

-01-29 19:24来源:考研论坛 作者:Eiqueme 点击:1705次






英语词汇翻译:15个15分。个人感觉这是考卷里最难的。能记得有Neet,unfriend,somebody's cup of tea,give the floor to,the in-thing,Arbor Day,infortainment(可能记错了)。

















一,改错题,10道题,每道1.5分,要求先把原句抄到答题纸上然后再进行修改,这个倒挺出乎意料,难道抄上去不改也会给0.5分?改错题看似简单,但却是很考察基础的一道题目,比如第1道,原句大致是An important information I got from him is our teacher's marriage.一般能马上看出information是不可数名词,但具体怎么改呢,我刚开始在其之前加上piece of,但是,复查的时候发现这样改不够简练,然后一想,就把information改成message了,虽然题目没有对改动的幅度进行说明,但我觉得这样改比之前那个版本更精练。后面的错误包括单复数错误,动词时态错误,介词搭配错误等等。总之,如果基础不扎实,再加上不仔细,很可能在这里丢分。


遍让人云里雾里,多看几遍就能梳理明白,反正时间还算充裕。阅读题目叫The Archaic Smile,总感觉之前在哪看过。题型包括,给同义词并标出段落出处,让从原文找出其对应词,10个每题1分。然后是5个词选出正确的解释,简单,共5分。然后是10道阅读选择题,每题3分,而且每道题都有5个选项,但这些都是纸老虎,题目都不需要自己的理解和推理,只要能够在原文即使找出出处便能选出,但题目不是按照在文章出现的顺序编排的,做题时耐心点便好。最后一道题是对文章中一首李白的诗进行理解,65字以内,10分。诗是关于艺术的artistic effect,我要说明的是题目要求用自己的语言理解,虽然文章中有对题目的直接暗示,但如果照搬原文,肯定不会得高分的,这是陷阱,也是变相考察语言表达能力的。

三,作文题。是关于灰姑娘故事的争论。有人说她最后的命运转变时她怀有希望不放弃的回报,有人说这个故事告诉我们要耐心等待外界的帮助,说说你的观点并要求对你反对的观点进行驳斥。只要严格按照题目的要求,不能落下要点,比如对反对观点的回应,考察了我们的critical thinking.然后是语言地道,流畅,thesis statement和topic sentence都要清楚。

第三科是翻译。前面是30个term的翻译,15个汉译英,15个英译汉,比样题的简单点,但个别还是挺棘手的。词语大致有安居工程,知识产权等,不一一详述了,这个靠大家平时的积累加上运气。说到运气,我还真靠运气蒙对一个,有个term是Al Nino,我一看有点蒙,感觉自己肯定不会,但是,回头把这个词语读了一下,一下子恍然大悟,这不是厄尔尼诺嘛,哈哈,考完回来一查果然是,所以大家考试的时候一定要沉着应对,不要轻易放弃每道题。然后就是一篇英译汉,一篇汉译英,总的来说,题目不难,没有文学翻译。英译汉时关于Thanksgiving的,然后文章不是简单的说明文,而是把它与美国人的emotion联系起来,文章部分由口语化表达,翻译的时候注意下对应处理便好。汉译英是关于科技革命的,说它给人带来的好处,以及我们应该注意的消极的一面,只要把术语对应准确,句式在严谨点,也没啥太大问题,难点的表达有给予。。。更多的人到关怀,可以说成give...more human consideration,如此。







闲话少说啦。海大的题目: 尽我可能回忆了。


一:词汇语法 30个选择 好像是30个。都不难,重点是单词要认识,没有很难动脑的地方,语法,把高中的弄熟弄会就行了。



三:作文 印象里是 should the blackboard and chalk be abandoned?



一:中英文习语 术语 缩略语翻译

可以记得的有 APEC GPRSAI国际原子能机构 按揭贷款 一次性筷子 。。。 实在记不清了。





A person, like a commodity, needs packagingr4i sdhc. But going too far is absolutely undesirable.

A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way drop shipping, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.

A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human beingCast steel, lively and lovely.

A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeatingdiscount clothing. Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by timefan gear. If you still enjoy life's exuberance enough to retain self-confidence and pursue pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your charm and grace will remain.

Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains china jewelry, mountains

and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth. There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing-the snow-capped wholesale wedding dressesmountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.

Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beautywholesale wedding dresses, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of de luxe edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with.

As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneselfprom dresses, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.









海大是这样,给出了8组词,让你对每组词中的每个词语解释,然后说出它们的关联。 比如:英国达人 苏珊大妈 超级女生 文化产业 这是一组。


金融危机 次贷危机 救市 。。

清明上河图 梦溪笔谈 活字印刷 。。

斯图亚特王朝 克伦威尔 光荣革命。。

第一宇宙速度 红卫星 。。

克隆 胚胎干细胞 。。。



海大 考的是 某教育局听说某中学 设备陈旧 学校门口学生出行有安全隐患。要求学校整顿。

学校会议讨论后,要给教育局汇报一下 措施 什么的。


AMIS 声讯交互规范(Audio Message Interactive Specification)

BHD 黑鹰坠落(Black Hawk Down) CBRC中国银监会

DPOB( date and place of birth)出生时间和地点

MTN多边贸易谈判MSP (Managing Successful Programme)成功的项目群管理 SAC中国证券业协会(THE SECURITIES ASSOCIATION OF CHINA)

debenture 债券 balance sheet 资产负债表 tax agent 税务代理人

international arbitration 国际仲裁gross weight 毛重或总重

generalized system of preference 普惠制 fixed cost固定成本

stock listings股票上市random access随机存取 profit before tax 税前利润 按揭 Mortgage薄利多销SPQR small profits, quick returns 补贴 subsidy动产抵押(Chattel Mortgage)进口报关单declaration for importation

房地产(Real Estate)分包合同subcontract 股息dividend

国民待遇national treatment市场调查market research

Academy award 奥斯卡金像奖animated movie 动画片

avant-garde 先锋派,先锋Byzantium 拜占庭(古罗马城市,今称伊斯坦布尔) Bermuda Triangle 百慕达神秘三角 Consumerism 消费者保护主义

East End 东伦敦,伦敦东区Broadway 百老汇

未来主义 futurism 头版新闻 headline 香格里拉ShangriLa

碳酸饮料 sodas 特洛伊木马 Trojan horse垃圾文化 junk culture

中古英语 Middle English《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 Guinness World Records 荒诞派戏剧 absurd theatre 手稿 manuscript

红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansion 寿桃 birthday peaches/ longevity peaches

春卷 spring roll 国有企业 State Owned Enterprise

国库券 treasury bill 国家外汇储蓄 foreign exchange reserve

综合国力 comprehensive national strength/power

温带大陆性气候 temperate continental climate科幻片 science fiction movie

污水处理 sewage treatment 海峡两岸关系 Cross Strait relations

activated carbon活性碳Blu-ray disc 蓝光光盘

government procurement 政府采购业务 deposit reserve ratio 存款准备金率

TPP 泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership)

magnetic resonance imaging [电子][临床] 磁共振成象

carbon credit 碳信用额lending rate 贷款利率;[金融] 放款利率

total fertility rate 合计出生率;总生育率辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911

蚁族 ant tribe 限购令

京海高速铁路 rapid transit railway 经济适用房 economically affordable houses 挖墙脚 undermine the foundation of sth 贪多嚼不烂 bite off more than one can chew Patriotic missile 爱国者导弹the Falungong cult 法轮功邪教 the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere 大东亚共荣圈

legal code 法律条款 Hypertext超文本

mortgage/secured loan按揭贷款;抵押借款 historical materialism 历史唯物主义 Buddhist scriptures 佛经

澳门特别行政区基本法 Macao Special Administrative Region Basic Law

八国联军 The Eight-power Allied Forces 半封建社会 semi-feudal society

春运 transport during the Spring Festival核反应堆事故 reactor disaster

思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ethic Thought / Morals and Ethics

大病统筹 comprehensive arrangement for serious disease / social pooling for catastrophic disease

豆腐渣工程 jerry-build project 暴力犯罪 Violent Crime

文化产业 culture industry 产业结构失调 the maladjustment of industry structures 文化主旋律 cultural main theme 历史文物 historical relics

繁文缛节 red tape / unnecessary and overelaborate formalities

继往开来 continue with the past and open up the future/ carry forward our cause into the future

extensive development 粗放增长 nanotechnology纳米技术

lose one's shirt 丧失全部财产 pull one's leg 同?开玩笑

all-in-one ticket

paternity test 亲权认定;父权检验 opinion poll 民意测验;选举投票

粮食安全 food security 产业结构调整 adjustment of industrial structure

学分制 the credit system 金砖5国BRIIC

政治体制改革 political restructuring节能减排 Energy saving and emission reduction 换届选举 General Election 自主研发 self - research and development

循环经济 circular economy/ recycle economy

高素质人才 High Quality Talent 洗钱 money laundering

媒体炒作media hype各界人士 personages of all circles

Applied translation studies 应用翻译研究 Back translation 回译/ 还原翻译

Bilateral interpreting 双边口译 Communicative translation交际翻译

Stylistic translation 文体翻译论 Contextual consistency 上下文语境

Corpora 语料库Covert translation 隐性翻译

Domesticating translation 归化翻译 Foreignizing translation 异化翻译

Free translation 意译 Literal translation 直译

Pragmatic translation 语用翻译Source text 源文本

Abstract translation

Loan translation 直译语;借译Under-translation 欠额翻译

列车时刻表 train schedule; timetable环形路线 path of circulation

换乘站 commuter station; transfer station 铁路网 railway network

TOEFL 托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language)

the voice of people is the voice of god 人民之声即为上帝之声

diplomatic etiquette 外交礼节 summer resort 避暑地;避暑圣地 software developer 软件工程师

同学会 fellow-students association; Class reunion

自助者天助 God helps those who help themselves

经济一体化 economic integration

小康社会 Well-off Society;moderately prosperous society

带薪假期paid holiday项目经理 Project Manager

借用 Borrowing可比语料库 comparable corpora

文化置换Cultural Transposition ;Cultural Displacement

自然语言natural language 语法分析syntax analysis; syntactic analysis 中间语言intermediate language; interlanguage

隐形Invisibility 术语库 TDB Terminology Dat(本文来自 东 星 资 源 网:mti大作文题目)abase

视译 Sight Interpretation 配字幕caption 冗余excessiveness;redundance AFP 法新社(Agence France Presse)

FAO联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

SME 中小企业(small medium enterprise)

UNGA 联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)

PBOC 中国人民银行(People's Bank of China)

UPU万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union)

national city bank of new york 花旗银行 force majeure [保险] 不可抗力

taewondo 跆拳道 state-of-the-art最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的 Cathay Pacific国泰航空公司

Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系

plurality rule简单多数原则

先发制人战略preemptive strategy;emptie strategy 民进党Democratic Progressive Party “一站式”办公one stop service

公益文化事业public cultural undertakings生态足迹ecological footprint贴现率discount rate 海水淡化desalination of sea water

安居工程Comfortable Housing Project

西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region

古兰经 the Koran习惯法common law;皮影戏shadow play 鱼和熊掌不可兼得You can`t have your cake and eat it

官场现形记Exposure of the Official World

Human Genome Project 人类基因组计划 Cloud Computing 云计算

party animal派对动物; 舞会狂人crowdsourcing 众包; 群众外包

收视率 audience rating; Television rating载人空间站manned space station 大学城 college town; University City试婚trial marriage

ah hoc 特别的;临时的;特设的socrates 数据库管理系统

worst-case scenario最差情况 a.d.a 在指定日期后;公元

Ponzi scheme庞氏骗局(指骗人向虚设的企业投资,以后来投资者的钱作为快速盈利付给最初投资者以诱使更多人上当)

consumer defection

prenupial agreement

拳头产品 hit product; knock-out product不良资产NPL(non-performing loan) 国家发改委NDRC(National Development and Reform Committee)

可持续发展 sustainable development 和谐社会 harmonious society


美国证券交易委员会 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

大规模停电Widespread Blackout

户籍改革制度household registration reforming system

调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure

《论语》 The Analects of Confucius 旋律与歌词Melody and lyric

Austerity Measures [财政] 紧缩措施

APEC 亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

the US Senate 参议院Arab Spring 阿拉伯春天

Gary Locye

十二五规划The 12th Five-Year Plan第十七届六中全会

全国人民代表大会NPC(National People's Congress)

珠江三角洲PRD(Pearl River Delta)

西气东输 transport the natural gas from the West to the East

新华社the Xinhua News Agency

北京共识Beijing Consensus 上海合作组织 SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization) 中美战略经济对话 US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue

C.I.F 到岸价格;成本、保险加运费(cost , insurance , and freight)

NNP国民净产值(Net National Production)

R.URugby Union (英国)橄榄球联合会 ZPG人口零增长(Zero Population Growth) IQ 智力商数(intelligence quotient)DOF 自由度(Degree of Freedom) house bill [金融] 总公司汇票;内部汇票customhouse broker 海关代理人

date of expiration失效日期,限期,截止日期

单价UNIT PRICE 船上交货free on board (FOB)承运人carrier;shipper

花旗银行Citibank;National city Bank of New York

输出港 delivery port; outport 出口价格指数export price index

bill of exchange[金融] 汇票 knockout product 拳头产品

OPEC 石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

经适房 economically affordable housing人文交流 cultural and educational exchanges 廉租房 low-rent housing; tenement house 载人航天manned space flight

法人 juridical person;corporation;artificial person

违法征地拆迁illegal land requisition and demolishing

P&G美国宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble) hologram 全息图;全息摄影,全息照相 Budweiser百威啤酒 Al Jazeera Network 半岛电视台

中央党校Party School of the CPC Central Committee

九三学社Jiusan Society 卫生部ministry of health

中组部 the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC

国家体育运动委员会 State Physical Culture and Sports Commission

最高人民法院 the Supreme People's Court

中国工商银行ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)

体委Physical Culture and Sports Commission 翻译标准 Criteria of translation 体裁gees;types or forms of literature

回教Mohammedanism; Islam祠堂 ancestral hall;Shrine

端午节Dragon Boat Festival

第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector['t?:??ri]

Arab spring阿拉伯春天;阿拉伯春

IDD国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)

CCP 中国共产党(Chinese Communist Party)

CAAC中国民航(Civil Aviation Administration of China)

NIC 网络信息中心(Network Information Center); 全国工业理事会(National Industrial

Council) UNESCO联合国教科文组织

ILO国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization);

IMFInternational Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织

GSM全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)

UPU万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union)

Notary office公证处;公证机关 Reciprocal Tariff互惠税率

Venture Capitalist风险资本家 Revolving Fund循环基金;周转金

备用资金reserve fund 本土化localization

蹦极Bungee Jumping 保证金earnest money; cash deposit

被动吸烟passive smoking 比基尼bikini

闭路电视closed circuit television 边缘科学boundary science;peripheral science 贬值devaluation便携式电脑portable computer

便衣警察plain-clothes man包装业 package industry

兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors;soldier and horse figures

保监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission 步行天桥pedestrian overpass

EU 欧盟(European Union) APEC亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) YOG也门石油公司 ISBN 国际标准图书编号(International Standard Book Number) sovereign credit rating 主权信用评等;主权信用评级webcasting 网路广播 no smoke without fire无风不起浪look for a needle in a haystack大海捞针 不可再生资源 non-renewable resources 泡沫经济 bubble economy 通货紧缩deflation 财政赤字financial deficit

参政议政participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs

人才流失 the brain drain扶贫help [aid] the poor

春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program 按揭贷款mortgage loan

网民netizen(net citizen)

ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

NMD国家导弹防御系统(National Missile Defense)

COO首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer) GNP 国民生产总值(gross national product) DNS 域名服务器(Domain Name Server) BBS 电子布告栏(Bulletin Board System) IOC国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)

video on demand视频点播telegraphic transfer[金融] 电汇

marginal revenue [会计] 边际收入,边际收益 corporate image企业形象;公司形象 customs declaration[贸易] 报关单;[税收] 申报关税

Organization of American States美洲国家组织

局域网 LANlocal area network 和谐共赢all-win harmony

三下乡"a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers" “五个一”工程Five "one-good-work" project

到?挂职take a temporary post (in order to temper oneself); serve in a lower level unit for a period while retaining one's position in the previous unit

主任科员 Principal Staff Member 解决民生问题improve people's well-being

自主创新 self-dependent innovation 基层民主democracy at the grassroots level 全方位外交multifaceted diplomacy; all-directional diplomacy

沿江沿边 areas along the Yangtze River and the borders




基础英语。今年的基础英语稍微有些变化 , 第一题仍然是无选项完型,20个空 ,第二题是改错,和第一题是属于一篇文章的, 二十行二十个错误,第三题是词汇和语法,词汇题比去年增加了不少,第四题是阅读理解 四篇一共15个小题,最后一篇稍微有些深度,上来第一句是boresom 其实是讲现代社会摧毁理性和真理的 。。 然后作文25分就最后一篇阅读理解发表一下自己的看法。

翻译。 背了一堆翻译词汇今年竟然一个词汇翻译都没有 ,就一个汉译英70分与一个英译汉80分。英译汉是一篇医学文章,里面什么胆囊啊 肠啊的生词一大堆。汉译英是文言文 啊亲, 我旦不学好啊,跟着北大学考文言文额。 原文如下:


百科知识 中国四大发明, 欧债危机,金砖四国,莫言,生态难民,莎士比亚,君主立宪制,euro tunnel, the declaration of independence,DNA,伦敦奥运会,秦始皇陵兵马俑,论语 , 大中华文库,Encyclopedia Britannica,a nation on wheels,还有一个masps 还是什么的 这个不知道, 数了数17个 还有8个想不起来了,这个是一个 2分,一共五十分。 小作文40分,和2011年的一样, 你怎么想吧,他怎么能出和以前一样一样的题呢。。。第一题是写扩招英语翻译专业学生的申请书,第二题是举办英语竞赛,向学生征稿的启事。二选一。

大作文60分是针对当前翻译界作品粗制滥造 良莠不齐发表看法 800字 。

只能想起这么多,考完就回来回忆真题了,因为自己准备考研的过程中也得到了以前回忆的同学的真传,希望能传下去,帮到更多的人,2013年应该是全国正好报了260个人,比去年多了三十几个,这个是在复旦研究生的官网上最后几天会贴出复旦的考场座位表,上一个专业是新闻传播,复旦考场的新闻传播的最后一个学号和翻译专业的第一个学号之间就是全国除了上海其他城市报考翻译的人 再加上在复旦考的人数就是最终人数了。



1. 词汇选择题(30?):比较难度适中,纯粹考察词汇的题不多,2题左右。如果你是英语专业的,那么不成问题。

2. 阅读理解(40?)



3. 作文(30?)人与自然关系类 Some people think that human activities have had some bad effects on the environment, while others hold the point that human activities have made the world more suitable to live on, what?s your opinion? 相信大家背过政治都能扯一点^^

【357 英语翻译基础】

1. 词汇互译(15*2?)E-C好多没见过,C-E还可以,具体记不太清了。

2. 段落翻译E-C第一篇是讲fossil fuel的,第二篇讲



1. 名词解释(25*2?)给三段文字,划出名词让解释。基本是中国历史文化类的。考了法家、六经、董仲舒、焚书坑儒、话本、三言二拍、唐传奇、清君侧、东林党、鹅湖之会等。

2. 应用文(40?) 教室文明公约 450-500字

3. 大作文(60?)体育素质教育。指出最近有高校取消了在校运会上的长跑项目,原因是许多学生体质下降,在运动中容易受到伤害。问你的观点,800字。







3.作文题目是 What qualifies a good translator?>400 words.近几年都是以翻译作为话题啊,建议考前一定要自己练习写一篇。



1.术语只要翻译,不要解释了!!!我反复看了N遍题干,只是要求翻译,没有要简单解释啊!!仍然是汉译英15个,英译汉15个。我没写出来的有几个,Skope theory,blank verse translation,音译,(别的忘了)等等。那两本小书还是要看的哇,30分不能不要。。。













1.grammar and vocabulary 30分




2.阅读题 30分


A是racial discrimination和social violence的文章

B是facial expression和 emotion 讲的是世界不同文化的人们即使言语不通也会有某些共同表情,而且不同表情对心理的影响不同


3.问答题 10分




EDWARD THOMAS was a late starter to poetry. “I couldn?t write a poem to save my life,” he declared aged 35, when a “literary hack” of minor biographies and travel memoirs, struggling to support a wife and three children. A year later, and three years before he was killed by a passing shell in the Arras offensive in the first world war, he had written and published some of the finest poems to come out of Britain at the beginning of the 20th century.

What changed Thomas from a middling prose writer to a dazzling poet is the central theme of Matthew Hollis?s engaging new book, which won two awards for biography when it came out in Britain last year and is just now being published in America. Mr Hollis, a poet and editor, focuses on the last five years of Thomas?s life before he died in 1917.

His book begins in London, where Thomas visits a new bookshop dedicated to poetry that had just opened in “shady Bloomsbury”. Around this shop circled the poets that made up literary London at that time: Ezra Pound, an American, who would greet startled visitors to his flat in a purple dressing gown; W.B. Yeats, an Irish poet and playwright who shunned newfangled electricity in favour of candlelight for his evening readings; and Rupert Brooke, a dashing young English poet, who would die a soldier in 1915 from an infection caught while stationed near Greece, and whose poetry sold 250,000 copies in the decade after his death.

Less glamorous or eccentric than these figures, Thomas was a prolific and occasionally acerbic book reviewer, six feet tall, “slim, loose-limbed and vigorous”, who struggled with near-suicidal depression. He had married while still an undergraduate at Oxford and his relationship with his wife Helen was a troubled one. He often spent time away on the long journeys needed for his travel books, such as the “The Icknield Way”.

Mr Hollis is adept at evoking the atmosphere of the time, and at negotiating the complicated friendships and squabbles between these poets. But it is when Thomas meets Robert Frost, a “Yankee” poet determined to be published in Britain that his book comes to life. It was Frost—a stocky, quick-tempered figure—who persuaded Thomas to write poems, and who believed that “words exist in the mouth, not in books”. Once Thomas decided to write verse, he did so quickly. Spurred on by Frost, and by the oncoming threat of war, at one point he wrote nearly a poem a day, including his much loved “Adlestrop” with its “lazed, heat-filled atmosphere…of that last summer before the war”. Mr Hollis re-creates Thomas?s process of writing by comparing the differing drafts of his poems, giving life to his process of composition, and charting the correspondence between Thomas and Frost once the latter had moved back to America.

In many ways, Thomas was a difficult, reticent figure, who was quite capable of signing off letters to his mother “Yours ever, Edward Thomas”. Even after he had eolled in the Artists Rifles regiment, he remained painfully shy about his work, hiding his poetry among calculations on the trajectory of shells, or disguising it as prose.

1. Describe Edward Thomas's personal detail and his literary career

2. Explain the sentences in line

4.作文 30分


Define the word "integrity" and explain its importance in our social life



二、 英语翻译基础

1.英汉词语互译 30分

HTTP 、 EFTA、APEC、NPT(military)、VAT、IPO、strait exchange fundation、The Milky Way 、International Date Line、returns on equity、 mass transit system 、 a five percent discount 、 equalitarianism、 自主招生 、工笔画、《资治通鉴》、限购、弱势群体、军国主义、探月工程、中国证监会、鸿门宴、三权分立、党内民主,记得不全

2.英译汉 60分

IN BAD economic times the temptation to bash immigration is overwhelming. “Get the stench out of Greece,” runs a slogan of Golden Dawn, an increasingly popular anti-immigrant party there. David Cameron has pledged to more than halve annual net migration into Britain by 2015. In America Republicans are wondering how much anti-immigration rhetoric contributed to Mitt Romney?s defeat in the presidential election. A change of political tune is badly needed. Evidence suggests that increased flows of people across borders could ignite global growth.

The economic case for migration is similar to that for free trade. Trade benefits countries by letting workers specialise in activities in which they are relatively more productive, raising output. And the larger market created by trade spreads the fixed costs of innovation more thinly, encouraging the development of new goods and ideas. Governments began the long march towards trade liberalisation after grasping that its upsides outweigh its costs, leaving a surplus large enough to compensate the losers.


3.汉译英 60分
