

How to improve public morals

1. 我们经常在公共场合见到一些不道德的行为,比如……

2. 这些不道德的行为会产生哪些影响

3. 我们应该怎么做?

How to improve public morals

Nowadays there are still many behaviors against public morality, such as spitting or littering in public places, cutting in line, wasting water or electricity, and so on. One of the main reasons for these immoral behaviors is that some people have poor personal manners and lack public consciousness.

Actually, the little things in many people’s eyes have brought harmful effects on our community. Above all, these immoral behaviors disturb social orders and weaken social stability. Moreover, when one violates public morality he not only impairs other’s interests but also dose harm to himself. For example, if most people buy pirated products, the original producers will suffer great loss and might lose the enthusiasm to continue their production, which in turn affects consumers.

Taking the above effects into consideration, I think, it is high time that we took more effective measures to improve public morals. First of all, education plays a vital role. We must make them realize how their behaviors influence the society so they may follow public morals consciously. Besides, the government should improve the administration system and ensure the efficient implementation of the administration measures.

Should Students Follow Fashions

1. 许多大学生的打扮越来越时尚

2. 一些人认为大学生的主要任务在学习而不是追赶潮流,有人却不这样认为

3. 我的看法

Should Students Follow Fashions

Young university students are sensible to fashions. Some are keen on following fashions: they use mobile phones of the latest style; they wear stylish clothes; they enjoy popular music.

Some people are not happy with this phenomenon. They argue that university students should focus on studies rather than on fashions. They say fashions cost so much that university students cannot afford them. Some students follow fashions crazily, for fear of losing face. Fashions have caused much trouble on campus.

However, others may hold different opinions. They say fashions can drive students to work harder for a better life and broaden their horizons, which is essential for their future development.

I understand those students who follow fashions, but they must be responsible and not go to extremes. If their family is poor, there is no need for them to have such luxurious hobbies.

Grades and Ability

1. 一些人认为分数体现能力

2. 一些人则认为分数不一定体现能力

3. 我的看法

Grades and Ability

Do high grades imply excellent ability? Opinions vary from person to person. Some agree that high grades reflect high intelligence and are thus indicative of one’s ability. Students who do well in exams are therefore always favored in class. Others hold that grades have little to do with one’s ability. They point out that some students who do not work well in school may also make great achievements. They take Edison for example, saying that Edison was considered not clever by his primary school teacher, but became a very famous inventor later.

In my view, grades are important for us students. When people have no other ways to assess our ability, they can decide whether we are qualified for a school place or a position only from our grades. Therefore, we must try to achieve high grades in school, even though they are not the only standard for our ability.

On Students Quitting School

1. 近年来,许多大学生退学

2. 大学生退学的原因

3. 我的看法

On Students Quitting School

Many college students have quitted school in recent years. They do it for different reasons.

Some students quit school because of their poor health. A serious disease or a traffic accident may have made it impossible for them to continue their schooling. Other students may be forced to do it because their family couldn’t afford the tuition. However, there are some students who quit school out of their own choice. Some embrace a good job offer and leave school. Others may find that they cannot afford to loss the good opportunity to start their own business, so they quit school to start their career just like Bill gates.

Whatever the reason, I think college students should think twice before deciding to quit school. After all, graduates are normally better prepared for their future than those who quit school. College education pays off in the long run.

Should English Classes Be Compulsory for Students

1. 目前,英语课是大学生的必修课之一

2. 有人认为英语课不应被视为必修课,有人却不这样认为

3. 我所持的看法及理由

Should English Classes Be Compulsory for Students

Most universities in China have made English a compulsory course, which has

aroused many complaints among students. Many students wish that English could be removed from the list of compulsory courses.

However, I think it is of great significance for all university students to study English. To begin with, as an international language, English is widel(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:关于大学的作文题目)y used. Today, university students must master the language if they are to communicate with foreigners and to participate in the fierce competition in the future. In addition, studying English as a foreign language does not only provide students with a useful tool for communication, but also open a door to cultures different from our own. As is universally acknowledged, mutual understanding among different cultures is vital for keeping the world safe and peaceful.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that all students take advantage of the compulsory course, and try to study English well.

The Importance of Reading Classics




The Importance of Reading Classics

Nowadays, it is not very unclear that reading classics, some books written by certain great thinkers and educators, is critically vital for one’s growing-up. the most important reason accountable for this preference is that by reading those great works, readers can undoubtedly capture wisdoms, such as some experience as well as lessons. As a matter of fact, it is those invaluable experiences and lessons that can prevent those individuals from conducting mistakes, finally leading to a better development in future.

In spite of the obvious benefits, a declining number of characters, however, harbor the desire to read classics. There are at least two factors responsible for this phenomenon. To begin with, subject to the undeniable fact that the today’s readers are confronted with severe lackage of necessary historical background information, those classics are beyond their understanding to some extent. In addition, with increasingly fast working pace, contemporary people can not afford enough time to read those classics as they did before.

From our own perspectives, there is nothing better for modern college students than reading more classics since they can undoubtedly make us wiser.

How to Improve Students’ Mental Health




How to Improve Students’ Mental Health

Nowadays, it is not extremely unclear that students’ mental health, as one of two important factors of health, has already captured the attention of most experts in these

fields, the school authorities as well as the parents, which has already given rise to an hot discussion on what measures the universities can take to improve students’ mental health.

There are at least two kinds of effective actions the schools can take immediately. The first and most important one is that besides encouraging students to exercise for physical fitness, our teachers should also take the most responsibilities to teach them how to calmly face the pressures from the study as well as the process of making friends. In other words, confronted with the inevitable pressures and difficulties, how to relieve them seems to be the first task for our students. In addition, a free and open studying environment is also more likely to cultivate a right attitude toward the study as well as college life, an indispensable prevention for students’ mental problems. From our own perspective, we, as the modern students and the backbone in the future, should take initiatives to seek the help from teachers while running into difficulties or failures instead of confining them into our own hearts, finally posing some harm to ourselves psychologically. Only in this way is there a strong possibility that we can obtain bigger achievements in the future.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Campus Security. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 近年来发生在校园的意外事件不断增加,校园安全问题备受关注

2. 对此我们应该采取哪些措施

Campus Security

Security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously. Nearly every day, there are reports to the security office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. A surrounding with stealing, mugging can’t be worse for studying. In such cases, what measures should be taken to improve the campus security?

On the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. Once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. On the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. Besides, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus.

In my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are made on campus. Therefore colleges and universities should try their best to make everyone on campus safe and sound.


On Students' Interpersonal Relationship




篇三:大学基础写作练习题 (2000字)


第一章 散文习题


1. 议论散文是内容强调发表作者的见解,表达方式以形象议论为主的散文。 答案: 形象议论

2. 题材广泛是散文的核心性的特征。答案: 题材广泛

3. 在一个论题下用散文笔调稍微系统地论说自己的见识和见解的散文写法,就是答案: 论题随笔

4. 散文绝大多数采用第人称写作。 答案: 一

5. 通过日常的几件事来写人物的方法,叫 答案: 人物二三事法

6. 我国现代的散文指的是与诗歌、小说、戏剧并称的一种文学体裁。现代散文含义通常称为的散文含义。 答案: 广义

7. 我国古代“散文”是与相对而言的。 答案: 骈文

8. 我国古代的散文指的是的文章。 答案: 单行散句

9. 我国第一部散文集是 答案: 尚书

10. 据考证,散文这个概念,我国最早见于 宋代罗大经的《鹤林玉露》。 答案: 鹤林玉露



案: d





单项选择题 抒情散文的写法有联类推理法和(b )。 象征寓情法 b 论题随笔法 c 依事抒情法 d 睹物思人法 答郭沫若的《鹭鸶》、鲁彦的《杨梅》是(d ) 叙事散文 b 写景散文 c 记人散文 d 状物散文 答案: d 刘白羽的《长江三日》和李健吾的《雨中登泰山》是( b)。 叙事散文 b 写景散文 c 记人散文 d 状物散文 答案: b

4. 茅盾的《脱险杂记》、杨绛的《干校六记》是(a )。

a 叙事散文 b 写景散文 c 记人散文 d 状物散文 答案: a

5. 鲁迅的《藤野先生》和艾青的《忆白石老人》是(c )。

a 叙事散文 b 写景散文 c 记人散文 d 状物散文 答案: c

6. .据考证,我国最早提出散文这个概念的罗大经是(d )。

a 汉代人 b 唐代人 c 明代人 d 宋代人 答案: d

7. 一种以优美语言非虚构地记叙人事、表达情意的文学体裁是( d)。

a 诗歌 b 小说 c 戏剧d 散文 答案: d

8. 内容强调发表作者的见解,表达方式以形象议论为主的散文是( c)

a 记叙散文 b 抒情散文 c 议论散文 d 文化散文 答案: c

9. 以内容为记人叙事写景状物,表达方式以叙述描写为主的散文是(a )

a 记叙散文 b 抒情散文 c 议论散文 d 文化散文 答案: a








3. 我国现代的散文指的是与诗歌、小说、戏剧并称的一种( c)体单行 b 散行 c 文学 d 新闻 答案: c 多项选择题 记叙散文可分为( )四小类。 记人散文 b 记事散文 c 写景散文 d 回忆散文 e 状物散文 答案: abce 景物散文的写法有 ( ) 风景记游法 b 象征法 c 状物特写法 d 描写法 e 夸张法 线索串事法有( )

a 物类线索 b 人物线索 c 联想线索 d 推理线索 e 事类线索 答案: ac 答案: ae



答案: abc



答案: bce


答案: 错误

2. 散文题材的特点有( ) 真人真事 b 真情实感 c 不虚构 d 写个人的事 e 写历史事件 散文的特征除了题材广泛、文情并茂之外,还有( ) 真情实感 b 个性鲜明 c 写法灵活 d 形散神聚 e 篇幅短小 判断题 自我画像法是作者刻画自己外貌的写法。b 正确 错误 记叙散文是以内容强调抒发作者的感情,表达方式也注意用抒情的