

同事出国欢送宴会公司同事致辞 亲爱的朋友们 大家晚上好! 今天是一个既令人欣喜又令人感伤的日子。欣喜的是我们的同事 XX 将要出国发展;感伤的是XX 即将离开我们。

大家对 XX 一直都有着很高的评价身边的朋友和同事一直都说他为人忠厚作风正派是我们的好同事、好朋友。XX 在单位的这几年一直兢兢业业勤勤恳恳忠于企业拥有良好的职业操守。他始终保持一种积极进取、乐观向上的精神。无论在工作还是生活上他一直乐于助人经常帮助身边需要帮助的人这让他和同事之间的关系相处得十分融洽。正是由于 XX 高尚的品德和过硬的专业技术带给了他这个难得的出国深造的机会。我们在这里衷心地祝福他并学习他爱岗敬业将工作当做事业的精神。

在这里我代表公司的全体干部职工对 XX 今天所取得的成绩表示衷心的机贺。如今XX 要离开故土远赴他国我们送他一句话 莫愁前路无知己天下谁人不识君 。我们会想念他并为他祝福! 最后让我们共同举杯祝 XX 旅途顺利身体健康早日学成归来干杯!
















我对华盛顿州和西雅图市并不陌生。人们常说,华盛顿州是 常青之州 ,西雅图市是 翡翠之城 。这里有雄伟挺拔的雷尼尔山、波光潋滟的华盛顿湖。电影《西雅图不眠夜》使这座城市在中国民众中有很大吸引力。目前,华盛顿州对华出口居全美之首,中国也成为西雅图港最大贸易伙伴。华盛顿州和西雅图市成为中美人民友谊、中美互利合作的一个重要象征。








这些情况表明,中国人民要过上美好生活,还要继续付出艰苦努力。发展依然是当代中国的第一要务,中国执政者的首要使命就是集中力量提高人民生活水平,逐步实现共同富裕。为此,我们提出了 两个一百年 奋斗目标,就是到2020年实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,全面建成小康社会;到本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴。我们现在所做的一切,都是为了实现这个既定目标。实现全面建成小康社会,必须全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。这是我们提出的 四个全面 战略布局。











中国继续推进反腐败斗争。我说过,打铁还需自身硬。这里说的打铁的人,就是中国共产党。中国共产党的根本宗旨是全心全意为人民服务。中国共产党有8700多万名党员,党内也必然存在这样那样的问题。如果我们不能解决存在的问题,任其发展下去,人民就不会信任和支持我们。所以,我们强调治国必先治党、治党务必从严。一段时间以来,我们大力查处腐败案件,坚持 老虎 、 苍蝇 一起打,就是要顺应人民要求。这其中没有什么权力斗争,没有什么 纸牌屋 。中国愿同国际社会积极开展反腐追逃合作。中国人民希望在这方面得到美国支持和配合,让腐败分子在海外永无 避罪天堂 。

中国坚持走和平发展道路。我们刚刚纪念了中国人民抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,历史给我们一个重要启迪就是,和平发展是人间正道,一切通过武力侵略谋取强权和霸权的企图都是逆历史潮流的,都是要失败的。中国人2000多年前就认识到了 国虽大,好战必亡 的真理。中国历来奉行防御性国防政策和积极防御的军事战略。我愿在此重申,无论发展到哪一步,中国永远不称霸、永远不搞扩张。为表明中国坚持和平发展的决心,我不久前宣布中国将裁军30万。我们愿同各国一道,构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国(本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:出国宴会致辞)际关系,以合作取代对抗,以共赢取代独占,树立建设伙伴关系新思路,开创共同发展新前景,营造共享安全新局面。


中国发展得益于国际社会,中国也要为全球发展作出贡献。我们推动共建 一带一路 、设立丝路基金、倡议成立亚洲基础设施投资银行等,目的是支持各国共同发展,而不是要谋求政治势力范围。

一带一路 是开放包容的,我们欢迎包括美国在内的世界各国和国际组织参与到合作中来。我们积极推动亚太区域经济一体化进程,推动实现亚太自由贸易区目标,是要推动形成自由开放、方便快捷、充满活力的亚太发展空间。我们倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,是要同地区各国以及国际社会一道,维护好亚太和平和安全。





这些成果丰硕的 跨越太平洋的合作 ,有力展现了中美关系发展的蓬勃生机和巨大潜力。

如何在新起点上推进中美新型大国关系?中美应该怎样携手合作来促进世界和平与发展?答案就是要坚持构建中美新型大国关系的正确方向,一步一个脚印向前走。中国古人说: 度之往事,验之来事,参之平素,可则决之。


第一,正确判断彼此战略意图。同美方一道构建新型大国关系,实现双方不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢,是中国外交政策优先方向。我们愿同美方加深对彼此战略走向、发展道路的了解,多一些理解、少一些隔阂,多一些信任、少一些猜忌,防止战略误解误判。我们要坚持以事实为依据,防止三人成虎,也不疑邻盗斧,不能戴着有色眼镜观察对方。世界上本无 修昔底德陷阱 ,但大国之间一再发生战略误判,就可能自己给自己造成 修昔底德陷阱 。





第四,广泛培植人民友谊。国家关系归根结底是人民之间的关系。中美两国虽然相距遥远,但两国人民友好交往源远流长。230多年前,美国商船 中国皇后号 跨洋过海首航中国。150年前,数以万计的中国工人同美国人民一起,铺设了横贯东西的美国太平洋铁路。70年前,中美作为第二次世界大战盟国并肩奋战,共同捍卫了世界和平和正义。在那场战争中,数以千计的美国将士为中国人民的正义事业献出了宝贵生命。我们不会忘记美国人民为中国人民抗击侵略、赢得自由和独立给予的道义支持和宝贵援助。

中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的进取精神和创造精神。我青年时代就读过《联邦党人文集》、托马斯 潘恩的《》等著作,也喜欢了解华盛顿、林肯、罗斯福等美国政治家的生平和思想,我还读过梭罗、惠特曼、马克 吐温、杰克 伦敦等人的作品。海明威《老人与海》对狂风和暴雨、巨浪和小船、老人和鲨鱼的描写给我留下了深刻印象。我第一次去,专程去了海明威当年写《老人与海》的栈桥边。第二次去古巴,我去了海明威经常去的酒吧,点了海明威爱喝的朗姆酒配薄荷叶加冰块。我想体验一下当年海明威写下那些时的精神世界和实地氛围。我认为,对不同的文化和文明,我们需要去深入了解。

在汉字中, 人 字就是一个相互支撑的形状。中美友好,根基在民众,希望在青年。我愿在此宣布,中方支持未来3年中美两国互派5万名到对方国家学习,中美将在2016年举办 中美年 。中国将为两国人民友好交往创造更多便利条件。


基辛格博士在其著作《世界秩序》中说: 评判每一代人时,要看他们是否正视了人类社会最宏大和最重要的问题。

马丁 路德 金先生也说过: 做对的事,任何时机都是好时机。



【 习近平西雅图晚宴讲话 学者的十点解读】

1、 中美两国要不冲突不对抗

中美关系是世界上最重要的双边关系,其发展的好坏不仅影响中美发展,也会直接影响全球形势的稳定和发展。当前,有一些美国学者过度渲染中国威胁论,认为中美关系到了 临界点 、转折点,鼓吹对中国进行遏制,追根究底还是因为这些人抱着霸权主义思想不放。其实两国在气候变化、军事交往、网络安全、双边投资等方面有很大合作空间,双方应该消除误解、加强合作,认识到发展中美关系符合各自的根本利益,才能真正实现构建新型大国关系的目标,实现合作共赢。





4、 人民币不存在长期贬值的基础

这是习近平主席首次就人民币汇率表态。8月11日中国汇改以来,人民币价格中间价与市场价的偏离基本得到矫正,人民币汇率市场形成机制基本完成。人民币汇率不存在持续贬值的基础。通过 货币战 ,恶意压低汇率刺激出口对中国经济长期发展有百害而无一利,未来人民币汇率将由市场供给决定,由中国的经济基本面决定。固定、单边升值的人民币汇率时代将一去不复返,中国和国际社会都应适应一个逐步成为常态的双向浮动汇率机制。

5、 股市涨跌有其自身运行规律



随着金融和经济危机的蔓延和加剧,全球贸易保护主义之风愈演愈烈。中国不仅继续坚持对外开放基本国策不动摇,而且将在对外开放领域推出一些力度大、措施实的改革方案。努力营造公开透明的法律政策环境,高效的行政环境,平等竞争的市场环境。随着国内统一的负面清单建设,将实现 法无禁止即可为 ,包括外国投资企业在内的所有市场主体必将获得更广阔的空间。











中美两国虽地远,但人民友谊源远流长。双方将为两国友好创造有利条件,加深两国人民深入了解。为此,中美两国将在未来三年互派5万名留学生到对方国家去学习,并且在2016年举办中美旅游年。最终实现中美之间民心相通,消除美国对中国崛起的焦虑感 (本文作者介绍:重阳金融研究院执行院长,近著有《大国的幻象:行走世界的日记与思考》。),为深化双边合作奠定坚实的民意基础。


Dear Dr. Kissinger,

Respect of the British, the governor, secretary of the pritzker, Murray"s mayor,

Respect of sears chairman, chairman of the fields,

Ladies and gentlemen, friends:

Everybody is good! Thank you Dr. Kissinger is introduced. Dr Kissinger can always say some new opinions, his introduction to let me understanding of oneself also has a new Angle. Washington, Seattle, is my first stop on a state visit to the United States, to have this opportunity to sit down together with old friends and new here, am very happy. First of all, I would like to you and through you to the American people, sincere greetings and best wishes!

Washington state and Seattle is not strange to me. It is often said that Washington is evergreen state , Seattle is the emerald city . There"s a majestic tall and straight full-bodiedly mount Rainier, the lake Washington. Movie sleepless in Seattle to make the city in the Chinese people are very attractive. At present, the Washington state"s exports to China in the nation, China has become a port of Seattle"s biggest trading partner. Washington state and Seattle to become the people of China and the United States an important symbol of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the United States.

Everyone firewood high flame. China-us relations, cannot leave the two governments, local, and friendly community, people from all walks of life"s hard work and care. Especially the u.s.-china relations national committee, the us-china business council, the u.s.-china policy foundation, the American chamber of commerce, the China chamber of commerce, the committee, colorful development agency, council on foreign relations, the Asia society, friendly groups such as the brookings institution, and a lot of friendly people, long-term efforts to promote the friendly cooperation between the two countries. The sustainable development of the sino-us relations and embodies the painstaking effort and sweat. Here, I would like to extend all devoted to the china-us friendship of local government, society, university, a think-tank and people from all walks of life, said sincere respect and heartfelt thanks!

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!

Since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, China has come a very unusual experience, we this generation of Chinese people have this experience.

In the late 1960 s, I was a teenager, is from Beijing to China"s shaanxi province a small village called Liang Guhe jump the queue when farmers, spent seven years in there. At that time, the folks and I all lived in the kiln and sleep on a heatable adobe sleeping platform, the villagers lived a very poor, often eat less than a piece of meat is a few months. I know what is most needed in folks! Later, I became a party branch secretary of the village, led the villagers to develop production. I know what the people want. I"m looking forward to a thing, is to make folks meal of meat, and often eat meat. However, this desire is difficult to achieve at the time.

The Spring Festival this year, I went back to the village. Liang Guhe fix up the asphalt, folks living in the house, using the Internet, the old people enjoy the basic pension, the villagers have health insurance, children can get a good education, have no problem, of course, eating meat. It made me more profoundly aware that the Chinese dream is the dream of the people, must be combined with the Chinese people is yearning for a better life to be successful.

Liang Guhe the change of the small village, is the development and progress of Chinese society since the reform and opening up a microcosm. We use for 30 years, Chinese economy the world"s second place with more than 1.3 billion people out of the material shortage, overall well-off level, unprecedented dignity and rights. This is not only the great changes in people"s life in China, is also a great progress of human civilization, is China"s important contribution to the cause of world peace and development.

At the same time, we are well aware that China remains the biggest developing country in the world. China"s per capita GDP is only equivalent to one 7 of the two-thirds of the global average, the United States, ranked 80 in the world. According to our own standard, China has more than 7000 people living in poverty. If in accordance with the standards of the world bank, China there are more than two hundred million people live below the poverty line. China has a population of more than 7000 low-income urban and rural areas, there are more than 8500 people with disabilities. These two years, I went to many poor areas in China, visited many poor families, they are eager to the eyes of a happy life deeply imprinted on my mind.

These cases show that the Chinese people to live a good life, continue to pay hard work. Development is still the top priority of the contemporary China, China"s rulers"s primary mission is to focus on improving people"s living level, gradually achieve common prosperity. To this end, we put forward two one hundred goals, implementation is to 2020 gross domestic product (GDP) and urban and rural residents per capita income than doubled in 2010, to build a well-off society in an all-round way; By the middle of this century built prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Everything we do now, is to achieve this goal. To build a well-off society in an all-round way, must deepen the reform, the rule of law, the overall governing party. This is our strategy of four comprehensive put forward by the layout.

Everyone is concerned about China"s development direction, concerned about China"s policy orientation, here, I speak several opinions on some major issues.

China"s economy will maintain steady and rapid development. China"s economy remains within a reasonable range, in the first half of this year, 7% of China"s economic growth, growth is still ranked among the top of the world. The complex environment in the world economic situation as a whole, this is hard-won. At present, the countries" economies are faced with difficulties, China"s economy faces downward pressure, but this is the problem in progress. We will be steady growth as a whole, promoting the reform, restructuring, livelihood, prevent risks, strengthen macro-control and innovation, promoting economic growth remains in high level. Now, China"s new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization continues to advance, residents" high savings rate and huge consumption potential, people"s hard work, the proportion of middle-income earners in improving, service industry development space is very large, large market space and potential. In the future, China will pay more attention to improve the quality and efficiency of economic development, accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development, adjusting economic structure, more emphasis on innovation drive, pay more attention to consumption, and pay more attention to solve the existing in the economic development of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable problem, make China"s economy the phoenix nirvana, ashes, maintained a strong momentum.

Recently, China"s stock market abnormal fluctuation, caused the attention. Equity markets have their own rules. The government"s responsibility is to maintain the market order of openness, fairness and justice, prevent widespread panic. This time, the Chinese government has taken some measures to stabilize the market, contain the stock market panic, to avoid the systemic risk at a time. The mature market also to take a similar approach. China"s stock market has entered a stage of self-repair and the self-adjustment. On August 11, China improved median price quotation of RMB exchange rate mechanism, increase the market exchange rate. At present, the RMB exchange rate deviation correction has paid off. From the international and domestic economic and financial situation, the RMB exchange rate does not exist the foundation of the continuing decline. We will adhere to the market supply and demand determine the reform direction of the exchange rate, allowing the yuan to two-way floating, we are opposed to make competitive devaluations, against a currency war, also won"t hold down the yuan to boost exports. Develop capital market, perfecting the market pricing mechanism of RMB exchange rate is one of China"s reform direction, will not change because of the stock market, currency fluctuations.

The fundamental way out for China"s development lies in the reform. The goal of our reform, is promoting the modernization of national management system and management ability, make the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, better give play to the role of government, accelerate the development of the socialist market economy, democratic politics, the advanced culture and harmonious society, ecological civilization. In 2013, the third plenary session of the communist party of China (18 identified comprehensively deepen the reform of the top-level design, more than 330 reform measures are put forward. In 2014, we determined 80 key reform tasks completed. In the first half of this year, we have introduced more than 70 key reforms, its effect will gradually appear. Reform moment brave wins, we will be dare to face tough, dare to wade rapids determination, without reform. We unswervingly adhere to the direction of reform of market economy, will continue to be in the market, the fiscal and taxation, finance, investment and financing, price, opening to the outside world, the people"s livelihood, and other fields, rolled out some strength big, the measures of reform.

China"s open door will never be closed. The basic state policy of opening to the outside world is China, China"s utilization of foreign capital policy will not change, will not change the lawful rights and interests of foreign investment enterprise security, provide better service for national enterprises to invest in China"s direction will not change. China respects non-discriminatory rules of the international business practices, adhere to the principle of national treatment and so on the world trade organization (wto), fair treatment of all market subjects including enterprises with foreign investment, welcome multinational enterprises to carry out various forms of cooperation with China. We will promptly solve the reasonable concerns of foreign investors, protect their legitimate rights and interests, efforts to create a transparent legal policy environment, efficient administrative environment, fair competition market environment, especially to protect the intellectual property rights, with countries around the world, including the United States for us open up broader space for cooperation.

The basic strategies for China sticks to the rule of law. Legislators, conquer side also. Comprehensive the rule of law is to uphold the rule of law, administration, administration according to law in accordance with the common propulsion, adhere to the country under the rule of law and the rule of law government, rule of law society construction, promote the judicial credibility to improve and get respect and safeguard human rights. China will be in the areas of legislation, law enforcement and the judicial fair to foreign institutions and enterprises. We would like to work with the us exchanges on the rule of law problems and learn from each other, improve together.

China is a defender of network security. China is also victims of hackers. The Chinese government will not to participate in, encourage or support any form of anyone engaged in commercial secrets act. Whether network commercial espionage or to hacker attack by government networks, are illegal and criminal behavior, should according to laws and relevant international conventions to be hit. The international community should be based on the principle of mutual respect and mutual trust, mutual construction of peace, security, open and cooperative network space. China is willing to work with the United States to establish bilateral common cybercrime high-level dialogue mechanism.

Outside China must be the positive role of non-profit organizations, as long as the organization"s activities are good for the Chinese people, we will not limit and prohibit their activities, and to ensure their activities through law, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in China. Overseas non-profit organizations in China activities should comply with Chinese law, in accordance with the law.

We will continue to combat corruption in China. I have said that while the iron is hot still need their own hard. Here said that while the iron is hot, is the communist party of China. The fundamental purpose is to serve the people heart and soul of the communist party of China. The communist party of China has more than 8700 party members, the party must also exist problems. If we can"t solve the existing problems and its development, the people will not trust and support us. So, we emphasize governance will first party, the party must strictly. For some time, we investigate corruption cases, adhere to the tiger , fly to play, is to conform to people"s requirements. There is no power struggle, there is no house of CARDS. China is willing to work with the international community to actively carry out cooperation anti-corruption pursuit. The Chinese people hope that U.S. support and cooperation in this respect, keeping the corrupt overseas paradise .

China adheres to the path of peaceful development. We just mark to the victory of war of resistance against Japanese aggression the Chinese people and the world anti-fascist war, the 70 anniversary of the victory of the history is an important enlightenment to us, is the path of peaceful development, and all attempts to seek power and hegemony of aggression by force are inverse historical trend, is to fail. The Chinese have recognized more than 2000 years ago country is big, militant death of the truth. China always pursues a defensive national defense policy and military strategy of active defense. I wish in this reiterated that no matter to which step, China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion. To show that China"s determination to adhere to peaceful development, I recently announced that China will disarmament in 300000. We hopes to join hands with other countries to build win-win cooperation as the core of the new international relations, with cooperation instead of confrontation and win-win instead an exclusive, set up the construction of a new partnership idea, create a common development of new prospects, build new security situation.

China is a participant, builder and contributor of current international system. We firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN charter as the core of the international order and international system. Many countries especially developing countries in the world all hope that the international system towards a more just and reasonable direction, but this is not to come over, not the stove, but keep pace with The Times, reform and perfect. This conforms to the countries all over the world and the common interests of all mankind.

China"s development benefits from the international community, China will contribute to the global development. We push to build area , set up the fund of the silk road, initiative to set up the Asian infrastructure investment bank, etc., the purpose is to support the common development of all countries, rather than to seek a political sphere. Area is open inclusive, we welcome all countries in the world, including the United States and international organizations involved in the cooperation. We actively promote the asia-pacific regional economic integration, and promote achieving the asia-pacific free trade area, is to promote formation of free and open, convenient and quick, dynamic asia-pacific development space. We advocate, integration, cooperation, sustainable security concept, is to work together with regional countries and the international community, safeguard regional peace and security.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!

In 2013, my meeting with President Obama in indiana"s manor, reached important consensus of a concerted effort to build a new China and the United States the relations between big powers. This is the two sides on the basis of summarizing historical experience, proceeding from national conditions between the two countries and the world trend, common to make important strategic choice.

For more than two years, according to the consensus reached by both sides, and constantly promote the coordination and cooperation in various fields, important progress has been made. We work together to meet the international financial crisis, joint efforts to promote world economic recovery. We deepen praic cooperation in every field, bring tangible benefits to the two peoples. Last year, bilateral trade volume between the two countries, two-way investment stock hit a record high, the total number of personnel exchanges. We over Iran"s nuclear, north Korea, south Sudan, Afghanistan, the Middle East and other international and regional hotspot issues, and the fight against global problems such as the ebola virus, the fight against terrorism maintain close communication and coordination. A, XiaZiChengQi. These fruitful cooperation across the Pacific , strongly shows the vitality and the huge potential in the development of china-us relations.

How to promote the new starting point new power relationships? How China and the United States should cooperate to promote world peace and development? The answer is to insist on the right direction of construction of new China and the United States the relations between big powers, one step at a time. Chinese ancients said: of the past, check to minister, and the departure, but is definitely. Among these, there are a few things especially to do well.

First, the correct judgment strategic intention to each other. Construction of new power relations with the us, the realization of the two sides do not conflict is not confrontation, mutual respect, win-win cooperation, China"s foreign policy priority. We would like to work with the us side to deepen understanding of each other"s strategic direction, development road, more understanding, less estrangement, more trust, a less suspicion, prevent strategic miscalculation misunderstanding. We will adhere to the facts as the basis, to prevent, three into a tiger, nor suspected stolen axe, not wearing tinted glasses watch each other. There is no thucydides trap in the world, but avoided strategic miscalculation, between big countries could give themselves thucydides trap .

Second, unswervingly promote win-win cooperation. Cooperation is the only correct choice. Seek cooperation will take care of each other"s interests and concerns, the greatest common p>

Third, proper and effective control. The moon and different light, day and night with appropriate. It is because of the differences, the world is colorful, Also it is because of the differences, just need to gather assimilation. Contradiction is common, pure and pure world does not exist. There are different views on some issues in China and the United States, there is a p>

Fourth, the friendship between people widely cultivated. In the final analysis is the relationship between the people of the national relations. Although long distance between China and the United States, but the two peoples enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges. More than 230 years ago, American merchant ship empress of China tranlantic sea maiden voyage to China. 150 years ago, tens of thousands of Chinese workers, together with the people of the United States laid the east Pacific railway. 70 years ago, China and the United States as the world war ii Allies to fight shoulder to shoulder, together to defend the world peace and justice. Thousands of American soldiers in the war, for the righteous cause of the Chinese people sacrificed their lives. We won"t forget the people of the United States won freedom and independence for the Chinese people"s fight against aggression, to give moral support and valuable assistance.

The Chinese people have always admired the American people"s enterprising spirit and creative spirit. My youth attended the federalist papers , Thomas paine"s common sense and other books, also like to know Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and politicians in the United States, life and thoughts, I also read Thoreau, Whitman, Mark Twain, jack London, etc. Ernest Hemingway the old man and the sea of high winds and torrential rain, waves and description of the boat, the old man and the sharks left a deep impression on me. My first visit to Cuba, made a special trip to the Hemingway when writing the old man and the sea side of pier. Second to Cuba, I went to the Hemingway often go to the bar and ordered a Hemingway love drinking rum and mint on the rocks. I want to experience that Hemingway wrote the story of the spirit world and atmosphere on the spot. I think, for different cultures and civilizations, we need to understand.

In Chinese characters, the word people is the shape of a mutual support. Sino-us friendship, roots in people, in the hope that in the youth. I wish in this announced that China"s support of the next three years the United States and China sent 50000 students to study in other countries, China and the United States will hold sino-american tourism year in 2016. China will create more conveniences for people"s friendly exchanges between the two countries.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!

Dr Kissinger in his book the world order, said: when judging each generation, to see whether they face up to the human society the most ambitious and important problem. Martin Luther King jr. King also said: do the right thing, any time is a good time. Today, we once again came to the key time of history. Let us join hands and jointly create a better future for china-us relations, for our two peoples happiness, for the people all over the world to make a greater contribution!

Thank you very much.