


班 级 08级本科装潢6班

姓 名 冯幸

导 师 姚婷

日 期 2011年11月7日




一 摘要

二 产品和服务

三 市场分析

四 竞争分析

五 营销策略

六 总结


学校简介 环球雅思创于1997年,2001年成立北京市海淀区环球雅思培训学校,作为国内规模最大并首家在美国上市的连锁外语培训机构之一,环球雅思学校被评为全国十大知名学校。10年来以驰名独特的“环球雅思实用应试教学模式”,迅速发展成为具有全国雅思、托福、SAT、GRE、中小学辅导、少儿英语、BETS、BEC商务英语、职称英语、国际预科课程、四六级、外教口语、中教听说、新概念英语、词汇语法发音、国内国际夏冬令营、日韩法德西意俄多语种、留学文书写作中心、职业网校、英语网校、政府及企业团培、英美公派奖学金申请、大学国际课程委培、英语教材开发等项的综合性学校及大型网校,成为第一个中国教育行业旗舰连锁机构,被称为“中国人的英语学习强国”。

1997年环球雅思创始人张永琪开始卖雅思资料,1999年开始办国内第一个雅思培训班,2001年注册雅思公司。如今即将成为一家市值数亿美元的上市公司。 卖手抄本资料:环球雅思的创办源于其创始人张永琪自身考雅思的经历,1997年张永琪打算申请加拿大技术移民,签证时被告之需要参加IELTS考试,但是大多数人只知道托福,连IELTS的中文名雅思都还没有出现,市场上没有相关的资料。张永琪在备考过程中体会到雅思考试资料的稀缺,在自己通过考试后等待使馆批复的时间里,张永琪将自己备考过程中的复习资料装订成小册卖给在使馆门口等签证准备考雅思但无资料的人,结果很畅销。








3.专业专心,服务贴心:环球雅思不断优化学员学习和考试服务,提供完整个性化培训、考试设计、免费入学前测试、代报考、私人补课等,帮你在数百种课程间选择最实效、经济、保险的课程,提供雅思、托福、BEC、四六级、BETS考试的代报名和查分复议服务。轰动全国“保签直通班” “环球留学规划院”环球雅思留学服务中心运用9年经验提供最佳留学途径。学术写作中心为留学生提供一流文书写作服务,并和北京公证处联办公证。








4.培训项目单薄:培训项目的单一,导致了部分学员的分流,如很多中学生在某些科目都想利用课余进行补习,而报环球雅思只能补习英语,对时间有限的他们来说,报其他培训机构的中学全科班似乎帮助更大。同样过分单一的英语培训,使得很多工作后的环球雅思学员在小语种培训方面选择了其他培训机构。 机会:










1. 雅思阅读人名观点配对做题之直接引语

2. 雅思阅读人名观点配对做题之宾语从句(sb claim/believe/insist/point out/suggest/discover/find/conclude )


1. 全称(full name)John Barry

2. 名(first name),不常见

3. 姓(surname)如:Professor Smith

4. He/she (在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代)






以剑桥4 P53 的人名观点配对题为例。该题共出现五个人:Robert Barton; Marc Bekoff; John Byers; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy; 其中,Robert Barton; Sergio Pellis; Stephen Siviy仅出现一次。Marc Bekoff在文中出现两次;John Byers出现了三次。



在这三个出现一次的人名中,Sergio Pellis是在文中第一个出现的人名,现在以此为例进行分析讲解。


Sergio Pellis 出现在E段的开头:Earlier this year, Sergio Pellis of Lethbridge University, Canada, reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in

general. Comparing measurements for fifteen orders of mammal, he and his team found larger brains (for

a given body size) are linked to greater playfulness. The converse was also found to be true.


Sergio Pellis reported that there is a strong positive link between brain size and playfulness among mammals in general(可删).

这里的positive link是指正相关,或成正比。Size表示尺寸大小,是指脑袋的大小和玩成正比。如果理解不透彻,可继续往下读两句。而后两句恰恰是对positive link的详细解释。

由此,回到选项中,进行对应,唯有:D. There is a tendency for mammals with smaller brains to play less. (smaller brains 与play less就是对称正比的诠释)。选项A. There is a link between a specific substance in the brain and playing. 是干扰项,因为这里的link between.... and ....之间的名词所指不同。



On 2nd August 199.9, a particularly hot day in the town of Cirencester in the UK, a large pane of toughened glass in the roof of a shopping centre at Bishops Walk shattered without warning and fell from its frame. When fragments were analysed by experts at the giant glass manufacturer Pilkington, which had made the pane, they found that minute crystals of nickel sulphide trapped inside the glass had almost certainly caused the failure. 'The glass industry is aware of the issue,' says Brian Waldron, chairman of the standards committee at the Glass and Glazing Federation, a British trade association, and standards development officer at Pilkington. But he insists that cases are few and far between. 'It's a very rare phenomenon,' he says. Others disagree. 'On average I see about one or two buildings a month suffering from nickel sulphide related failures,' says Barrie Josie, a consultant engineer involved in the Bishops Walk investigation. Other experts tell of similar experiences. Tony Wilmott of London-based consulting engineers Sandberg, and Simon Armstrong at CIadTech Associates in Hampshire both say they know of hundreds of cases. 'What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg,' says Trevor Ford, a glass expert at Resolve Engineering in Brisbane, Queensland. He believes the reason is simple: 'No-one wants bad press.' Toughened glass is found everywhere, from cars and bus shelters to the windows, walls and roofs of thousands of buildings around the world. It's easy to see why. This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shards. Architects love it because large panels can be bolted together to make transparent walls, and turning it into ceilings and floors is almost as easy.

It is made by heating a sheet of ordinary glass to about 620°C to soften it slightly, allowing its structure to expand, and then cooling it rapidly with jets of cold air. This causes the outer layer of the pane to contract and solidify before the interior. When the interior finally solidifies and shrinks, it exerts a pull on the outer layer that leaves it in permanent compression and produces a tensile force inside the glass. As cracks

propagate best in materials under tension, the compressive force on the surface must be overcome before the pane will break, making it more resistant to cracking. The problem starts when glass contains nickel sulphide impurities. Trace amounts of nickel and sulphur are usually present in the raw materials used to make glass, and nickel can also be introduced by fragments of nickel alloys falling into the molten glass. As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form tiny crystals of nickel sulphide. Just a tenth of a gra


m of nickel in the furnace can create up to 50,000 crystals.

These crystals can exist in two forms: a dense form called the alpha phase, which is stable at high temperatures, and a less dense form called the beta phase, which is stable at room temperatures. The high temperatures used in the toughening process convert all the crystals to the dense, compact alpha form. But the subsequent cooling is so rapid that the crystals don't have time to change back to the beta phase. This leaves unstable alpha crystals in the glass, primed like a coiled spring, ready to revert to the beta phase without warning. When this happens, the crystals expand by up to 4%. And if they are within the central, tensile region of the pane, the stresses this unleashes can shatter the whole sheet. The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable. It could happen just months after manufacture, or decades later, although if the glass is heated - by sunlight, for example - the process is speeded up. Ironically, says Graham Dodd, of consulting engineers Arup in London, the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington's glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old. Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find. The picture is made more complicated by the fact that these crystals occur in batches. So even if, on average, there is only one inclusion in 7 tonnes of glass, if i you experience one nickel sulphide failure in your building, that probably means you've got a problem in more than one pane. Josie says that in the last decade he has worked on over 15 buildings with the number of failures into double figures. One of the worst examples of this is Waterfront Place, which was completed in 1990. Over the following decade the 40 storey Brisbane block suffered a rash of failures. Eighty panes of its toughened glass shattered due to inclusions before experts were finally called in. John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building. Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane.

These were scanned under a modified microfiche reader for signs of niclrel sulphide crystals. 'We discovered at least another 120 panes with potentially dangerous inclusions which were then replaced,' says Barry. 'It was a very expensive and time-consuming process that took around six months to complete.' Though the project cost A$1.6 million (nearly £700,000), the alternative - re-cladding the entire building - would have cost ten times as much.


人名Brian Waldron在第二段出现,人名前有一个直接引语'The glass industry is aware of the issue,',而

直接引语括号中是逗号,证明作者的观点没完,所以一定要再往后面找有没有宾语从句和直接引语,如果有宾语从句就会以代词he或者she出现,此人名Brian Waldron后面确实出现了宾语从句和直接引语,并且是出题点But he insists that cases are few and far between。Few对应的是G选项的rare。

第二个考到的人名Trevor Ford在第三段出现,此段有很多干扰人名,定位到Trevor Ford后,此题出题思路和第一题完全一样,也是直接引语括号中是逗号。

第三个人名在倒数第四段says Graham Dodd,此题says和人名倒装了,证明后面是宾语从句,且省去了引导词that,人名后的头衔of consulting engineers Arup in London, 一定要快速过掉,后面才是考点所在 the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington's glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old,宾语从句中的oldest对应的是delayed。



t">Global Watch from an IELTS Perspective



朗阁海外考试研究中心 贾若寒

【时事聚焦】 2010年发生的最大民生事件就是富士康的自杀事件。我们就来


Foxconn suicides: “Workers feel quite lonely”

A string of suicides at a factory in China owned by Taiwan firm Foxconn has highlighted what some say is a stressful working environment for migrant workers. Foxconn says it is employing trained counsellors and installing more leisure facilities at the factory in Shenzhen to help its staff, as well as increasing salaries to boost morale.

Here, people who have worked at or visited the plant describe the working atmosphere which many have blamed for the suicides. There is a suspicion being floated that some of the people who committed suicide, did it for money. The math works like this: the average employee earns about 2,000 yuan per month ($295:£200), but the company pays 100,000 yuan compensation to the family of anyone dying on site. To an unstable 20 year-old, the thought of that much money going to their parents could be attractive.

The morale at the factory was very low when I was training there. Young

engineers referred to the company as Foxconn University – a place to get a couple of years’ experience after graduating, and before moving on to a more relaxed job. There’s a recreation centre, but the engineers I was training told me they had never

been there. Then I saw on TV that there’s a stress room full of these dolls that look like Japanese warriors. You get a bat and you beat them. That’s how they are encouraged to relieve the stress.

The security at Foxconn has always been extremely tight. On arriving at the main gate, visitors had to surrender their passports to the guards and bags were searched. If one wanted to enter any of the manufacturing or training areas within the campus, there would be further checkpoints to be negotiated and additional passes issued. When confronted with security on this scale, it’s easy to compare the place to a prison.

Anonymous Foxconn worker (Interview by the BBC’s Chinese service)

After work we go for a walk, we get online, sometimes we go together outside the supermarket to watch TV on a big screen. Life here is OK. Workers don’t have much time to communicate with each other and they feel quite lonely. We work six days a week with one day off and every day we work two hours overtime. The salary is quite low for newcomers, the lowest in Shenzhen, but once you’ve been here a while, it gets better. I’ve also heard that salaries will be increased.

Anonymous former Foxconn employee (Interview by the BBC’s Chinese service) I currently live and work in Ireland. Before that I worked in project management for Foxconn. The job often involved visiting the manufacturing sites in China with our customers before and during production ramp-up. The factories themselves are top notch although they are fairly intense working environments. Westerners would find it very difficult to work there. Employees have to work long days and many of the staff were working at least six days a week. So it was very common to hear of people being burnt out.

【热点话题】 从以上这篇报道中我们可以发现,富士康事件对雅思阅读考试也







【难句词汇】 雅思考生的阅读难点之一就是词汇量和句型掌握程度的不同,如



? A string of suicides at a factory in China owned by Taiwan firm Foxconn has

highlighted what some say is a stressful working environment for migrant workers.


?a string of suicides

?highlight 一系列的自杀事件 突出(同义词:stress, emphasize)

民工 ?migrant workers

? Foxconn says it is employing trained counsellors and installing more leisure

facilities at the factory in Shenzhen to help its staff, as well as increasing salaries to boost morale.



?install 咨询师 安装,布置


提升士气 ?as well as ?boost morale

? People who have worked at or visited the plant describe the working

atmosphere which many have blamed for the suicides.


?plant 工厂

?working atmosphere

?blame for 工作气氛 造成

? The deaths at Foxconn are being discussed by everyone here and people are

keeping a macabre score of how many young people have leapt to their



?keep a score of …

?macabre 计算、计数 恐怖的,令人毛骨悚然的

跳楼自杀 ?leap to one’s death

? There is a suspicion being floated that some of the people who committed

suicide, did it for money.



?float 猜疑,怀疑(同义词:doubt) 浮动,散播(同义词:spread)

自杀 ?committed suicide

? If one wanted to enter any of the manufacturing or training areas within the

campus, there would be further checkpoints to be negotiated and additional passes issued.





?issue 制造的 检查站 谈判 发放


构:文章的开头是Foxconn suicides: “Workers feel quite lonely”,然后是Anonymous Foxconn worker,最后是Anonymous former Foxconn employee。文章按照作者的自身观点,匿名现任员工和匿名前员工的观点把文章结构很清楚地展现在读者前面。

朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,在剑桥雅思真题中也有相关类型的文章供考生阅读理解和训练:剑五Nature or Nurture;剑五儿童心理研究;剑六Bullying,以上三篇文章都是社会心理学类别的,考生可以精读加考题训练。

【真题预测】 根据刚才关于富士康的原版文章,我们来练习一下雅思阅读的常

考题型之一 — 是非无判断题:





It is confirmed that people committed suicide in order to get money. The recreation centre is constructed for the engineers to use. The workers are lonely because they don’t want to talk to one another.

(key: 1 not given 2 false 3 false)