

在遥远的山那边,有一位贫穷的樵夫,樵夫家里有一位年迈的老母亲,为了给老 母亲治病,勤劳的他每天都要上山去砍柴。

这天,他走过了一座独木桥,来到水潭这边茂密的森林,砍呀,砍呀,砍了重重 的一大捆柴,看看天色不早了,他已累的满头大汗,饥肠辘辘了,樵夫把斧头插在腰间,坐 下来,拿出了几片黑面包吃了起来。面包太干,他来到水潭边取水解渴,当他弯下腰想喝点 水的时候,不料,插在腰间的斧头“扑通”一声掉到水潭里去了。

樵夫一下傻眼了,这可怎么办呀,水潭很深,他又不识水性,可能把斧头捞上来, 没有斧头就砍不了柴, 没有柴可卖就不会有钱买药, 就不能给病重的老母亲治病??想着想 着,焦急的樵夫忍不住大声哭泣。

他的哭声越来越大,惊动了住在深潭中的一位好心的老神仙,老神仙决定去看看 发生了什么事, 潭水冒出一个比一个大的泡泡, 一朵五彩缤纷的大水花伴随着一道亮光喷出 水面,老神仙从水花中间走向伤心地樵夫,他问道,我可怜的小弟,你这是怎么了呀? 伤心的樵夫被眼前的景色惊呆了,半天,他擦干了眼泪,把他的烦恼告诉了老神 仙,老神仙听完,微笑地拍了拍樵夫的肩膀,说,你是一位勤劳而孝顺的好孩子,我帮你把 斧头捞上来,老神仙转眼消失了,不一会儿,他拿着一把金光闪闪的斧头出现在樵夫面前, 说,拿走吧,这是你丢的斧头。


老神仙笑着点点头,又消失了,不一会儿,他又拿着一把银光闪闪的斧头出现在 樵夫面前,说,拿走吧,这是你丢失的斧头,樵夫又摇摇头说,我的斧头不是这样的。

老神仙笑着点点头,又消失了,这一次,当他又出现在樵夫面前时,手里拿着的 正是樵夫沉入潭里的那把斧头。樵夫看到了,连忙跑上前,接了过来,感激的对老神仙说, 谢谢你,我掉的正是这一把。

看到樵夫这么诚实,老神仙感动了,他掏出先前的金斧头和银斧头,对樵夫说, 你是一个诚实的好人, 这两把斧头应该归你, 你收着吧, 说完, 老神仙放下斧头, 沉入潭里, 随一阵泡泡消失了。这是一件多么神奇的事啊,樵夫把三把斧头拿回家,变卖了金斧头和银 斧头后,樵夫为老母亲治好病,从此过上了幸福的生活。 这件神奇的事被大家一传十,十传百的传开了,有一个贪心的樵夫,听到这件事 后,起了坏念头,他来到水潭边,掏出自己的斧头,丢进谭中,然后就放声大哭起来,她的 哭声同样惊动了潭里的老神仙, 不一会儿, 潭水里冒出了水泡泡, 伴随着五彩缤纷的大水花, 老神仙出现在水面上,老神仙走到这个樵夫面前,和蔼的问道,你为什么哭泣啊,有什么伤 心的事讲出来,让我帮帮你吧,樵夫假摸假样的皱起了眉头,说,我的斧头沉入潭里去了, 我家里有年迈的老母亲, 丢了斧头我就砍不了柴了, 没有柴卖我就没钱给老母亲买药治病了。

老神仙听完,转眼就不见了,很快,他又出现在水面上,手里提着一把金光闪闪 的斧头,问道,这是你的斧头吗?贪心的樵夫眉开眼笑,他对老神仙说,还有呢,还有一把 银斧头呢,樵夫上前,由老神仙手里夺过金斧头,又让老神仙沉到潭底,为他拿银斧头,老 神仙冷笑着,又把银斧头拿到樵夫面前,樵夫接过银斧头,连谢谢都不说就欢喜地跑了。

他一手拿着金斧头, 一手拿着银斧头, 心里美滋滋地想着, 要买一座豪华的住宅, 要买吃不完的面包,喝不完的美酒,想呀想呀,他忘记了自己已走上独木桥,沉醉在美梦中 的他一失足,掉到深潭里去了。

金斧头没有了,银斧头也没有了,连生命也丢掉了,深潭水面只出现几个水泡, 这就是贪心的樵夫得了金斧头和银斧头后的下场。

善有善报, 恶有恶报, 贪心的人连生命又要赔上, 勤劳, 诚实又孝顺的人呢, 总会过上好日子。



伊索寓言:The Golden Ax 金斧头

It is a hot summer s day. A Woodcutter is cutting wood in the forest.

Woodcutter: It s very hot today. (He wipes his forehead.) But I must cut more wood. My mother is very sick. I must buy her some medicine.

The Woodcutter is busy cutting wood. Suddenly, his ax slips from his hands and goes flying into a nearby pond.

Woodcutter: Oh, no! My ax fell into the pond! That was my only ax! I still have to cut more wood. What shall I do? My poor mother!

The Woodcutter sits near the pond and just stares into the water. Then he starts to cry.

Spirit: Young man, why are you crying?

Woodcutter: My ax fell in the pond. It was my only ax. I can t get it out.

Spirit: You are crying because of an ax?

Woodcutter: No. I am crying because of my poor mother. I have to cut a lot of wood to buy my mother s medicine. But without my ax, I can t cut any wood.

Spirit: Hmmm Well then, I shall find your ax. Just wait here.

The Spirit disappears into the pond for a few minutes and comes out with a shiny ax.

Spirit: Is this your ax?

Woodcutter: No, sir. That is not my ax. That ax is made of gold.

Spirit: Are you sure? Look again!

Woodcutter: Yes, I am very sure. That is not my ax.

Spirit: Wait again. I will be back.

The Spirit disappears into the pond again and comes back with another ax.

Spirit: Is this your ax?

Woodcutter: No, no! that is not my ax, either. That is a silver ax. My ax is not made of silver.

Spirit: Look carefully!

Woodcutter: My ax is made of iron. That one is not mine.

Spirit: I am very sorry. This time I will get the right one. Please wait.

The Spirit disappears and comes back with an iron ax.

Spirit: Is this your ax?

Woodcutter: Oh, yes, yes! That is mine! That is my iron ax! You have found it at last. Thank you so much. I shall always be grateful.

Spirit:Hum You are an honest man and a devoted son. I shall give you all three axes. Take them and go home now. Take good care of your mother.

Woodcutter: I will. Do not worry. And thank you again.

The Woodcutter goes back to the village and on his way home meets another Woodcutter.

Woodcutter2: Hello, there.

Woodcutter: Hello.

The other Woodcutter sees the golden and silver axes. He looks very surprised and becomes curious.

Woodcutter2: Where did you get those golden and silver axes? They must be very expensive. You are a rich man.

Woodcutter: I was a poor man, too. But a Spirit came out of the pond and gave them to me.

Woodcutter2: What do you mean? Tell me more, please.

Woodcutter: Well, I was chopping wood. Then my ax fell into the pond. A Spirit came out of the pond and gave these axes to me.

Woodcutter2: Where is that pond? Please tell me!

Woodcutter: It s in the woods.

Woodcutter2: Okay. Thanks! I shall do the same.

Woodcutter: I don"t think that is a good idea. But good luck!

The other Woodcutter goes into the forest and finds the pond. He pretends to be chopping wood and throws his ax in the pond on purpose.

Woodcutter2: Now, I ll throw my ax in the pond. Whee!

Spirit appears.

Spirit: Did you drop an ax in my pond?

Woodcutter2: Yes, I did! Please help me! Find my ax for me!

Spirit: Just wait here. I will find your ax.

The Spirit disappears as before and comes out with three axes.

Spirit: Is this golden ax yours?

Woodcutter2: Oh, yes! That is mine! Thank you for finding it! Please give it to me now!

Spirit: Are you sure? Look again.

Woodcutter2: Of course, I am sure. That is my ax.

The Spirit shows him another ax.

Spirit: Then how about this ax? Is this sliver ax yours, too?

Woodcutter2: Oh my goodness! That is also my ax. Give it to me!

Spirit: This silver ax is yours? Then,how about this iron ax?

The Spirit shows the other Woodcutter his real ax.

Woodcutter2: No, no! That is not my ax. You can have that ax, old man. My axes are only made of gold and silver. Give me my axes!

Suddenly, the whole forest turns dark, and thunder and lightning strikes.

Spirit: Go back to your village! You are a greedy man and also a terrible liar! Go home now before you are punished!

Woodcutter2: Oh, no! Please forgive me! At least give back my iron ax!

The Spirit disappears into the pond without saying another word.

Woodcutter2: I won t be greedy again! Please come back! Give me back my iron ax!

The other Woodcutter kept pleading, but the Spirit didn"t come back. It was too late.

Woodcutter2: Now I have nothing. What shall I do? Boo-hoo


Honest and diligent men are rewarded and greedy men are punished.





孩子,你哭什么?什么事情使你这样伤心? 河神化成个白胡子老头,站在程实的面前,问程实。

老公公,我的斧头落到河里去了,我怕东家的皮鞭子! 程实老老实实地回答。


老公公刚说完话, 扑通 一声跳到河里。

老公公拿上来一把金斧头,问程实: 孩子,这把斧头是你的吗? 程实接过来一看,金光闪闪,怪可爱的,但是他说: 老公公,这不是我的。


老公公又跳下河去,这一次拿上来的是一把银斧头,银光亮亮,怪可爱的。但是,程实说: 老公公,这把斧头也不是我的。


老公公第三次跳下河去,这一次拿上来的是一把铁斧头。程实接过来一看,说: 谢谢老公公,这把是我的斧头了。

老公公仍然点点头,又和蔼地笑了笑说: 孩子,诚实的孩子,你会永远愉快和幸福的!


程实回到地主家里,把失落斧头的事情,全都告诉了张剥皮。张剥皮骂了程实一顿: 傻瓜,你为什么不要金斧头?




老公公,我的斧头落到河里去了,我怕主人的皮鞭子! 张剥皮不老实地回答。


老公公刚说完话, 扑通 一声跳到河里。

老公公拿上来一把铁斧头,问张剥皮: 老乡亲,这把斧头是你的吗? 张剥皮一看,摇了摇头,说: 老公公,这不是我的! 老公公头也不点了,笑容也不见了。

老公公又跳下河去,这一次拿上来的是一把银斧头,银光亮亮,怪可爱的。但是,张剥皮说: 老公公,这把斧头也不是我的。


老乡亲,这把斧头是你的吗? 老公公这句话的声音很响亮,声音里还有点愤怒。

张剥皮一看,金斧头金光闪闪,想着这可值多少钱!他笑嘻嘻地说: 谢谢你老公公,这把斧头可真是我的了!




张剥皮开心地走在桥上。河里的水流得很急,像在和谁生气一样。张剥皮一心想着金斧头,他忘掉自己是走在极危险的独木桥上。他还在桥上舞着斧头,自言自语地说: 这下我可是世界上最有钱的人了,这世界也就全是我的了。

