



1. 4的算术平方根为( )

A.﹣2 B.2 C.±2 D.

2.下列运算正确的是( )

A.a7÷a4=a3 B.5a2﹣3a=2a C.3a4?a2=3a8 D.(a3b2)2=a5b4

3.如图,有理数a,b,c,d在数轴上的对应点分别是A,B,C,D,若a+c=0,则b+d( )

A.大于0 B.小于0 C.等于0 D.不确定

4.投掷一枚均匀的骰子,掷出的点数是3的倍数的概率是( )

A. B. C. D.

5.如图,△ABC中,∠A=46°,∠C=74°,BD平分∠ABC,交AC于点D,那么∠BDC的度数是( )

A.76° B.81° C.92° D.104°

6.将函数y=﹣2x的图象向下平移3个单位,所得图象对应的函数关系式为( )

A.y=﹣2(x+3) B.y=﹣2(x﹣3) C.y=﹣2x+3 D.y=﹣2x﹣3

7.甲、乙两个转盘同时转动,甲转动270圈时,乙恰好转了330圈,已知两个转盘每分钟共转200圈,设甲每分钟转x圈,则列方程为( )


C. = = B. D. = =

8.用面积为12π,半径为6的扇形围成一个圆锥的侧面,则圆锥的高是( )

A.2B.4 C.2 D.2

:2,则这个正多边形为( ) 9.正多边形的内切圆与外接圆的周长之比为

A.正十二边形 B.正六边形 C.正四边形 D.正三角形

10.已知△ABC中,AB=6,AC=8,BC=11,任作一条直线将△ABC分成两个三角形,若其中有一个三角形是等腰三角形,则这样的直线最多有( )

A.3条 B.5条 C.7条 D.8条

11.如图,正方形ABCD的边长为3cm,动点M从点B出发以3cm/s的速度沿着边BC﹣CD﹣DA运动,到达点A停止运动,另一动点N同时从点B出发,以1cm/s的速度沿着边BA向点A运动,到达点A停止运动,设点M运动时间为x(s),△AMN的面积为y(cm2),则y关于x的函数图象是( )

A. B. C. D.






其中正确的个数是( )


B.2 C.3 D.4


13.0+﹣()﹣1﹣|tan45°﹣3|= .

14.若一次函数y=x+3与y=﹣2x的图象交于点A,则A关于y轴的对称点A′的坐标为 .

15.如图,A,B是反比例函数y=图象上的两点,过点A作AC⊥y轴,垂足为C,AC交OB于点D.若D为OB的中点,△AOD的面积为3,则k的值为 .

16.如图,将Rt△ABC沿斜边AC所在直线翻折后点B落到点D,过点D作DE⊥AB,垂足为E,如果AE=3EB,EB=7,那么BC= .

17.在Rt△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,AB=4,BC=2.如图,将直角顶点B放在原点,点A放在y轴正半轴上,当点B在x轴上向右移动时,点A也随之在y轴上向下移动,当点A到达原点时,点B停止移动,在移动过程中,点C到原点的最大距离为 .




(1)宣传小组抽取的捐款人数为 人,请补全条形统计图;

(2)统计的捐款金额的中位数是 元;























本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:









1.What is the woman trying to do?

A.Read a book.

B.Watch a movie.

C.Work on the computer.

2.When will the girl learn how to surf?

A.In 5 years. B.In 10 years. C.In 15 years.

3.Why is the woman in Texas?

A.For fun. B.For business. C.For study.

4.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Careers. B.Health problems. C.Types of hospitals.

5.What does the woman think of the parrot?

A.He’s funny. B.He’s quiet. C.He never tells jokes.





6.What is the dog’s name?

A.Harry. B.Yoda. C.Luke.

7.What is the dog like?

A.Young and fast. B.Old and loyal. C.Big and scary.


8.What does the woman show the man last?

A.Jupiter. B.The North Star. C.Mars.

9.Who might the woman be?

A.A doctor. B.A scientist. C.An artist.


10.When did the man see the bear?

A.At about 9:15 a.m.

B.At about 9:30 a.m.

C.At about 9:45 a.m.

11.How did the bear act toward the man?

A.It attacked him.

B.It showed its teeth.

C.It ran away quickly.

12.What does the man think of the bear?

A.It isn’t very dangerous.

B.It is a beautiful brown bear.

C.It often attacks runners in spring.


13.How does the woman feel about rock music?

A.It comes from the heart.

B.It’s something you have to think about.

C.It never gets boring.

14.What did the woman look like?

A.She had long black hair.

B.She wore leather clothes.

C.She never wore pants.

15.What was the name of the woman’s band?

A.Up Your Alley.

B.The Blackhearts.

C.Rock and Roll.

16.What does the woman suggest in the end?

A.She didn’t actually have much influence.

B.People still don’t understand her.

C.She still wants to perform.


17.What is the topic of the talk?

A.Bad behavior in schools.

B.New education methods.

C.Making kids healthier.

18.Who is Ashanti Branch?

A.An assistant principal.

B.The company founder of Ergotron.

C.A parent of a student at Montera Middle Schoo1.

19.According to the radio interview, what is difficult for students to do?

A.Sit still in class.

B.Adjust to the new education system.

C.Work independently on assignments.

20.What was the solution to the problem?

A.More teachers.

B.Shorter class time.

C.Different furniture.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Twelve years ago,Rachel Miller was lost when it came to her son John.The 7-year-old was seriously disabled because of his autism(自闭症).Unable to speak,he withdrew from people at school and,worse,from his family.

In March 2003,Miller was introduced to Jeff Hancock,a one-on-one therapist(治疗师)for people with autism.Hancock was hired to be John’s companion.The two would go people-watching at the mall in Stuart,

Florida, on the weekends.Hancock chatted throughout their trips,even though John couldn’t talk back.

Their relationship developed when Hancock introduced John to the Special Olympics in Martin County.Whenever John was running or being active,he was smiling.When John turned 12,Hancock introduced him to track at the Special Olympics.For the first three years,the pair just observed the sport by watching practices and events.Hancock worked daily with John,showing him everything,including where to sit,stand and walk,so he would understand the flow of the events.

In May 2014,John’s training brought him to the Special Olympics State Summer Games in Orlando.The 18-year-old was competing in the 800 meters and the 110-meter hurdles.

As the 800 was setting up,Miller remembered,she pressed her face against the fence,anxiously waiting for John to compete.But as soon as the race started,her fears melted away, and all Miller saw was an athlete,her athlete.“I just wanted to see the best performance.It seemed much more significant than whether he would ever speak or respond to me,”she said.

John ended up winning the gold medal for the 800.Spots completely changed John,and Miller said that is because of Hancock.“A person with a disability can feel hopeless and isolated(孤独的),and I think that can happen to parents,too.Jeff probably saw that with us,”Miller said,thinking back to when Hancock first met their family.

21.What is the first paragraph meant to tell?

A.John dropped out of schoo1.

B.John disliked his family.

C.John was lost.

D.John was unable to communicate.

22.How did Jeff Hancock help John?

A.By encouraging him to speak to others.

B.By introducing him the Special Olympics.

C.By staying together with him.

D.By finding him a better training center.

23.How did Miller feel when she saw John was an athlete in the 800 meters?

A.Curious. B.Delighted. C.Fearful.D.Confused.

24.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Disabled Boy with Autism

B.A One-to-one Therapist

C.Disabled Boy Turning Running Champion

D.A Special Olympic Games


Hunter Haire,19,and five friends,all home from college last January, went into Haire’s SUV around 10 p.m.,headed for a party near their former Lake Mary,Florida,high schoo1.Though they’d driven on the streets often,the group couidn’t find the house,and Haire’s iPhone GPS wasn’t working.

Frustrated,he pulled into a parking spot facing a small lake to see if his SUV’s GPS could help.Before Haire could enter the address of their destination,Haire’s friend Zac Sawin,19,glanced up from the backseat and saw a pair of lights glowing from the water about 50 yards from shore.“There’s a car in the water!”he cried.

In the darkness,the boys could hardly make out the shape of the driver through the window.“We thought,we’ve got to get this guy out of there now,or he’s going to die,”says Haire.

He and Sawin,both athletes,dashed into the cold water and swam hard to the sinking Mazda.Inside,Miguel Hernandez,23,was tightly seizing the steering wheel and staring straight ahead in shock.

Haire reached the car first and convinced Hernandez to roll down the passenger seat’s window.Ha ire climbed inside and dealt with Hemandez’s seat belt.Then water began pouring into the car,causing it to slip toward the bottom of the 15-foot-deep lake.Haire climbed out the open window,and then he and Sawin dragged Hernandez out of the car and pulled him back to the shore as the car sank completely into the blackness below.

“The series of events that led us there were the craziest coincidences(巧合)ever,”says Haire.“We left my friend’s house at a certain time,didn’t have to stop at any red lights,got lost.”Sawin agrees:“If we had showed up 30 seconds later,he probably would have been dead.”

25.What made Haire frustrated?

A.Not remembering the destination.

B.Getting lost on the streets.

C.His iphone GPS failed to work.

D.His SUV break down.

26.How did Zac Sawin know there was a car in the water?

A.He saw the driver through the window.

B.The car could be seen clearly in the lake.

C.A pair of lights was glowing from the water.

D.The SUV’s GPS began to work.

27.What is implied in the text?

A.Haire and Sawin were strong and skillful.

B.Hernandez stayed calm in danger.

C.Sawin was slow in action.

篇三:2016莱芜市中考英语专项训练七 动词

2016年莱芜市英语中考专项训练七 动词



10.Most of the young people enjoy ______ Jay Chou's songs.

A.sing B.sang C.singing D.to sing

10..--Alice, please tell Eric to call me when he _____ back.(主将从现)

--No problem.

A.come B.comes C.came D.will come

10.Every year lots of trees _______ to make our country more beautiful.(被动)

A.is planted B.was plantedC.are planted D.were planted

10. ._______ a big party in our school in two weeks.(将来时)

A.It is

C.There was B.It will be D.There is going to be

13. 31. When I walked past the park, I saw some old people ________ Chinese Taiji.(感官v)

A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing

13. 33. 一 I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday. Why?

一I ________ for an important telephone call at that moment.

A. wait B. waited C. am waitingD. was waiting

14.27. We often hear some students _______ spoken English in the English corner.

A. practiced B. practicing C. practice D. was practicing

14.31. — When will our uncle come to see us?

— He’ll come this weekend. He _______ me that by e-mail.

A. told

A. invitesB. tells B. invited C. will tell D. is telling 14.32. We are glad that a famous writer _______ to our school to give a talk next week. C. will be invited D. was invited

15. 32. — Mr. Huang, it’s late. Why are you still here?

— My daughter hasn’t come back from school yet. I _______ for her.

A. waited B. am waiting C. was waiting D. have waited


1 .I will call you as soon as Tom _______ the ticket to the football match.

A.will get B.gets C.got D.is getting

2.. Mr. Green ______ to the manager now. You’d better call him later.

A. talk B. talked C. is talking D. was talking

3.----Your bike is very nice.Is it new?

-----No, I _________ for three years

A. bought B. have boughtC. had D. have had

4. -----Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?

----- _________ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.

A. There will have B. There will be C. There was D. There is

5. ---Sam, do you know if Alice _________ to my party next week?

---I think she will come if she _________ free.

A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; isD. will come; will be

6. ---I phoned you at six last night , but nobody answered.

---I _________a walk in the park at that time.

A.am having B.was having C.hadD. have

7. . –What were you doing at this time yesterday?

–I _________ basketball with my friends.

A. was playing B. had played C. have played D. played

8. . ---How was your trip to the ancient village?

---Fantastic! We___________to a natural museum made of strange stones.

A. goB. went C. are goingD. will go

9. . —Where is your mother?

—She in the kitchen

A.cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D. was cooking

10. —Have you read a book called Red Star Over China? —No, who________it?

A.writes B.has writtenC.was writing D.wrote

11. --- Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight?

--- Thank you, but I ______ it already.

A. sawB. have seen C. seeD. will see


1. A large number of engineers _______ to Afriac by our government to help the people there every year.

A. have sent B. will sendC. are sentD were sent

2. The sick boy ______ to hospital by the police yesterday.

A. is taken B. was takenC. takes D. took

3. ----Tree Planting Day is coming. Do you plant trees in spring?

----Yes, many trees _______ in our city every year.

A. are planting B. are planted C. were plantedD.plant

4. A number of new houses __________in last year.

A. built B. are built C. were built D. will be built

5. It is reported that more new teaching buildings ___ in our school in the next term.

A. will be builtB. was built C. has builtD. will build

6.Waste paper shouldn’t ______ everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our city clean.

A. be thrown B. throw C. is thrown D. are thrown

7.I think teenagers ____________


to make their own decisions

A. should allowB. should be allowedC. be allowedD be allowing


1. —What a heavy rain!

—So it is. I prefer ___________ at home rather than ___________ on such a rainy day.

A. watch TV; to go out B. watch TV; go out

C.to watching TV; going out D. to watch TV; go out

2. Why not________your teacher for help when you can’t finish ________it by yourself?

A.ask,write B.to ask,writingC.ask,writingD.asking,write

3. My parents often tell me __________ in the street, it is very dangerous.

A. don’t play B. not playing C. not to play D. not play.

4.My bag is old. I went to that shop______ a new one yesterday.

A. to buyB. buyC. buying D. bought

5. ----How about _______in the river with us?

----Sorry I can’t.My parents often tell me_________that.

A.swim, don’t do B. swim, to do C.swimming, not doDswimming, not to do

6.----Would you mind my _______ here?

----Sorry, you’d better not.

A. smoke B. to smoke C. smokingD. smokes

7. The woman made his son ______ finally after she told him some jokes.

A. stop to cry B.to stop crying C. stopped crying D.stop crying

8. ---- Is Jack in the library?

---- No,. I saw him ______ on the playground when I passed by.

A. playing B.play C. to play D. played