants may know the whereabouts, and possibly the activities of other elephants that are several miles away, there may be a lot of subtle, long-range interactions which are still not evident.




听力 Section1

W: Good evening.King's restaurant.

M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes.

M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may.

W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?

M: It's Peter Chin.

W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.

M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend.

W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know?

M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up?

W: It's answering the phone.

M: Oh, right, fine.

W: And not waiting at table.

M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be?

W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend.

M: So two nights?

W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week.

M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies.

W: Are you in the university?

M: Yes, first year Physics student.

W: Oh, right

M: Because I'm not an EU national, would I need a work permit?

W: Yes, you would. Just get you tutor to sign it.

M: That wouldn't be a problem if I were to get the job. Um, where exactly is the restaurant?

W: Well, we have two branches- the one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne road. M: Em, I don't know that. How do you spell it, please?

W: It's H-I-double L-S-D-U- double N-E Road.

M: Got that, thanks. Is it near a bus stop?

W: Yes, the nearest one would probably be just beside the library.

M: Oh, yes, I know it. That'll be fine for me. And could I ask about the pay? W: We're offering 4.45 pounds an hour.

M: That's very good. My last job was 3.95 an hour.

W: We feel it's pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits(附加福利).

M: Really?

W: Well, we give you a free dinner, so you eat well.

M: Right. Better than hostel food.

W: We certainly hope so. And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.

M: Oh, that's a really good perk(额外收入), isn't it?

W: Yes, we think so. And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you're working after 11 o'clock, we drive you home.

M: Oh, that's good to know.

W: We'd certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if you're still interested?

M: Oh, yes, certainly. Could I just also ask what qualities you're looing for?

W: Well, for this particular job, we want a clear voice, which you obviously do have

M: Thanks.

W: And you must be able to think quickly, you know.

M: Well, I hope I'd...

W: So, when could you come in for an interview? We're actually quite quiet tonight?

M: Sorry, I couldn't come tonight or tomorrow, I'm afraid. Thursday is ok, that'd be 22nd of October.

W: Fine, after 5 pm?

M: Yes, fine. Would 6 o'clock be ok?

W: Perfect. And could you bring along the names of two referees?

M: Yes, that's fine. No problem.

W: Good, I look forward to seeing you.

M: Oh, by the way, who should I ask for?

W: Oh, yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Manuja.

M: Can you spell that please?

W: M-a-n-u-j-a

M: Ok, I've got that. Thank you very much.

W: Look forward to seeing later ...

听力 Section2

M: Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about what's happening in town this weekend.

W: Right, thanks, Andrew, and now on to what's new, and do we really need yet another sports shopping Bradcaster? Well, most of you probably know Sports World- the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago-it's attracted a lot of custom, and so the company has now decided to open another branch in the area. It's going to be in the shopping center to the west of Bradcaster, so that will be good news for all of you who found the original shop in

the North of the town hard to get to.

I was invited to a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing. The whole place has been given a new minimalist(极简主义者) look with the company's signature colors of black and red.

The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as the equipment. And on the top floor, there is a cafe and a book & DVD section. You'll find all the well-known names as well as some less well-known ones.

If they haven't got exactly what you want in the stock, they promised to get it for you in 10 days, unlike the other store, where it can take up to 14 days. They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis, and swimming, but they particularly focus on running and they claim to have the widest range of equipment in the country. As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to sports bags, including the latest design from the States- If you can't find what you want here, it doesn't exist.

The shop would be open from 9 am this Saturday, and if you go along to the opening then you'll have the chance to meet the national 400 meters running champion Paul King, who's coming along to open the shop, and he will be stay around until about the midday to chat to any fans who want to meet him and sign autographs.

Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend. There will be free tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all, just answer 15 out of 20 sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul King's DVD 'Spring Tips', while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a year's free membership of the Bradcaster Gym. All entrance will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year.

One of the special opening offers is a fitness test- a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone, actually done in the shop by qualified staff. This would normally cost 30 pounds but is available at half price for this month only. There are only a limited number of places available for this, so to make a booking phone 560341.

In addition, if you open an account you get lots more special offers including the chance to try out the equipment at the special opening evenings...

听力 Section3

Pro: Before we start, Spiros and Hiroko, thanks for coming in today to talk about

your recent study experiences and congratulations to you both in doing so well in the first semester exams. I'd like to discuss with you the value of the English for Academic Purposes course you did here last year before starting your university course. Spiros, if I could start with you, what parts of the programme have now proved to be particularly valuable to you?

S: I think that having to do a seminar presentation really helped me. For example, a

couple of weeks ago in our marketing subject, when it was my turn to give presentation, I felt quite confident. Of course, I was still nervous but because I had done one before, I knew what to expect. Also, I know I was well prepared and I had practised my timing. In fact, I think that in relation to some of the other people in my group, I did quite a good job because my overall style was quite professional.

Pro: What about you Hiroko?

H: Mmm, that's interesting. In my group, I was really surprised by the way students

did their presentations - they just read the notes aloud. Can you believe that? They didn't worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact with their audience - and I remember that these things were really stressed to us in the course here.

Pro: So, how did you approach your presentation Hiroko?

H: Well, to speak frankly, I read my notes too. At the time, it was a relief to do it

this way, but actually when I had finished I didn't fell any real sense of satisfaction. I didn't feel positive about the experience at all.

S: That's a pity. You know although I was pleased with my presentation, I'm not so

pleased with my actual performance right now in the tutorials - during the whole semester I've not said anything in our tutorial discussions. Not a word. H: Really, Spiros, why is that? Do the other students talk too much?

S: It's partly that, but it's mostly because I have had no confidence to speak out.

Their style of speaking is so differen - it's not the style we were used to during the course. There are so many colloquialism(白话,口语,俗话,方言), they not very polite and sometimes they seems to be no order in their discussion. Also they are very familiar with each other, so because they know each other's habits, they can let each other into the discussion.

H: You're right, Spiros. I've experienced that too.

H: For most of this semester, I've said absolutely nothing in two tutorials. But

recently I've been trying to speak up more and I just jump in. And I've noticed an interesting thing. I've noticed that if they thought my point was interesting and new, then the next time they actually asked for my opinion, and then it was much easier for me to be part of the discussion.

S: That's great, Hiroko. I hope that happens for me next semester-I'll have to work

hard to find some interesting points. What help you to find these ideas?

H: I think that one thing that helped me with this was the reading. I've had to do so

much reading this semester just to help me to make sense of the lectures. At first I couldn’t understand what the lecturers were talking about, so I had to turn to the books and journals. Every night I read for hours, using the lists of references that were given, and I made pages of notes. At breakfast, I read and read my notes again. This habit has helped me to follow the ideas in the lectures, and it's also given me some ideas to use in the tutorials.

S: But I did so much readings anyway- I don't think there's any time left over for

anything extra. My reading speed is still quite slow, though I'm much better at dealing with vocabulary than I used to be.

Pro: What else do you think we could add to the course program to help with this

reading problem?

S: Er, there's not really anything because it's my problem. I remember we were

given long articles to read. We didn't like that but now I realise that reading those long articles was good preparation for the things I need to read now. Also, in class we regularly had speed-reading tasks to do, and we kept a record of our reading speed, so the teachers were encouraging us to work on that.

H: That's true, Spiros, but what we read could have been different. Sometime in the

English class I felt frustrated when I had to read articles about the environment or health or education, because I wanted to concentrate on my own field, but we didn't read anything about engineering. So, I think I wasted some time learning vocabulary I didn't need.

Pro: But surely this strategies you were taught for dealing with that vocabulary were


H: Yes, but psychologically speaking, I would have felt much better working on

reading from my own field. What do you think Spiros?

S: Well, I agree. That would have helped my confidence too, and I would have been

more motivated. And it was good though that we could work on our own topics when we wrote the research assignments.

Pro: Ok, that's move on to writing now...


Good afternoon everyone. Well, with some of you will go out on fieldwork it's timely that in this afternoon's session I'll be sharing some ideas about the reasons why groups of whales and dolphins sometimes swim ashore from the sea right onto the beach and, most often, die in what were known as "mass stranding".

Unfortunately, this type of event is a frequent occurrence in some of the


Text 1


W: Good evening. King's restaurant.


M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant?


W: Oh, yes.


M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may.


W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?


M: It's Peter Chin.


W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.


M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend.

M:很好,谢谢。我恐怕错过了广告的工作,但是我从一个朋友那里听说的。 W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know?


M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up?


W: It's answering the phone.


M: Oh, right, fine.


W: And not waiting at table.


M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be?


W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend.


M: So two nights?


W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week.


M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies.


W: Are you in the university?


M: Yes, first year Physics student.


W: Oh, right


M: Because I'm not an EU national, would I need a work permit?


W: Yes, you would. Just get you tutor to sign it.


M: That wouldn't be a problem if I were to get the job. Um, where exactly is the restaurant?


W: Well, we have two branches- the one we're recruiting for is in Hillsdunne road.


M: Em, I don't know that. How do you spell it, please?


W: It's H-I-double L-S-D-U- double N-E Road.

W:这是H-I-double L-S-D-U——双n e路。

M: Got that, thanks. Is it near a bus stop?


W: Yes, the nearest one would probably be just beside the library.


M: Oh, yes, I know it. That'll be fine for me. And could I ask about the pay? M:哦,是的,我知道。这对我来说会好起来的。我能问一下工资吗?

W: We're offering 4.45 pounds an hour.


M: That's very good. My last job was 3.95 an hour.


W: We feel it's pretty good and we also offer some good fringe benefits(附加福利).


M: Really?


W: Well, we give you a free dinner, so you eat well.


M: Right. Better than hostel food.


W: We certainly hope so. And we also offer extra pay for working on national holidays.


M: Oh, that's a really good perk(额外收入), isn't it?


W: Yes, we think so. And then because of the difficulties of getting public transport, if you're working after 11 o'clock, we drive you home.


M: Oh, that's good to know.


W: We'd certainly be interested in inviting you for an interview, if you're still interested?


M: Oh, yes, certainly. Could I just also ask what qualities you're looing for? M:噢,是的,当然。我也可以问你瞧什么素质?

W: Well, for this particular job, we want a clear voice, which you obviously do have


M: Thanks.


W: And you must be able to think quickly, you know.


M: Well, I hope I'd...


W: So, when could you come in for an interview. We're actually quite quiet tonight?


M: Sorry, I couldn't come tonight or tomorrow, I'm afraid. Thursday is ok, that'd be 22nd of October.

M:对不起,我今晚不能来还是明天,我害怕。星期四是好的,10月22日。 W: Fine, after 5 pm?


M: Yes, fine. Would 6 o'clock be ok?


W: Perfect. And could you bring along the names of two referees?


M: Yes, that's fine. No problem.


W: Good, I look forward to seeing you.


M: Oh, by the way, who should I ask for?


W: Oh, yes, of course, sorry. My name is Samira Manuja


M: Can you spell that please?


W: M-a-n-u-j-a


M: Ok, I've got that. Thank you very much.


W: Look forward to seeing later ...



M: Now we go to Jane who is going to tell us about what's happening in town this weekend.


W: Right, thanks, Andrew, and now on to what's new, and do we really need yet another sports shopping Bradcaster? Well, most of you probably know Sports World- the branch of a Danish sports goods company that opened a few years ago-it's attracted a lot of custom, and so the company has now decided to open another branch in the area. It's going to be in the shopping center to the west of Bradcaster, so that will be good news for all of you who found the original shop in the North of the town hard to get to.


I was invited to a special preview and I can promise you, this is the ultimate in sports retailing. The whole place has been given a new minimalist(极简主义者) look with the company's signature colors of black and red.


The first three floors have a huge range of sports clothing as well as the equipment. And on the top floor, there is a cafe and a book & DVD section. You'll find all the well-known names as well as some less well-known ones.

第一个三层有一个巨大的范围的运动服装和设备。在顶层,有一个咖啡厅和一本书& DVD部分。你会发现所有著名的名称以及一些不知名的。

If they haven't got exactly what you want in the stock, they promised to get it for you in 10 days, unlike the other store, where it can take up to 14 days. They cover all the major sports, including football, tennis, and swimming, but they particularly focus on running and they claim to have the widest range of equipment in the country. As well as that, a whole section of the third floor is devoted to sports bags, including the latest design from the States- If you can't find what you want here, it doesn't exist.



The shop would be open from 9 am this Saturday, and if you go along to the opening then you'll have the chance to meet the national 400 meters running champion Paul King, who's coming along to open the shop, and he will be stay around until about the midday to chat to any fans who want to meet him and sign autographs.


Then there will be a whole range of special attractions all weekend. There will be free tickets for local sporting events for the first 50 customers, and also a special competition open to all, just answer 15 out of 20 sports questions correctly to win a signed copy of Paul King's DVD 'Spring Tips', while the first person to get all the questions correct gets a year's free membership of the Bradcaster Gym. All entrance will receive a special Sports calendar with details of all Bradcaster fixtures in the coming year.


One of the special opening offers is a fitness test- a complete review of your cardiac fitness and muscle tone, actually done in the shop by qualified staff. This would normally cost 30 pounds but is available at half price for this month only. There are only a limited number of places available for this, so to make a booking phone 560341.


In addition, if you open an account you get lots more special offers including the chance to try out the equipment at the special opening evenings...



Pro: Before we start, Spiros and Hiroko, thanks for coming in today to talk about

your recent study experiences and congratulations to you both in doing so well in the first semester exams. I'd like to discuss with you the value of the English for Academic Purposes course you did here last year before starting your university course. Spiros, if I could start with you, what parts of the programme have now proved to be particularly valuable to you?