





个人原创上海松江思凯电子公司文员实习实践活动总结 有效防止雷同 值得下载!


目 录

一、社会实践目的 ..................................................................... 2

二、社会实践时间 ..................................................................... 2

三、社会实践地点 ..................................................................... 3

四、社会实践单位介绍 ............................................................. 3

五、社会实践主要内容 ............................................................. 3

六、社会实践总结 ..................................................................... 5

(1)社会实践体会 .............................................................. 6

(2)社会实践心得 .............................................................. 7

(3)社会实践反思 .............................................................. 9

七、致谢 .................................................................................... 10

第 1 页 共 13 页




第一条 高职院校学生到用人单位参加顶岗实习,实习时间不少于半年,是《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》中所规定的,也是学校教学计划的重要组成部分。学校教学部门应在规定的学期内安排学生顶岗实习,招生就业处和学生管理部门做好协调配合,择优推荐。实习一般安排在最后一学期。

第二条 教务处全面负责学校顶岗实习工作。招生就业处应积极开发省内、省外、国内、国外就业市场,通过网上公布、召开招聘会等多种形式,及时向学生推荐顶岗实习或就业单位,配合用人单位搞好双向选择工作。

第三条 各教学系负责学生顶岗实习中的各项具体工作,主要职责是:





第四条 学生参加顶岗实习,由学校相关部门集中组织,也允许学生自主联系实习单位。学生自主联系顶岗实习单位,须由本人提出书面申请,家长签字,并经过学校相关部门同意。学生参加顶岗实习,由学校或学生个人与实习单位签订《九江职业技术学院顶岗实习协议书》。

第五条 用人单位联系顶岗实习时,必须携带营业执照副本和相关的证明文件办理登记手续,学校严格审核其法人资格。经学校同意后,各系协同做好招录学生工作。


第六条 学生顶岗实习成绩是毕业设计(实践)成绩评定的重要依据。各系可根据学生顶岗实习的具体情况,决定学生毕业设计的形式和成绩评定方法。

第(本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:九江职业技术学院论文格式)七条 教学部门根据实习单位的实际情况制定具体实习计划。与顶岗实习单位进行协商,对实习单位指导教师的资质、技术经验和教学能力提出相应的要求,确保顶岗实习达到目标要求。

第八条 学生在顶岗实习期间接受学校和企业的双重指导,实行以企业为主、学校为辅的原则。校企共同加强对学生的工作过程控制和考核,共同填写《顶岗实习鉴定考核表》。学校教学系根据鉴定考核表和总结报告对学生作出总评成绩,由学校存入学生档案。




第九条 学生参加顶岗实习期间必须遵守国家的法律、法规以及用人单位、学校的规章制度,履行顶岗实习期间有关协议的各项任务。学校对违纪者,给予批评教育,直至给予纪律处分。

第十条 学生必须服从学校对其顶岗实习的安排,顶岗实习期未满,不得擅离或调换工作单位。个别学生确因特殊情况,中途调换工作单位的,须本人提出书面申请,报学校批准,并办理相关手续。学生未经批准擅离、调换顶岗实习单位的,顶岗实习成绩以零分计,期间发生的一切问题由学生本人负责,并取消该生的一切评优资格。

第十一条 顶岗实习期间带队教师应严格考勤。逐月检查统计,对超假或无故离岗、旷岗的学生,视情节给予批评教育,学校视情节给予院纪院规处分。

第十二条 学生必须服从顶岗实习单位的领导,要虚心求教、钻研业务、踏实工作、学有所获。

第十三条 学生在顶岗实习期间必须严格遵守安全操作规定,谨防和杜绝各类事故的发生。上下班时要注意交通安全,遵守交通规则,下班后要及时回宿舍,不准在外游荡、不准在外过夜。如因学生自己违反操作规程或操作不慎、行为不检点等原因所造成的一切后果由学生本人自行承担。

第十四条 学生要尊重工作和实习单位的领导和员工,讲究文明礼貌,虚心接受师傅的指导,自觉维护顶岗实习单位。

第十五条 顶岗实习期间严重违反顶岗实习协议、不遵守保密制度,故意遗失和损坏保密文档,酗酒闹事、打架斗殴以及其他不文明行为者,学校视情节给予相应纪律处分。

第五章其 他

第十六条 顶岗实习的学生必须主动与学校保持联系,登录学校网站,查询有关毕业安排等信息。

第十七条 实习单位按实习协议支付学生劳动报酬。

第十八条 本办法自颁布之日起执行,学校教务处负责解释。








附件1 :



2、指导教师填写《顶岗实习任务书》,对顶岗实习的时间、任务、提交成果要求等做出明确的规定;《顶岗实习任务书》一式三份,学生、现场指导教师、系部各一份。 3、学生按学校有关规定办完离校手续后,携带《顶岗实习任务书》、《顶岗实习鉴定表》(附件3)到岗实习。实习期间系部指派的专业指导教师不定期进行巡查,巡查记录作为实习学生平时成绩考核依据之一。 4、专业指导教师分管一定数量的实习生,责任到人。指导教师采用电话、电子邮件、网上交流等形式,及时与学生及实习单位或家长沟通联系,进行思想教育与技术指导;及时掌握学生动态,沟通的频数每月不少于3次,并填写《顶岗实习指导联系记录本》。






2. 研究现状和发展趋势

我国工业锅炉的自动化控制,经历了三四十年代的单参数控制,四五十年代的单元组合式综合参数仪表控制从六十年代开始,人们对锅炉水位系统进行了更深入的研究,采用更先进的计算机控制方法,如数字PID控制、最优控制、自适应控制等。在控制结构上采用串级 -前馈-反馈控制。针对控制锅炉对象的滞后特性,采用Smith纯滞后补偿控制等。比如:文献针对当时锅炉水位控制中大多数采用的DDZ-II型电动单元组合仪表电路,故障率高,调节效果差等特点,设计并制作出一种采用PID调节原理的新型智能水位控制仪。


国外许多学者正深入地研究汽包水位智能控制方法。1974年英国的E.H.Mamdani ,成功的将模糊控制应用到锅炉和蒸汽机控制中,此后,模糊控制得到了广泛的发展并在现实中得到了成功的应用。国内的许多学者对汽包水位模糊控制也进行了深入的研究,如哈尔滨工程大学的夏国清等针对锅炉水位问题,提出了一种自学习模糊控制方法,并进行仿真研究,验证了模糊控制对汽包水位模型参数变化不敏感,抗干扰能力强等优点,解决了对象数学模型不精确时控制器的适应性问题。












1-4周 搜集资料,熟悉课题,明确设计目的和要求,


5周 确定设计方案 仪表选型

6-7 周 做好硬件设计

8-9 周 做好软件设计

10-12 周软件,硬件调试,修改

13-15 周 撰写毕业设计

16-17 周 毕业答辩



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【3】高雪峰 浅谈蒸汽锅炉水位自动控制[J].科技信息 2009,04

【4】彭雪峰,张怡典 智能锅炉水位控制系统设计[R] .九江职业技术学院报告 2012 03.

【5】陆柳延,王妹婷,齐永峰,吕学智,锅炉水位的模糊控制及其仿真实现 [N]扬州大学学报(自然科学报) 2013:02

【6】马跃春,基于plc的蒸汽锅炉双冲量水位控制[J].科技信息2013 ,10

【7】张奠基大容量锅炉汽包水位的全程自动控制[J]. 科协论坛 2013,09

【8】郭庆祝 岳书朋 船用锅炉水位控制系统[J] .中外船舶科技2008,02

【9】李成浩 锅炉水位PID控制与模糊控制研究 [J] .2012,21

[10] Chen Ye, Cang Xiaojin, Peng Peng. Network control system based on OPC middleware technology[J]. Dianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2011, 31: 100-104+108.

[11] Xu Jianguo, Zhong Weimin, Tong Yu. Testing Platform for Advanced Process Control Algorithm Based on Matlab7.0 and KINGVIEW[N]. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2006, 6: 542-544.

[12] Li Anfu, Cui Yaling. OPC-based data communication between Matlab and KingView[J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2007(7): 113-115.


Intelligent Control System of Water Level for Boiler Drum

WU Mingliang1

, WU Mingyong


, HUANG Jiankang


, SHAO Ling


1. Electromechanical Academy, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, P. R. China

E-mail: wml0757@163.com

2. Peili Oil Academy of Engineering , Lanzhou City Academy, Lanzhou 730050, P. R. China

3. Key Laboratory of Non-ferrous Metal Alloys and Processing under the management for Ministry of Education, Lanzhou

University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, P. R. China

E-mail: sr2810@163.com

Abstract: WinCC configuration software and OPC technology as a breakthrough, communication integration of MATLAB and WinCC is realized. The real-time data exchange problem among different monitoring systems is solved based on OPC technology. That combine with strong engineering calculation ability of MATLAB and characteristics of real-time data collection for Siemens configuration software WinCC. The simulation results show that OPC is the communication interface between the Client MATLAB and Server WinCC. It can preferably realizes seamless transmission and experimental test of fuzzy self-adaptive PID intelligent control algorithm for boiler drum water level, and better satisfy real-time data, high efficiency requirements of process control for the boiler. Key words: OPC Technology, MATLAB, WinCC, Real-Time Data Exchange, Fuzzy Self-Adaptive PID 1 Introduction In the design of industrial boiler control system, how to effectively realize intelligent control algorithm is always the universal concern problem of the industrial boiler automation control areas. WinCC is the man-machine interface (HMI) software. It can solve visualization and control tasks in the production process and process automation, and develop acquisition system of supervisory control and data in the management level. It has high practicality and flexible configuration [1]. But its ability of data processing is weak, and it is not easy to realize complex control algorithm. However, there are numerous advantages in MATLAB. For example, it is a kind of professional software for mathematical analysis and engineering computation, providing a powerful ability of data processing and open interface of application programming, having a rich toolbox of control algorithm, and completing modeling and simulation of dynamic complex control system. But WinCC cannot directly communicate with the industrial control equipment, carry on real-time operating and controlling, and effectively verify the algorithm. The OPC bases on a set of OLE and COM/DCOM technology of Microsoft Windows operating platform. It realizes standards of software interface between the different on-site equipments and applications. And it also adopts Client/Server model, in order to provide the highly effective information integration and object model component of standard interface of interactive function. Users design corresponding Client [2] ccording to OPC Server provided by hardware developers, and as a result the data exchange of different systems can be realized. If MATLAB is *This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China under Grant 50675093. combined with WinCC by the OPC technology, complex control algorithm is used by MATLAB language, and then function of data acquisition and friendly human-machine interface are realized with WinCC, respective advantages of MATLAB and WinCC will be beneficial to be played. 2 OPC Interface Technology OPC (OLE for Process Control) is component model interface providing highly efficient information integration and interactive function for industrial applications. It is referred to object linking and embedding technology in process control. Due to maintenance and management of OPC Foundation institutions, the specifications of OPC DA (Data access), AE (Alarm and event) and HAD (Historical data access) has already been launched. At present, it is the most catholically applied that the OPC DA of data access standard. The standard is used

to complete process of data exchange between process controller and HMI equipment or other clients. The datum read include data type, time label, quality and statement of numerical quality. The client can read the process data and write command into OPC server, and the command is transmitted to the scene controller[3]. The specification of OPC technology contains Server and Client, using the Client/Sever mode. Server is the supplier of data and Client is the user of data. They establish a complete set of rules between hardware supplier and software developer. The driver of hardware device and the communication program are encapsulated to independent OPC Server. It transmits control command and measurement data to Client. Only to obey the protocol of OPC data interface, OPC Client is generally designed and developed by the user. As a result, it can be realized that datum is acquired from OPC Client. An OPC customer can connect to one or more OPC Server, and multiple OPC Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control ConferenceJuly22-24, 2011, Yantai, China4461customers are also allowed to simultaneously connect to the same OPC Server. Server consists of three types of objects: Server, Group and data Item, according to standard code of access for OPC data. Server has all information of Server objects and is a container of group objects, providing function of creating and operating the OPC group objects for OPC Client. Group has all the information of this group objects and is a container of OPC item, offering the mechanism of organization and management. Item is a specific process variable and the smallest unit of read-write, representing a physical connection which is from OPC Server to data source. Item cannot be directly accessed by OPC Client procedure but can be realized by accessing OPC group object containing items. Data structure of each data item contains three variables: Value, Quality and Time stamp. The OPC specification describes two kinds of access interfaces. They are Automation interface and Custom interface supported by OPC Server. The custom interface of OPC data access is a group of COM interface and can be developed and visited by high-level programming languages such as C/C + +. The realizable method of custom interface for OPC Server is complex, but fast and efficient. And the best performance of OPC Server can be exerted by this interface. However, the automation interface of OPC data visit is defined as standard interface based on scripting language of programming. It makes COM interface convert to automation OLE interface, and makes OPC server visited by expository language and macro language become possible. And it is developed and completed by senior languages such as Visual Basic. Moreover, the realization method of automation interface for OPC data visit is simple, but slow and has less function. 3 Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID Control of Water Level for Boiler Drum Presented The water level of boiler drum is an important parameter to ensure safety in production and provide steam of superior quality. Because many considerations such as load changes, inlet and outlet water speed and water quality influence the water level, it is a typically time-varying and nonlinear system. If a conventional method of automatic control is adopted, it often cannot be done that the desired control effect and the stability of drum water level. The accommodation of drum water level has certain characteristics of delay and inertia, namely, when step transition has taken place to the steam flow and water flow given, the water level of object regulated can't