


(1)Dear Sir,

My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test(General training) on 25th May in your cenetr for the purpose of immigration. 0227 is my candidate number. I am writing to apply for the reassessment of my test results.

As a pre-requisites of profession assessment, I need to take a IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components. However, my writing is only at level 5. I have been in Australia for one year and have published several papers in English. I think my English writing should have reached at level 6. My poor score of writing maybe is due to my poor handwriting on the test paper. I will have lots of trouble if I wait for three month for the next test. Therefore, I want my writing part to be remarked. Enclosed are my original test results and payment for this application.

Any help from you will greatly be appreciated.



(2)Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on mm-dd-yy in your center for the purpose of pursuing the Master Degree of XXX abroad. XXX is my candidate number. I am writing to apply for the reassessment of my speaking test results.

As pre-requisites of profession assessment, I was informed that I have to take an IELTS test and reach at least level 6 on all four components by a university. However, my speaking is only at

5. I have been prepared the IELTS for nearly one year. I talked to my father in English everyday at least 2 hours in the past year. My father is an interpreter, who is working at a harbor bureau nearly forty years. I think my English speaking should have reached at level 6. My poor score of

speaking maybe is due to little nervous during the speaking test, after all that is my first time to take part in the speaking test of IELTS. I will lose the golden opportunity of applying the good reputation university if I wait for three months for the next test. Therefore, I will appreciate if my speaking part to be remarked. Enclosed are my original test results and the payment for this application.

Any helps from you will greatly be appreciated.



Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ***. I took part in the general training IELTS test on 12 December 2012 at University of Technology, Sydney Australia (Centre Number: AU140) for the purpose of applying for Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485) in Australia. My candidate number was ******. I am writing to you to apply for a re-mark of writing part of my IELTS test.

In order to be able to apply for the work visa, I need to get at least band 5.5 for all of the four components (Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening). But I only get 4.5 for writing part. I have been studying in Australia for 4 years and finished my bachelor degree last month. I know that I will receive a bachelor degree with Distinction which is the highest level of my degree in the graduation ceremony held in May 2009. I think my writing skill should be at least band 6. I even got band 6 for writing in an academic IELTS test three and a half years ago. It will be inconvenient for me to sit another IELTS test as the earliest test I can book is in April 2009 and my current student visa will expire in March 2009. Therefore, I would like to have my writing part remarked.

I found a part time job in an Australia public listed company before finishing my bachelor degree and now I am working full time in that company. I believe my employment with my company is a strong evidence of my English competence, as my resume and cover letter were reviewed in the recruitment process.

The human resource manager told me that if I can get the work visa, she would give me a permanent full time job offer.

In other words, if I cannot get 6 for writing, I will not be able to apply for the work visa and lose my job subsequently. As you know, now it is very hard to find a job during the current recessionary economy. I really don’t want to lose my job just because I cannot get the work visa. Furthermore, I am working on a project which can improve the work efficiency of my department and I am the only one in my department who has the skills to do it. If I lose my job, it will certainly bring inconvenience to my department.

Thank you for your time. Enclosed is my original test report form. I appreciate every effort you put in the remarking process. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Best regards





2009-7-3 15:12:16 来源: 环球英语网校




本人R 7,W 7,L 7,S 5 四项平均分为6.5故总分6.5 。由于考完口语感觉良好,5分不甘心,因此提出S单项复议,结果S由5到6(口语以一分为最小单位),四项平均分为6.75,故总分由6.5到7。





1. 复议需要向你报名考试的考试中心提出申请。需要写封申请信(要亲笔签名),你的成绩单和复议费。你可以要求四部份全部复议,也可以只要求单项。我是在澳洲考试的,这儿的费用是:L and R 15 AU$ each, W and S 40 AU$ each.2. 复议必须在接到成绩单4周内提出。3. 复议历时1个月左右。4. 复议成绩不会降低。如果复议成绩比原来的低,考试中心还会给你原来成绩。5. 复议是终审裁决,不能再要求复议。我觉得复议对作文和口语有用。听力和阅读为客观题,因此用处不大。作文和口语得分和阅卷人主观因素有很大关系。作文和口语没有半分,如果你得分在5和6之间,有人可能给你5,换个判官就可能给你6。复议的判官和原来的不同,因此你很有机会提高分数。为了提高分数,可以在申请信里下点功夫。我也不知道我的申请信是不是好,起不起作用,我把它附在下面给大家作个参考吧。我是考前发现这个audiy.com网站的,受益非浅。祝在这里潜水的人们好运。

首先你需要准备好一封言辞恳切,理由充分的复议申请信,要英文的哦!附上你的通联地址,另外准备好690元大洋(单独邮寄)同时发往北京市朝阳区东三环北路亮马河写字楼4层 英国大使馆文化教育处考试部,邮编100004,当然如果你还不放心,尽可以拨打他们的联系电话或者通过email了解情况。他们的联系电话是:010-65906903-251/256。好了,够详细吧?

Dear sir,

my name is ****. my candidate number is ****.i took part in the ielts test (academic) on april 19th in 2003, china for the purpose of going to australia to continue my studies. i am writing to apply for a reassessment of my test results.

as a pre-requisite for the course that i would like to study, i need to reach at least level 6 in my ielts test in all four components. however, my writing is only at level 5. i have been studying a preparation for ielts course for one year with foreign teachers and i think that my english writing should have reached at least level 6.it would be inconvenient for me to have to wait another several months to take my exam again(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:雅思复议写作) as my course begins in july 2003. therefore, i would like my writing to be remarked.

enclosed are my original test results and payment for this application. any help from you will be appreciated.


may 16, 2003











口语由7到9—关于IELTS复议: Risk Urself!stephanachi





当时我的心情还真有点儿紧张:“喂,是XX嘛?你的复议结果回来了。”(那边的声音听起来显得格外地gloomy,我的心一沉:完了,700块钱算是打了水漂儿了)“哦,我知道了。”“成绩有变化。(那边的声音还是一样的低调—不会吧,难道说我的成绩还不如以前?)你的写作从6长到了7,(这时,我暗自窃喜:主要是觉得口语不符,没想到写作倒长了上来,要是这样的话,我的总分就是7了!)你的口语从7变成了9。”“什么?”我在电话这边大叫了起来,“真的吗?9?”(我简直不敢相信我自己的耳朵)“嗯,我本来也不太肯定,于是我给那边发了一封确认信,那边回信说确实是9。请你明天??” “太棒了!YIPPEE!!!!!”电话这边的我已经激动的不行了??




1.复议需要向你报名考试的考试中心提出申请。需要写封申请信(要亲笔签名),你的成绩单和复议费。你可以要求四部份全部复议,也可以只要求单项。我是在澳洲考试的,这儿的费用是:L and R 15 AU, W and S 40 AU.












最后是大家最关心的东西--复议的成功率:领事馆的人告诉我成功率较小,一般都是原来的成绩不变 复议--范文Dear Sir,

My name is *****.My candidate number is ******. I took part in the IELTS test(Academic) on ******in ******, China for the purpose of going to Australia to continue my studies.I am writing to apply for a reassessment of my test results.

As a pre-requisite for the course that I would like to study, I need to reach at least level 6 in my IELTS test in all four components.However my writing is onlyat level 5 . I have been studying a Preparation for IELTS course for one year with foreign teachers and I think that my English writing should have reached at

least level

6.It would be inconvenient for me to have to wait another two months to sit my exam again as my course begins in February 2003. Therefore, I would like my writing to be remarked.

Enclosed are my original test results and payment for this application.

Any help from you will be appreciated.





