


1. 完形填空:根据首字母提示,结合短文内容,填上所缺的单词。

Two friends were walking in the forest. One is tall, and the other is short. The tall

man(1) to the other, “We’re good friends. If any beast comes, I’ll(2) (3) “Of course, we are good friends.”

(5)up a tree, but the short one(6). He said, “Help me, I can’t climb up.” But the tall man said, “No, the tree is not (7).”

(8) (9)(10)


(1) said (2) help (3) answered (4)bear (5)quickly

(6) couldn’t (7)strong(8) himself (9) breath (10)went

2. 读短文,根据短文选择问题的正确答案。

The wolf and the Lamb

The wolf and the lamb(羊羔) upon a time, a wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when he looking up, what should he see but a lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. “There’s my supper,” thought he, “If only I can find some excuse(理由)to catch it.” Then he called out to the lamb, “How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?” “No, master, ” said the lamb, “If the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.” “Well, then,” said the wolf, “why did you call me bad names this time last year?” “That’s impossible,’ said the lamb, “I am only six months old.” “I don’t care,” snarled the Wolf, “if it was not you it must be your father.” And with that he rushed upon(朝…扑) the poor little lamb. “WARRA, WARRA, WARRA, WARRA, WARRA.” He ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out : “Any excuse will serve a tyrant.!”

(1) Where’s the wolf?

A. At a spring on a hillside.

B. In the spring of the forest.

C. At the top of a hillside.

(2) What are the Chinese meanings of “

A. 胆敢, 居然

B.胆敢, 弄脏

C.居然, 弄脏

(3)What was the wolf’s excuse to eat the lamb?

A. The lamb dare him muddle the water from which he was drinking.

B. The lamb and its dad called him bad names this time last year?

C. Both A and B.

(4) Did the lamb really call the wolf’s bad names?

A. Yes, the lamb really call the wolf’s bad names.

B. No, the lamb didn’t. call the wolf’s bad names.

C. No, but the lamb’s father really call the wolf’s bad names.

(5) What’s the Chinese meaning of “Any excuse will serve a tyrant.!”

A. 欲加之罪,何患无辞.

B. 强词夺理

C. 大坏蛋


(1)A (2)B (3)C(4)B (5)A




鹬蚌相争 刻舟求剑 鹏程万里守株待兔 掩耳盗铃 亡羊补牢 惊弓之鸟 杯弓蛇影 抱薪救火


安步当车 暗渡陈仓 按图索骥程门立雪 班门弄斧兵不厌诈








2.“我宁愿相信尺码,也不愿相信自己的脚”出自寓言故事---- .

3.《可笑的南歧人》中,南歧人因为喝了当地的水生了------- 病.

4.《高山流水觅知音》叙述了俞伯牙和----- 的故事.

5.《此地无银三百两》中“此地无银三百两”的下一句是--------- .--

6.“曲调越高雅,唱法就越难,跟他唱的人自然就越少.”出自寓言故事 ---------.

7.模仿美女西施皱眉的丑女叫 ------.

8. 喝酒时,看见杯中有一条蛇,就害起病来.出自寓言故事----------- . 9 以为天只有井口那么大的是 -----------.

10.《庖丁解牛》中的庖丁是一名 .-------------------


1. 南郭先生是下列哪个寓言故事中的主人公? ( )

A.季子投师 B.刻舟求剑 C.滥竽充数 D.纪昌学射箭

2. “ 比喻模仿别人不得法,反而把自己原有的本领忘掉了”出自哪个寓言故事? ( )

A.东施效颦 B.邯郸学步 C.刻舟求剑 D.螳螂捕蝉

3.《棘刺母猴》中声称能在棘刺尖上雕母猴的人是哪国人? ( )

A.郑国 B.燕国 C.赵国 D.卫国


言故事? ( )

A.画龙点睛 B.画蛇添足 C.叶公好龙 D.腾蛇与飞龙

5.“朝三暮四”中主人公是谁? ( )

A.猴子 B.狐狸 C.蛇 D.兔子

6.《黔之驴》中,驴子最后被谁吃掉了? ( )

A.狮子 B.老虎 C.狐狸 D.大象

7.《买椟还珠》中“椟”是指什么? ( )

A.珍珠 B.箱子 C.包 D.盒子

8.“比喻借别人的威风吓唬人.”出自哪个寓言故事? ( )

A.为虎作伥 B.亡羊补牢 C.狐假虎威 D.骑虎难下

9.《对牛弹琴》的主人公是谁? ( )

A.公明仪 B.张僧繇 C.孙叔敖 D.宋元君

10.“比喻行动与目的正好相反.”出自哪个寓言故事? ( )

A.自相矛盾 B.杞人忧天 C.塞翁失马 D.南辕北辙


1.鹬蚌相争的结果是老渔翁得到了好处. ( )

2.“比喻不必要的,没有根据的担忧”出自寓言故事《杞人忧天》.( )

3.《叶公好龙》中,当叶公见到真正的龙后非常高兴. ( )

4.《望梅止渴》叙述的是刘备打仗途中发生的故事. ( )

5.《染丝》是墨子出游,路过一个染行,看见有人在染丝. ( )

6.《万字》告诉我们:学无止境,若浅尝辄止,盲目自满,是学不到真本领的. ( )

7.《晏子的车夫》中晏子的妻子说要跟他离婚. ( )

8.《螳螂捕蝉》中:“螳螂捕蝉”的下一句是“黄雀在后”. ( )

9.《夸父追日》中夸父死后,他的手杖化作了一大片梨林. ( )

10.《穆公失马》讲的是秦穆公在韩地打仗时发生的故事. ( )



1. 王屋 2.郑人买履

3.粗脖子病 4.钟子期

5.隔壁王二不曾偷 6.曲高和寡

7.东施 8.杯弓蛇影

9.井底之蛙 10.厨师


1. C 2. B 3. D

4. B 5. A 6. B

7. D 8. C 9. A

10. D


1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. √

6. √ 7. × 8. √ 9. × 10. √