


18 Horrifying Breakup Stories That Will Make You Glad You’re Single


1. Submitted by Abby Morris (Facebook)

1、Abby Morris

I dated a guy for a few months. One day, he stopped returning my texts/calls. He told me he was having “family trouble” and couldn’t talk. This went on for a few days until I found out the real reason he wasn’t talking to me: He was waiting for his breakup postcard to arrive in my mailbox. That’s right. He broke up with me via postcard. A POSTCARD.

我和一个家伙交往了几个月。有一天,他不再回我的短信和电话。他告诉我他有“家庭问题”,所以不想说话。几天后我发现他只是不跟我说话:他在等我收到他寄的分手明信片。没错,他通过一张明(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:情人节分手信)信片来跟我分手。一张明信片。

2. Submitted by meghans43902c575


We had dated for a while and talked about getting married. After a couple months of future planning we decided to go look at rings. The next night after looking at rings, he showed up at my house, knocked on the door, gave me a hug and kiss, looked deep into my eyes, and said, “I think we should break up.”


3. Submitted by Brooke Michael (Facebook)

3、Brooke Michael

I was dating this guy for three years, and things were getting pretty serious. He had already bought an engagement ring, and he bought me a promise ring for my 21st birthday.


Things started to get rocky when he told me he wanted to go to three to four video game competitions a year. As we were getting more serious, I was thinking about the future and what that money could go to, and he just wanted to continue to play video games professionally. An hour later, he broke up with me, saying, “Video games are my biggest dreams, and this is my biggest opportunity, and this is what I want to do and this is who I am.”


I gave him back all his stuff. Now, he won’t give me back my Pyrex dish, or my T-shirts because he just doesn’t want to. A breakup, all because of video games. And, all I want is my Pyrex dish back.


4. Submitted by rosiem4a17ba012


“A LETTER?! YOU’RE BREAKING UP WITH ME IN A LETTER?! WTF?!” “Just read it.” “Read it in front of you?!” So yeah, I read it. This jerk didn’t even rewrite the letter. There were words scratched out. Favorite one was “…I don’t love you anymore.” When the original line clearly said “…I don’t love you as much anymore.” I read the whole two-page letter in my towel while he said absolutely nothing.


5. Submitted by Pamela Dodd (Facebook)

5、Pamela Dodd

Things were soooo good. Like, we were really happy and in an actual committed relationship. He was tinkering around with the idea of moving out of state, but didn’t mention it much. I figured it was just talk. On Christmas Eve, while at a bonfire at a mutual friend’s house, she said, “So, you’re moving to Providence on Jan. 27 right?” Without missing a beat he replies, “The 29. Driving up with my friend and going on tour.” I’m like, HUH WHAT?!? I confronted him about it later and tried to break up with him, but he assured me that we could work through the separation. He said, “Give it a year; you never know what could happen. I don’t want to break up over this.” He moved.


We stayed together (lots of FaceTime dates). Once he felt settled in, I made arrangements to go up and visit him for a week in March. Things had been going really well and I was investigating moving to Providence. TWO DAYS before I am due to fly up, he calls me and is acting really weird. I pressure him to spill the beans and he says, “I just don’t know if we should keep dating … I feel so weird being in a long-distance relationship. It’s too hard.” You know, after months of sappy conversations about how much he missed me, etc. And after I dropped $200 to fly from Tampa to Providence in MARCH (because, Jesus, who wants to go to Providence in MARCH??) 我们依旧在一起。他稳定下来之后,我准备在三月份的某周去看他。事情进展顺利,我还想着我要不要也搬去普罗维登斯。就在我准备飞到普罗维登斯的前两天,他表现怪异,还打电话跟我说:“我不知道我们是否应该继续交往。我觉得异地恋很奇怪。这太难了。”在跟我说了数月的甜言蜜语,并在我花了200美元买了3月份从坦帕市到普罗维登斯的机票后他竟然说分手了。(而且,天哪,谁想在3月份去普罗维登斯啊??)

6. Submitted by Melanie Friesen (Facebook)

6、Melanie Friesen

I was engaged to be married to a guy. We had dated in high school, broken up, gotten back together a decade or so later, and had a wonderful relationship. Or so I thought. It was long distance, but we were just months away from our wedding, so I quit my job, gave notice on my apartment, all that good stuff. Days later, he calls me and says, “I love you, but I don’t want to marry you or have you move down here.” Completely devastated. But, after running away for a week, my boss gave me my job back and my landlord was cool. Things were slowly getting on track… Then I got a call. I had won one of those damn “win the dress of your dreams” contests in Bride Magazine. I asked them to give it to someone else.


I still enter stupid sweepstakes, because I figure my sweepstakes karma has got to be pretty good after that. :)


7. Submitted by Becca McCarthy (Facebook)

7、Becca McCarthy

After about a year and a half of dating, my boyfriend ghosted me. He completely stopped talking and responding to me without any explanation. This was three months after we graduated from college and we were living six hours apart so I couldn’t just drive to his house. Two months later, I went back to visit a friend. He still lived in that city with his parents so I made a surprise visit to his house. We talked, had dinner, and he explained some things. Over the next few weeks we worked things out and were officially together again. He came to visit me for a week during Christmas, then we had our “two-year” anniversary in March and everything was going great. 交往了一年半之后,我的男朋友对我就不那么上心了。他完全不和我说话,也不回复我,没有任何解释。我们从大学毕业3个月后,由于住所相距六个小时的车程,所以我开车去他家不现实。两个月后,我去看望一个朋友,顺便去看了他。我们一起交谈,吃饭,他也解释了一些事情。几周后我们又在一起了。圣诞节他过来看我,在我这里呆了一周,3月份我们一起度过了我们的“两周年”纪念日。

Until HE DID IT AGAIN! NO EXPLANATIONS, NO CALL, NO TEXT, NO RESPONSES, NOTHING. So I guess this technically isn’t a “breakup story” because he never had the balls to actually break up with me.


8. Submitted by Jessica Wittich (Facebook)

8、Jessica Wittich

Toward the end of one night, we were chatting on MSN Messenger and he said he was going to BRB because he needed to shower. About five minutes later he showed up at my apartment and we spent the night cuddling and making out.


Then he broke up with me the next day before I went to work. Over MSN Messenger.


9. Submitted by Elijah Harvey (Facebook)

9、Elijah Harvey

I was 18 (this was in 2002) working for $5.50 an hour at the grocery store part time and in college. I saved up for about six months to take my girl at the time to Red Lobster for Valentine’s Day. I threw on a tux, drove about 40 miles to get her, and her mom said that she wasn’t there…and that I should just go back to my dorms. She never hit me back that day. The next day she called me back and said she didn’t want to see me again and hung up. I bought myself a video game with the

money that I was going to spend on her dinner. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ


10. Submitted by Dianna Alix Adiemus Hawryluk (Facebook)

10、Dianna Alix Adiemus Hawryluk

I followed him down a bit later, under the assumption that maybe we’d watch stupid videos or something. Instead, he opened Notepad and started typing. I don’t remember what was written exactly, but we had a back and forth silent breakup through a freaking word processor. A WORD PROCESSOR. We were sitting next to each other.


11. Submitted by Carson Theresa Cekola (Facebook)

11、Carson Theresa Cekola

I dated a kid for a year and we spent our anniversary together. The day after, I went to visit my family for a week. He had ignored all of my texts for the week, and I couldn’t get ahold of him so I called his house phone on my last day to see if I could see him on my way back. His dad answered (he lived at home) and told me that my boyfriend had moved to New York to live with his sister (we live in Michigan). I asked a few of his friends if they knew anything. They told me that he had been planning on moving for the last five months, with a predetermined date set.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, one of them asked why I was upset. Confused, I asked why he’d think that I wouldn’t be upset. He responded by saying that my boyfriend had told him that we had broken up four months ago. He didn’t even think we were together, and thought we were still just close.


12. Submitted by kellye9


It was just a few days after Valentine’s Day (where he gave me a card saying something like “I can’t believe we’ve been dating this long but I love it and you.”). We spent the afternoon together — he bought me lunch and we walked around Walmart. We went back to my apartment and he walked me to my door and before I went inside he said, “I don’t know how to say this, but…” and proceeded to break up with me. Note to all guys out there: Don’t take a girl to lunch and then break up with her an hour later.



13. Submitted by Id Edkut (Facebook)

13、Id Edkut

I had to break up with my ex over text. I felt horrible about it, but I would text him “Hey” every two or three days and get nothing. The minute I texted, “I really care about you but I’m pretty sure you don’t care about me, so sorry but I have to break up with you,” he texts back — and I am not kidding — “K” in less than two seconds. It was the fastest interaction we had ever had.


14. Submitted by laraparker


I was with a guy for several years. We were PRETTY serious and I was obviously planning the wedding on Pinterest. One night, there was a knock on my front door and I opened it to find his mom standing on my doorstep. She immediately hugged me and started crying. I was, like, really confused by this point until I heard her say, “I just can’t believe he broke up with you.” Except the thing was that he HADN’T. HE HAD NOT BROKEN UP WITH ME. His mom had just done it for him. And there I was, standing in my mismatched pajamas, hugging my boyfriend’s mom while she cried about our breakup that I hadn’t even known about.


15. Submitted by Quinn Slayton (Facebook)

15、Quinn Slayton

He emailed me at work to break up with me. The subject line was “FYI.”


16. Submitted by Justin Blea (Facebook)

16、Justin Blea

I was living with a girl for more than a year and she decided to break up with me (after two years) and less than two weeks before my birthday. Then because we worked at the same restaurant, she asked me to cover for her on Valentine’s Day… she said it was important. She asked to borrow my truck. I let her. When she returned it to me, I found a receipt for a hotel room for THAT NIGHT in my center console. Happy Valentine’s Day to me.


17. Submitted by lauram141


I once dated this guy in high school. One day I walked out of class to find my friend holding a



2011 年北美票房排行榜 前95名 1 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)harry potter and the deathly hallows:part 2 2 变形金刚3 transformers:dark of the moon 3 暮光之城4:破晓(上)the twilight saga:breaking dawn-part 14 宿醉2 the hangover part ii5 加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪 pirates of the caribbean:on stranger tides 6 速度与激情5 fast five7 赛车总动员2 cars 28 雷神 thor

9 猩球崛起 rise of the planet of the apes 10 美国队长 captain america:the first avenger 11 帮助

12 伴娘

13 功夫熊猫2

14 碟中谍4

15 福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏16 x战警:第一战

17 穿靴子的猫

18 里约大冒险

19 蓝精灵

20 超级8

21 兰戈

22 恶老板

23 绿灯侠

24 拯救小兔

25 艾尔文与花栗鼠326 灵动:鬼影实录327 随波逐流

28 坏老师/霸凌女教师29 牛仔和外星人

30 吉诺米欧与朱丽叶31 青蜂侠

32 狮子王3d

33 铁甲钢拳

34 布偶大电影

35 疯狂 愚蠢 爱

36 洛杉矶之战

37 惊天战神

38 动物园看守

39 永无止境

40 高楼大劫案

41 传染病

42 点球成金

43 贾斯汀 比伯:永不言败44 海豚的故事

45 杰克和吉尔

46 不求回报

47 龙纹身女孩(美版)48 波普先生的企鹅

49 未知

50 命运规划局

51 快乐的大脚2

52 大象的眼泪

53 林肯律师

54 丁丁历险记

55 午夜在巴黎

56 朋友也上床

57 关键第4号

58 源代码

59 阴儿房

60 黑风婆一家亲

61 小屁孩日记2

63 浑身是劲

63 雨果

64 战马

65 我家买了动物园

66 新年前夜

67 劈腿困境

68 亚瑟.圣诞

69 偷情通行证

70 灵魂冲浪

71 死神来了5

72 后人

73 总统杀局

74 汉娜

75 大婚告急

76 非常小特务4

77 惊声尖叫4

78 绝地奶霸3

79 小红帽

80 保罗

81 室友

82 婚礼斗阵

83 时间规划局

84 互换身体

85 惊魂半小时

86 胡佛

87 哥伦比亚人

88 美少女特工队

89 拉瑞 克劳

90 抗癌的我

91 寻堡奇遇3

92 亡命驾驶

93 勇气

94 仪式

95 亚瑟

2010 年北美票房排行榜 前10名 1 玩具总动员(第3集)toy story 3 bv $415,004,880 4,028 $110,307,189 4,028 6/18

12/2 2 爱丽丝梦游仙境alice in wonderland (2010) bv $334,191,110 3,739 $116,101,023

3,728 3/5 7/8

3 钢铁侠(第2集)iron man 2 par. $312,433,331 4,390 $128,122,480 4,380 5/7 8/194 暮光之城(第3集:月食)the twilight saga: eclipse sum. $300,531,751 4,468

$64,832,191 4,468 6/30 10/215 哈利波特(第7集:与死亡圣器上部)harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1

wb $294,403,739 4,125

6 盗梦空间inception wb $292,576,195 3,792 $62,785,337 3,792 7/16 1/6 7 神偷奶爸despicable me uni. $251,513,985 3,602 $56,397,125 3,476 7/9 1/20 8 史瑞克(第4集)shrek forever after p/dw $238,736,787 4,386 $70,838,207 4,359

5/21 9/9 9 驯龙高手how to train your dragon p/dw $217,581,231 4,060 $43,732,319

4,055 3/26 7/22 10 长发公主tangled bv $194,994,340 11 the karate kid功夫梦:1亿7659万 12 tron legacy:创战纪:1亿7206万13 true grit:大地惊雷:1亿7105万14 clash of the titans (2010)泰坦之战:1亿6321万15 grown ups:长大成 人:1亿6200万 16 little fockers:拜见岳父3:1亿4843万 17 megamind:超级大坏蛋:1亿4841万 18 the kings speech国王演讲:1亿3545万19 the last airbender最后的风之子:1亿3177万20 shutter island:禁闭岛:1亿2801万21 the other guys二流警察,1亿1921万 22 salt:特工绍特:1亿1831万 23 jackass 3-d:蠢蛋搞怪秀3:1亿1722万24 valentines day情人节:1亿1048万 25 black swan:黑天鹅:1亿695万 26 robin hood罗宾汉,1亿526万27 the chronicles of narnia: the voyage of the dawn treader:纳尼亚传奇3:1

亿438万 28 the expendables:敢死队:1亿306万 29 due date预产期:1亿53万30 yogi bear瑜伽熊,1亿24万 31 约会之夜,9871万

32 the social network社交网络 33 sex and the city 2欲望都市2:9534万 34 the book of eli艾利之书,9483万 35 the fighter斗士,9361万36 the town城中大盗,9218万37 prince of persia: the sands of time波斯王子之时之沙,9075万 38 red 赤焰战场,9038万39 percy jackson & the olympians: the lightning thief:波西·杰克逊与神火

之盗,8876万 40 paranormal activity 2鬼影实录2:8475万41 unstoppable危情时速,8156万42 eat pray love美食、祈祷和恋爱,8057万 43 dear john分手信,8001万44 the a-team天龙特工队,7722万 45 knight & day危情谍战,7642万 46 dinner for schmucks愚人晚餐,7302万 47 the tourist致命伴旅,6763万48 the bounty hunter赏金猎人,6706万49 diary of a wimpy kid小屁孩日记,6400万 50 the sorcerers apprentice魔法师的学徒,6315万 51 a nightmare on elm street (2010)猛鬼街翻拍。6307万 53 the wolfman狼人,6197万54 get him to the greek前往希腊剧院,6097万,6/4上映 55 resident evil: afterlife生化危机4,6012万 56 tyler perrys why did i get married too?我怎么又结婚了?6009万57 tooth fairy牙仙,6002万,1/22上映60 takers,劫匪,5774万61 legend of the guardians: the owls of gahoole猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇,5567

万 62 life as we know it我们所知道的生活,5337万 63 letters to juliet给朱丽叶的信,5303万 64 wall street: money never sleeps华尔街2:5247万 65 predators新铁血战士,5200万66 hot tub time machine热浴盆时光机,5028万 67 kick-ass海扁王,4807万68 killers杀手们,4705万69 saw 3d电锯惊魂7,4571万70 cop out拍档侦探,4487万71 cats & dogs: the revenge of kitty galore猫狗大战2,4358万 72 edge of darkness黑暗边缘,4331万 73 gullivers travels格列佛游记 ,4277万74 death at a funeral (2010)美版黑人版四个婚礼一个葬礼,4273万 75 step up 3-d歌舞青春3d,4240万 76 the last exorcism,最后的驱魔仪式,4103万 77 legion (2010)基督再临,4016万 78 burlesque滑稽戏,3944万

79 the crazies杀出狂人镇,3912万 81 the back-up plan剩女也疯狂,3749万 82 vampires suck暮色大电影,3666万 83 the american美国人,3560万 84 green zone绿色地带,3505万 86 devil电梯里的恶魔,3360万 87 hereafter从今以后,3274万 88 when in rome罗马许愿池艳遇,3268万 89 love and other drugs爱情与灵药,3236万 94 how do you know你怎知道,3021万 95 daybreakers嗜血破晓,3010万97 the switch播种爱情,2777万 99 machete弯刀,2659万

102 you again怎么又是你,2570万 104 piranha 3d食人鱼3d,2500万107 the spy next door邻家特工,2430万 108 from paris with love巴黎谍影,2407万 109 the losers失败者,2359万 110 faster极速复仇,2324万111 just wright抚爱伤痛,2154万 112 skyline天际浩劫,2139万113 the next three days三日危情,2114万114 the kids are all right孩子们都很好,2081万 119 127 hours,127小时,1833万121 furry vengeance复仇祸害,1763万 122 splice人兽杂交,1701万123 the ghost writer影子写手,1554万125 my soul to take猛鬼生日宴,1474万 126 repo men重生男人,1379万 127 case 39第39号档案,1326万128 let me in美版生人勿进,1213万129 extraordinary measures良医妙药,1206万2009 年北美票房排行榜 前10名 1 阿凡达avatar fox $738,393,054 3,461 $77,025,481 3,452 12/18 - 2 变形金刚(第2集)transformers: revenge of the fallen p/dw $402,111,870 4,293

$108,966,307 4,23 6/24 10/153 哈利波特(第6集:与混血王子)harry potter and the half-blood prince wb

$301,959,197 4,455

4 暮光之城(第2集:新月)the twilight saga: new moon sum. $296,607,170 4,124

$142,839,137 4,024 11/20 -

5 飞屋环游记up bv $293,004,164 3,886 $68,108,790 3,766 5/29 11/56 宿醉the hangover wb $277,322,503 3,545 $44,979,319 3,269 6/5 12/17 7 星际迷航star trek par. $257,730,019 4,053 $75,204,289 3,849 5/8 10/18 弱点the blind side wb $254,596,838 3,407 $34,119,372 3,110 11/20 -篇二:全












思念如酒 千杯不解馋


人事易分 辗转难入眠

心情随风淡 过往多遗憾




坚强的外壳下内藏温柔 选自歌曲(将思念揉进歌声)












远方的人儿你可在惦记 选自歌曲(听说) 选自歌曲(一个人的烟火)






谁不在意 客观评论










经历了多少繁华 见证多久浮夸


看惯了几度晚霞 映红几座白塔


总想在情到深处时 能有个人守候

我心像明月 会常伴她左右 选自歌曲(回头太难)
