

青岛环球雅思 房亚非老师口语点题材料

2015.01-04 Part 1雅思口语点题

Name:(meaning/ who give name/ tradition of naming babies)

Work or study/school :( what work/ study/subject/like or not/ why)

Future plan: (plans for near future/ how to achieve/ countryside vs. big city overseas/spend years overseas?) Home/ House & Apartment :( house or flat/live now vs. live in the past/ favorite room/ what do)

Hometown: (what/big or small/describe/what like most/dislike)

Teacher: (favorite teacher/ why like/ what the teacher do to help u/would like become a teacher)

Friend: (have many close friend?/ what qualities make them good friend?/ spend time with friend or families?/ what do with friends/time prefer to be alone?)

Visitors: (like visitors coming? /how often have visitors/how to show your hospitality/manners of visitors/ bring gifts when you visit others?)

Relax: (what do/out vs. home/ modern life enough time to relax?/more time than in the past/ young vs. old/) Hobbies:(got a hobby?what?/expensive hobby in your country?/teenagers like to do?/what hobbies are expensive/new hobbies would like to take up?)

Music: (type/when/where/musical instrument)

Reading: (like ?/ what kind of books/read much as a kid?/ kind of book as a child?/benefits for children)

Travelling: (like?/ which season prefer to travel/ is your country a good place to visit/ benefits of travelling) Camping: (like?/ did u ever go camping/ why people like camping)

Collecting: (like?/ time spend on collection?/ why people keep old things/what Chinese like to collect?)

Handwriting: (often write things?/what do u usually write?/ do u often send e-mails to others/write by hand vs. write with a computer/ computer might replace handwriting?/handwriting is important nowadays?/what impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?)

Letters & Mails: (write many letters or e-mails?/ who write to/how often /differences between these two/what most difficult to write/ phone calls vs.mails?)

Housework: (like?/ how housework could be more interesting?/ did parents ask u to do housework when u were a child/ should children do housework/ which could do housework better, machine or a person/ machines will replace human do housework in the future?)

青岛环球雅思 房亚非老师口语点题材料 Weekends: (how spend weekends/men vs. women same things?/ last weekend/other people’s weekend?/like working on weekends?/employees should work on weekends?/ more important than when you were a kid?) Public Holiday: (what public holiday in ur country/ favorite public holiday/what u did last one? /what other people do/ public holidays important?/ enough?)

Sleeping: (how many hours sleep every day/necessary take a nap every day?/old people sleep a lot?why?/how to have a good sleep/like get up early in the morning?)

Time management:(good at organizing time?/how organize/planning is important for time

management?/children should learn to manage time?/why someone hard to follow plans?/old vs. young manage time in a similar way?)

Shoes: (like buying shoes?/ how often buy shoes/ what kind of shoes do u like to buy?/comfortable vs.

fashionable/ buy shoes online?)

Clothes: (what usually wear?/ wear same clothes at school or home?/change clothes at home?/special clothes as a child?)

Shopping:(like?/spend much when shopping?/what usually buy/like working in a shopping centre?)

Shops & Markets: (any shops near your home?/important to have shops near home?/how often go

there/difference between shopping in a market and a store?)

Ads: (why so many ads/how feel/influence choice to buy/ads play important role?/what ads leave deepest impression/why companies advertise themselves)

TV: (favorite TV program?/what prog


ram watch as a kid/the TV program has changed in the past few

decades?/has TV changed your/people’s like in any way?)

Color: (favorite color/ dislike/ when buy things color important to you?/ important when you buy clothes?/wear bright colored or dark colored clothes? /color special meaning in ur country / what color like for room/different type of people like different color?/what color to paint your wall/room?)

Natural places: (like visiting natural places/ well-known natural attractions in ur country/ how city kids contact with nature/ memories of nature from ur childhood/ benefits of learning about nature/ what people get from going to natural places)

青岛环球雅思 房亚非老师口语点题材料 Museums: (many museum in your hometown?/useful for visitors to your hometown?/ often visit?/went as a child?/ last time visited?/ important? Or benefit? /suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?/ should school organize to visit?/ helpful for kids?)

Sky: (like to watch the sky?/ What sky like at night in your hometown?/ best spot to watch sky/like to watch stars/ ever taken courses of stars or planets in school/ favorite star? /important to study stars?)

Seasons: (favorite season/what people like to do in different seasons/least favorite season in ur country/what difference between different seasons/good season for travelling in ur hometown)

Trees: (like trees/forest? / important trees in your country/hometown? /good to have lot of trees? (benefits)/ planted any trees before?/ we should plant more trees?)

Weather: (favorite weather, why? what do? what did last time/weather in ur hometown/ changes in the weather over the past few years?/how weather affect people/you?/pay attention to weather forecast?/example of unusual weather?/prefer to live in a place with one warm season for the whole year or with different seasons?