

n English


Phases of Negotiation

According to Robert Maddux, author of Successful Negotiation, negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want. In business negotiations, the two parties endeavor to obtain their business goals through bargaining with their counterparts. Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases: the preparation phase, opening phase, bargaining phase and closing phase.

Preparation phase

1. Choosing your team

The negotiation team should include members in the following areas:

? Commercial: responsible for the negotiation on price, delivery terms, and commercial policy of risk taking.

? Technical: responsible for specifications, programs, and methods of work.

? Financial: terms of payment, credit insurance and financial guarantees.

? Legal: contract documents, terms and conditions of contract, insurance and legal interpretation.

? Interpreter: familiar with the foreign language needed as well as the negotiation-related knowledge, and having certain communication skills.

The most important role in the team is the chief negotiator (CN), who is supposed to possess the following qualities: sociability, shrewdness, adaptability, patience, endurance. Other than that, extensive knowledge, clear oral expression as well as strong leadership are also important for a CN.

2. Gathering and analyzing information

Valuable information covers the areas in political, legal as well as business system, market research, financial policies, infrastructure and logistics. The knowledge on the counterpart is also necessary. With the information at hand, it is time do a feasibility study to adjust our goals to be achieved.

3. The negotiation plan

The plan defines the negotiating objectives, sets the minimum acceptable level for each term, and states the time control, initial strategy, the tactics and others including the location, personnel and facilities needed. A well-designed plan allows more flexibility in different situations and guides the negotiators through the negotiation process without getting off track.

The opening phase

It is common that the seller submits proposals. Then the buyer confronts with three options: outright acceptance, outright rejection, and qualified rejection, the last of which is usually the most choice. Once the positions and objectives of both parties are revealed, the negotiators begin to reflect both on the loss they will suffer if they would concede and on the loss they will receive

if they would refuse to concede.

The bargaining phase

At this stage, concessions are made and advantages are gained, thus an agreement is to be achieved. Necessarily the team should make a reappraisal of the other party?s concession factor. If the other party concedes more/faster than expected, their real concession factor is greater. Adversely, if the other party concedes less/slower than expected, they are perhaps correct in estimation, or they are simply bluffing. As the negotiation moves to the stage of identifying particular concession exchanges, the negotiators will expect to receive signals which indicate the genuine positions.

The closing phase

Once the seller and the buyer reach an agreement, it is time to draw up the contract. Typically one party prepares the contract listing the agreed upon clauses. The other party makes amendments to the wording to make them more closely reflect the agreement.

Negotiation Strategies and Tactics

Negotiation strategies and tactics are crucial to business negotiation. Generally speaking, strategy may be defined as the overall plan used to gain advantage over the opponent or achieve some end. Tactics may be defined as the means by which the strategic objective is achieved. Once a strategy has been chosen, tactics must be devised to assure that the goals are achieved.


There are two basic strategies: offensive and defensive. Offensive strategies are used to take initiative while the defensive ones are to observe and wait until opportunities come and necessary measures be taken. Usually the party with the greatest sense of need will make the initial contact. However, a suitable strategy will only emerge only after the following guidelines are considered:










? What is our main goal in the target market? What are the issues to be negotiated? What level of agenda control can I or we expect? Have we analyzed the personal information of our counterparts or their negotiation history? Have we analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of both sides? What is our opening offer and what is the bottom line? Have we collected enough evidence? Have we worked out the alternatives for the solution? Can we afford to say “No”? What are the alternatives to a completed negotiation?


There are two types of tactics commonly used in the negotiation process: offensive and defensive.

Offensive Tactics:

Probe for Insight. Ask value-free, informational questions to find out what the other party?s underlying needs are. Avoid judgmental styles of questioning-even though your first instinct is to use them. How you word these questions will help or hinder you in obtaining responses. For example, if you say, “How did you ever think you could get that objective?” you will simply put the other party on the defensive. But if you say, “I?m not sure I understand why that objective is so important to you. Can you explain your concerns?” You are far more likely to obtain useful information about the other party?s underlying concerns.

Feign a blow to the east and attack in the west. One party will over emphasize the apparent importance to securing a particular point when their real objective is the exact opposite. Some negotiators are usually suspicious of any proposal made by their counterparts.

Take Tit for tat. It?s an effective tactic to make your counterpart give up. By saying “No” clearly and firmly, you can make an impression that you have made enough concession and will withdraw no longer. Usually the hard-shell approach pushes the deal forward and fools the opponent into making concessions and closing the deal.

Control the written record. Seize the opportunity to get the word in by volunteering to prepare the minutes of the meeting, the draft of the report, or the summary of the discussion.

Even when a written report isn?t required, you can still take it upon yourself to play this role by simply writing a follow-up letter or e-mail to the other party.

For example, if you?ve just had a telephone discussion with a supplier, follow it up with a quick e-mail stating, “Nice to speak with you today. Here?s a quick note to help me remember what we decided in our phone conversation.” Unless they refuse the written version, they?ve tacitly accepted it.

By the way, this is a great tactic for dealing with difficult bosses. So long as the written follow-up is polite and respectful, your boss will probably let you get away with documenting things like your job assignments and performance feedback that you have an interest in securing. Then you don?t have to say later on, “But I thought you said…” You – and your boss – will know what was said.

Develop alternatives. It?s so easy to develop alternatives, but most negotiators never do, which means you can gain a significant advantage by specializing in this simple tactic.

For example, suppose you call a resort hotel to make a reservation for a conference that requires you to stay for two nights over a weekend – only to find that the hotel?s policy requires a three – night stay. You could grin and bear it, paying for the extra night you don?t need. Many guests do – that?s why the resort persists in the policy. But why not develop alternatives? First, ask to speak to a supervisor (who presumably would have the authority to negotiate), and then ask her/him politely to give you the names and numbers of other hotels nearby in case you can?t get the reservation you want.

This innocent question, followed by a momentary pause in which you write down the numbers, puts you in a better opening position by letting the point sink in that you can very well

take your business elsewhere. And it takes only a moment and no additional calls since the information about alternatives is solicited from the other party. When the dust settles you should get what you want – an exception to the policy – because you have invoked the threat of exercising your alternatives.

Nibbling. Nibbling is among the most popular of negotiation tactics. The actual strategy is to continue the negotiations after the deal is supposedly done. This tactic is most effective when a great deal of time has been spend finalizing the negotiation and the other party has invested a great deal of time into it. For instance, if you are buying a piece of property, after the deal is finalized you may ask for other accommodations that were not originally part of the plan for the property that you purchased. This can be a fairly risky tactic although a large majority of individuals will not renege on the deal after so much time has been put into it. If you choose to try the nibbling technique, you may not want to ask for too much as this can break down the entire process. Defensive tactics:

Silence is golden. You can?t give anything away if you don?t talk. In fact, how much you give away is generally proportional to how much you talk. That means the one who talks the most, loses.

So why is it so hard to shut and listen in a negotiation? It isn?t hard for everybody. Many Japanese negotiators are comfortable with long periods of silence – a cultural difference that gives them a natural edge over more talkative Americans.

Let?s think quietly about that for a minute. (Wait one minute before moving on).

Okay. We?re back. Did you squirm a little while we were sitting here silently? Were you tempted to fill the void? Most people are. Leave a thoughtful gap in the conversation and you might simply hear some useful information about their concerns. Whatever you hear, it is likely to help you understand the other party and design your next move. And even if you hear nothing of value, you can still have the satisfaction of knowing that by being quiet y


ou gave away nothing of value.

Help the other party save face. If the other party made a commitment that it now needs to abandon, it is usually an astute move on your part to help them save face. This is where you will need to be less competitive than you might expect. If you keep the pressure on them, they are likely to either lock in to their ueasonable position and refuse to budge, or they will feel so embarrassed that they may plot to get even with you later.

Instead, we recommend that you help them save face. You might allow them to change their offer, find a way for them to be flexible without looking foolish, say that this is being done for the greater good, or make some other generous and supportive statement. If constituencies are

involved, you might actively compliment the other party so that their constituency can overhear.

After you!“Let?s compromise.” How many times has someone said those famous words as an invitation to strike a quick, simple deal when a conflict bogs things down? By saying, “Let?s compromise,” you immediately signal your willingness to expedite the resolution of the problem.

But don?t stop there. In the “after you” tactic, you say, “Let?s compromise. What do you think is fair? This invites the other party to make the first concession. And it sets the bottom

limit on what you?ll have to give up. It also gives you the opportunity to simply say so – if their offer is clearly more than twice as low as your target. If so, politely say something like “Maybe compromising isn?t such a good idea after all.” Postpone the compromise, treating the first round as a trial balloon. Then try to initiate a compromise later on with a more favorable opening (using the same after you tactic).

But most likely, the other party?s opening offer will be reasonable, and you can start bargaining from there. If they want a compromise, too, they will make a reasonable or even generous opening offer. By letting them go first, you often get a more favorable outcome than if you had made the first offer.

Buying time with accommodation. Will Rogers once said that “Diplomacy is the art of saying ?Nice doggie? until you can find a rock.” Sometimes you feel very strongly about the outcome, but haven?t the strength to press for a satisfactory settlement through a Competitive, Compromising, or Collaborative negotiating style at the moment. Maybe you lack support because you haven?t been able to get in touch with your management or some other powerful constituency. Perhaps you are waiting for information, funding, or other resources to arrive. Whatever the problem, your hands are tied behind your back.

In which case, you can use an accommodating-for-now approach to delay the negotiation. The way to use this tactic is to make it clear that , while you don?t agree, you will go along with the other party for now – and discuss it again later on. Use wording like “for now” and “until I have time to look into it” or “it?s okay for now, but I?m not satisfied with it and we will have to go into it later.”

Such phrasing makes it clear that you are using the accommodating-for-now tactic, and have reserved the right to negotiate later on.

To conclude, different strategies and tactics are employed to serve different situations which are subject to change constantly, thus flexibility and adaptability in negotiation is advisable. Of course there are certainly other tactics involved, which can be drawn from the real negotiation practice.


1. Read the following two simulated negotiation, and analyze what negotiation tactics are employed by the Party B.

A Negotiation on Price

A: Perhaps we could turn to the question of price today. As I said earlier in our discussions, we are willing to place a trial order of one shipload, say 25,000——30,000 tons. Could I have your lowest quotation, please?

B: Yes, I?d be delighted, but before we discuss price, I?d like to say a few words about the market situation.

A: Please do.

B: Soybeans in Europe enjoy an increasing demand. The prices have advanced over 10% during the last 12 months. The market is firm with an upward trend.

A: You could be right, but if you take a closer look at the international market situation, you?ll find that the supply of soybean is more than enough to meet the demand. The main producing countries, like the United States, have increased their production drastically. At the moment there are more




--I will arrange everything.如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything." (我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。

沟通进行中应避免干扰—No interruptions during the meeting! 如果沟通的地点是在你的公司,那么请叮咛你的部属,勿在沟通过程中做不必要的干扰。因为过份的干扰会影响沟通的意愿和热忱。

资料须充实完备—We have a pamphlet in English.具体的物品通常比口头描述更有说服力。当客户听到你说 "We have a pamphlet in English."(我们有英文的小册子。)或 "Please take this as a sample"(请将这个拿去当样品。)时,一定会兴趣大增,进而问你许多和产品有关的问题。如果你平时资料搜集得全面,便能有问必答。这在商务沟通上是非常有利的。要有解决问题的诚意 —Please tell me about it. 当客户向你提出抱怨时,你应该做的事是设法安抚他。最好的办法就是对他提出的抱怨表示关切与解决的诚意。你的一句“Please tell me about it”(请告诉我这件事的情况。)或“I'm sorry for my error and assure you I will take great care in performing the work”(我为我的错误感 到抱歉,并向您保证,我会尽全力处理此事。)令对方觉得你有责任感,也会恢复对你的信任。

随时确认重要的细节 —Is this waht we decided? 商务洽谈中,一牵扯到金额、交货条件和日期时,除了洽谈当时要用口头复述加以确认外,合约拟好后,更要详细地过目一遍。一旦发现疑点,应立刻询问对方“Is this what we decided? ”(这是我们说定的吗?)合约内容真的错得离谱,就应告诉对方“I'll have to return this contract to you unsigned."(我得将这份合约退还给你,不能签名。)以示抗议。任何合约上的问题,宁可罗嗦一点,也决不可含糊。听不懂对方所说的话时,务必请他重复 —Would you mind repeating it? 英语不是我们的母语,听不懂是很自然的。听不懂又装懂,那才是有害的。其实请人家重复或再讲清楚一点并不难,你只要说”Would you mind repeating it?"(您介意再讲一遍吗?),相信对方不但会再说一遍,而且连速度都会放慢些。如果你还是没听懂,那么仍然要用这个老方法:“Could you explain it more precisely?”(您能解释得更明白一点吗?)

说“不”的技巧 --No, but … 在商务沟通上,该拒绝时,就应该斩钉截铁地说“No.”拐弯抹角地用“That's difficult"(那很困难。)或“Yes, but..."(好是好,可是…)来搪塞,会令对方觉得你答应得不够干脆,而不是在委婉地拒绝。如果你说“No,but…”对方便清楚地知道你是拒绝了,但似乎还可以谈谈。这个时候,你因为已先用“No”牵制对方,而站在沟通的有利位置上了。

不浪费沟通对手的时间-- ...then I'll drive you to the airport for your flight at 7:00.在沟通开始以前,最好事先得知沟通对手的行程表,并尽量配合。当你和客户谈好了一切细节以后,你对他说“I'll have my secretary type the contract for you to sign at once, then I'll drive you to the airport for your flight at 7:00. (我会让我的秘书立刻将合同打好给您签名,然后,我开车送您去机场搭七点钟的飞机。)想必他一定会感激你的周到细心,因此也会采取合作的态度。

达到目地,立即离开—I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Lee.如果协议达成,而你仍流连忘返,则有以下两种危险:沟通对手改变主意;或者你可能因松懈而目不择言,说错了话。因此商议一完成,立即以 "I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Lee."(李先生,很高兴认识您。)收场,告别离去。

保留沟通对手的面子—Your views regarding management differ from mine.要使沟通彻底失败,最好的办法就是使你的沟通对手颜面尽失。可是,这该不是你所要的结果吧?因为如此一来,沟通不但要破裂,也会招来对手的怨恨。虽然你重重地打击了对手,自己却也成了失败的沟通者。因此向对方提出质疑时,要确定将矛头指向事情本身,而不是对手身上:“Your views regarding management differ mine.”(您的经营观点和我的不同。)有时候,你甚至于可以将责任归咎于不在场的第三者身上,而不是直接推给沟通对手:" Someone must have given you wrong information."(一定是有人把错误的情报给了你。)这样的说法可以引导对方修正他的观点,而不会触怒了他,使他拂袖而去。



题 目:





On the Skills of Commercial English 邹长勤 学号: 王慧 职称:讲师 专业:英语2007 年 6 月 6 日


摘 要:商务英语谈判中有许许多多谈判技巧,此论文主要目的在于突出商务谈判技巧中的语言技巧。在正文中,首先分析了谈判的必要程序,然后进行谈判语言技巧的研究。在谈判的语言技巧中有很多重要的技巧。为了在谈判中获胜,有四个技巧不容忽视——交流的技巧,恭维的技巧,间接表达的技巧和说服的技巧。通过很好的掌握并有效地运用这些技巧,可以达到令人满意的结果并和对手建立起和谐的友谊,得到长远合作的机会。


关键词:商务谈判; 语言; 沟通;语言技巧

On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation

Abstract :There are hundreds of negotiation skills in the commercial English negotiation; this paper mainly attempts to highlight the language skills. In the context, I firstly analyze the necessary processes about commercial English negotiation, and then come into the study of the language skills; there are many important aspects of language skills in commercial English negotiation. To make commercial English negotiation successful, these four aspects —skills of communication, skills of compliments, skills of applying indirectness and skills of persuasive can never be ignored. Good commanding and effect using of the language skills can help you to achieve a satisfactory result, establish harmonious relationships and gain further cooperation with the counterpart.

Commercial English negotiation is a process full of conflicts and arguments. Conflicts would appear consequently when two parties try to maximize their individual interests. If they persist in their own opinions, the negotiation will become unproductive, detrimental to the arrival of agreements. Understandably, negotiators would employ various techniques at this time. Then the purposeful use of language comes in. As a language user as well as a negotiator, you must consciously or unconsciously adapt your language to meet the need of perpetual changing situation. In negotiating, you can see a successful negotiator not only takes language as a communicative tool, but also as a very useful skill. Their proper and skillful use of language skills can effectively enhance the mutual trust and understanding among negotiators, so as to increase the odds for negotiation success, and reach a happy result which will benefit and satisfy both sides.

Key words: Commercial Negotiation; Language; Communication; Language Skills


摘要………………………………………………………………………. ...................................I 关键字………………………………………………………………………. ..............................I Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….....................II Key words………………………………………………………………………….......................II

Introduction………………………………………………………………………. ......................1 1. Negotiation……………………………………………………………………….....................1

1.1 Stages of negotiation………………………………………………………........................2

1.1.1 Pre-negotiation………………………………………………………......................2

1.1.2 Face-to-face negotiation……………………………………………........................3

1.1.3 Post-negotiation………………………………………………………....................4

1.2 Seven steps of negotiation………………………………………………….......................4

1.3 Types of Negotiation…………………………………………………………....................5

2. Language in negotiation…………………………………………………………....................6

2.1The power of language ………………………………………………………....................6

2.2 The Power of body language……………………………………………….......................7

2.3 Language‘s role in creating meaning……………………………………...........................9

2.4 Communication ……………………………………………………….............................10

2.4.1 The importance of communication…………………………………..................11

3. Language approach in negotiation ……………………………………………....................12

3.1 Listening and Questioning skill…………………………………………….....................12

3.1.1 Listening………………………………………………………..........................12

3.1.2 Questioning …………………………………………………….........................13

3.2 skills of compliments ………………………………………………………....................14

3.2.1 Choices of commendatory words…………………………………....................15

3.2.2Comparison of Compliments between Chinese and English…………................15

3.3 skills of applying indirectness………………………………………………...................16

3.3.1 Reasons to apply indirectness………………………………………..................16

3.3.2 Choices of proper words……………………………………………..................16

3.3.3 Ways of expressing ………………………………………………......................17

3.4 persuasive skill in negotiation ………………………………………… ….....................17

4. How to reach agreement ……………………………………………………… ...................20

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….........................21 Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………..................…23

References………………………………………………………………………. .....................24

On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation Introduction

Commercial English negotiations in China have been carried out far more frequently with the development of economy. In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment, negotiation is critically important to the success and, ultimately to the survival of companies. So nowadays the ability to negotiate is one of the most valuable skills you can bring to any job. Negotiation is about both sides reaching a good outcome, or at least one they feel they can live with and have contributed to and it will almost certainly involve compromise on both sides. Under such circumstances, the business traders need to master and constantly improve their negotiating capabilities and skills to achieve a better result through negotiation.

To some extent, commercial negotiation can be considered as a battle fought against negotiators. In commercial English negotiations, negotiators must obey the trade rules, negotiate process and meanwhile maintain their own benefits. However in negotiating, both parties involved will endeavor to win the most benefits while maintaining cooperation with each other. Therefore it is necessary to adopt the appropriate language skills .Among them,compliments and persuasion are the most commonly used skills that contribute to a successful commercial negotiation.

Negotiation is basically the verbal communication, and sometimes it is a play of language. Negotiators need to know better about the language skills, such as compliments, persuasive skills, and how to express indirectly to avoid conflicts, so as to make the negotiation succeed.

Ideally, commercial negotiations should be founded on mutual trust and respect. They should be conducted within a problem-solving atmosphere, with sufficient time to tackle all issues.

1. Negotiation

Negotiation is a basic human activity. It is a basic means of getting what you want from others, it is a process we undertake in everyday activities to manage our relationship, and a process through which parties move from their initially divergent