


今夜离港 罪恶之城 睽违 未央 偏偏娇纵 乌夜啼 顾西爵的小说













美国陆军特种部队的John(Channing Tatum 饰)在家乡渡假时意外结识渡假的女学生Savannah(Amanda Seyfried 饰),两人很快便深陷爱河。John成年后和自己的醉心于收集硬币的父亲鲜有交流,Savannah却对John的父亲十分友善。两人的假期很快结束,分别时John承诺Savannah自己的服役期一年后便结束,之后两人便再也不分离。海外驻军常常扎营在一些偏远的地区,John只能通过信件和Savannah互诉衷肠,在那些充满浓情蜜意的文字间二人都憧憬着日后可以长相厮守。





Savannah: full moon tonight?Do you ever notice how big the moon is when it rising? And how little it gets when it s up in the sky? 莎文娜: 今天是满月?你注意过吗?月亮升起来的时候很大,当它挂在天空中时就变得非常小了。

john: You know,that s just your , it doesn t matter where it is in the sky or where you are...if you hold your hand up and close one of your eyes..it never bigger than your thumb. 约翰: 只不过是你的视角问题罢了。其实不管月亮在哪里,或是你在哪里...如果你抬起头,闭上一只眼睛...月亮永远比你的拇指还小。

Dear John: I don t know where have you been, but one thing I know for myself and both we know is I ll see you soon . The problem with time I ve learned, is that eventually time always runs out. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as it ever was. I will see you soon, then. 亲爱的约翰: 我不知道此刻你在哪里,但是有一件事我们彼此都深信不疑:我们就快见面了。我知道,有一天时间



John:Why didn t you call? why didn t you call me? I mean did i not deserve any more explanation than...that letter ? You couldn t have called me? You couldn t have given me some sort of chance to change your mind? Don t you think you owed me that ?约翰: 你为什么不给我打电话?为什么不打电话?你难道不觉得该给我除了...除了那封信以外的其它解释吗?你不能打个电话给我?你就不能给我个机会改变你的决定?你不觉得这是你欠我的吗?

Savannah:I couldn t.莎文娜: 我不能。

John:You couldn t? You thought that little of me that you couldn t have just called me. Why?约翰: 不能?我就这么不重要,连给我打个电话都不行?这是为什么?

Savannah: Because i couldn t .莎文娜: 我就是没办法。

John:Give me an answer. Why? Why not ?约翰: 给我个答案。为什么?为什么你没办法?

Savannah: Because i couldn t. 莎文娜: 我就是没办法。

John: An answer.约翰: 给我答案。

Savannah: Because just hearing your voice, I would have changed my mind.莎文娜: 因为只要听到你的声音,我就会改变主意。


美国陆军特种部队的John(Channing Tatum 饰)在家乡渡假时意外结识渡假的女学生Savannah(Amanda Seyfried 饰),两人很快便深陷爱河。John成年后和自己的醉心于收集硬币的父亲鲜有交流,Savannah却对John的父亲十分友善。两人的假期很快结束,分别时John承诺Savannah自己的服役期一年后便结束,之后两人便再也不分离。海外驻军常常扎营在一些偏远的地区,John只能通过信件和Savannah互诉衷肠,在那些充满浓情蜜意的文字间二人都憧憬着日后可以长相厮守。




Savannah: full moon tonight?Do you ever notice how big the moon is when it rising? And how little it gets when it s up in the sky? 莎文娜: 今天是满月?你注意过吗?月亮升起来的时候很大,当它挂在天空中时就变得非常小了。

john: You know,that s just your , it doesn t matter where it is in the sky or where you are...if you hold your hand up and close one of your eyes..it never bigger than your thumb. 约翰: 只不过是你的视角问题罢了。其实不管月亮在哪里,或是你在哪里...如果你抬起头,闭上一只眼睛...月亮永远比你的拇指还小。

Dear John: I don t know where have you been, but one thing I know for myself and both we know is I ll see you soon . The problem with time I ve learned, is that eventually time always runs out. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as it ever was. I will see you soon, then. 亲爱的约翰: 我不知道此刻你在哪里,但是有一件事我们彼此都深信不疑:我们就快见面了。我知道,有一天时间会用尽,但不管时光走过多少年,我从来都坚信,总有一天我们会再见。

John:Why didn t you call? why didn t you call me? I mean did i not deserve any more explanation than...that letter ? You couldn t have called me? You couldn t have given me some sort of chance to change your mind? Don t you think you owed me that ?约翰: 你为什么不给我打电话?为什么不打电话?你难道不觉得该给我除了...除了那封信以外的其它解释吗?你不能打个电话给我?你就不能给我个机会改变你的决定?你不觉得这是你欠我的吗?

Savannah:I couldn t.莎文娜: 我不能。

John:You couldn t? You thought that little of me that you couldn t have just called me. Why?约翰: 不能?我就这么不重要,连给我打个电话都不行?这是为什么?

Savannah: Because i couldn t .莎文娜: 我就是没办法。

John:Give me an answer. Why? Why not ?约翰: 给我个答案。为什么?为什么你没办法?

Savannah: Because i couldn t. 莎文娜: 我就是没办法。

John: An answer.约翰: 给我答案。

Savannah: Because just hearing your voice, I would have changed my mind.莎文娜: 因为只要听到你的声音,我就会改变主意。

