
篇一:广东省河源市中英文实验学校九年级化学上册《4.1 爱护水资源课题2水的净化》讲学稿

ss="txt">学习目标:1、了解水污染、水枯竭等水危机问题,及水污染的防治、节水方法等应对措施。 2、了解纯水和自然水,硬水和软水的区别。



河源中英文学校两段五环日清卷 班级:九( ) 姓名: 检测内容: 课题1 爱护水资源 课题2 水的净化

1、生活中我们接触到很多种类的水,其中纯度最高的是() A.海水 B.泉水 C.蒸馏水 D.自来水 2、下列广告用语正确的是()

A.本饮料由天然物质配制而成,绝对不含化学物质 B.水是生命之源



3、净化水的方法有很多,下列净化方法净化程度最高的是() A.过滤 B.吸附 C.蒸馏 D.静置


A.烧杯 B.药匙 C.蒸发皿 D.长颈漏斗

5、活性炭有吸附作用,经过活性炭净水器过滤的天然水,不能达到的是( ) A.除去原有的不溶性物质 B.除去原有的臭味

C.除去一些溶于水的杂质 D.除去所有的杂质得到纯净水

6、城市中的生活用水是经自来水厂净化处理过的,其过程可表示为:取水→沉淀→过滤→吸附→消毒→配水。下列过程中属于化学变化的是( ) A、取水 B、过滤 C吸附 D、消毒

7、水是生命之源。下列生活中的“水”可以看作纯净物的是() A、硬水 B、自来水 C部分结冰的蒸馏水 D、汽水

8、洪涝地区的灾民用下列步骤将河水转化为饮用水,以下处理顺序合理的是() a.化学沉降(用明矾) b.消毒杀菌(用漂白粉) c.自然沉降 d.加热煮沸 A、cbad B、cabd C、cadb D、acdb


(1)图中还缺少的一种仪器是,其作用是 ;漏斗下端紧靠烧杯内壁是为了。

(2)操作过程中,他发现过滤速度太慢,产生的原因可能有。 (3)过滤后观察发现,滤液仍然浑浊。可能的原因有: ① ; ② ; ③ ;


10.对于①沉淀、②蒸馏、③过滤等净化水的操作,单一操作相对净化程度由高到低的顺序是 ;可以降低水的硬度的是 ;综合运用上述三项操作净化水的效果更好,其先后顺序是 。

11.有一种含有碎菜叶、碎塑料薄膜、泥沙、还有具有一定臭味的生活污水(生活污水成分较复杂,此处为了便于讨论,已将其成分做了“简化”),将其经过去渣、去臭处理后可转化为厕所的清洁用水。问: ?采用什么操作,可除去污水中的碎菜叶、碎塑料薄膜及泥沙? 。 ?用什么物质,可除去污水中的臭味?。 12、“中水”是指生活污水经处理后,达到规定的水质标准,可在一定范围内再次使用的非饮用水。根据你了解的净化方法,写出将生活污水净化处理成“中水”的过程中,常采用的两种方法、。利用“中水”的实际意义是。


的生活不止在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。同学们,如果水资源被污染了,那么有丰衣足食的生活也就会美中不足,请别让最后一滴水成为人类的眼泪。 在学校里,就经常看见如白花花的银子的水在不停地流着,可开水龙头的人却不知去向,并且没有几个人会主动去关掉;而有的同学开着水龙头不是在洗手,而是在嬉戏,打闹,玩无聊的打水仗。 我国水资源总量为2.8万亿立平方米左右,居世界第六。人均占水量为2100多立方米,占世界人均水平的四分之一,属于缺水国家。西部地区缺水非常严重,那儿的人一生只洗三次澡,出生时第一次,结婚时第二次,死后第三次。所以有‘’滴水贵如油‘’之说 同学们,水对我们多重要啊!我们怎样才能保护它呢?水资源彻底被污染了,水中的化学成份,毒物让人类吸收了,那么人类的身体健康造成严重的危险。鱼儿一生都生活在水中,污染的水资源会导致大量稀有鱼儿死亡,给生态环境造成严重威胁。 我们应该从小事做起,随手开关水龙头。老师应该加强对学生保护水资源,节约用水的教育。也要要求老师节约用水,当老师在认真洗手时,却不把水龙头给关了,水就在那儿不停的流着。在家里,水可以多处使用,比如洗菜的水可以用来冲厕所;洗衣服后的水可以用来拖地板… 国家应对污染企业加大管理力度;对不达标的企业要坚决关停;工业废水一定要处理后达到排放标准后才让排除 提倡城市居民减少每日用水量,不浪费水。严查大量排放工业用水的化工厂,大量用水的洗车公司。 珍惜水资源作为一种自觉行动时,我的水环境才能得到彻底的改善。是啊!信服的生活不仅在于丰衣足食也在于碧水蓝天。






Membrane technology and water treatment in

environmental protection

REN J ianxin1 , ZHANGBaocheng2

(1. China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Co. , No. 9 West Road , Beitucheng Chaoyang District ,Beijing 100029 , China ;

2. Department of Chemical Engineering , Polytechnic of Turin , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , Italy)

Abstract : The paper present s a general summary on the state of the water resource and membrane industry of China. Now the water pollution is becoming more grave , and the water resource is shorter and shorter in the earth. China has 660 cities ,360 cities of them are short of water. The situation in 110 cities is serious , and the situation in 40 cities is dangerous. It was predicted that the water could be a main cause of local conflict s and international wars. The water pollution in China is also very astonished. 77 % untreated

wastewater is discharged ,and 46. 6 % river is polluted. Membrane is a clean production technology ,which could be used to improve the quality of drink water ,treat the waste to reduce the pollution and save the water resource. China has a lot of researchers and research institute on membrane. The paper present s some data of Chinese membrane research and manufacture.

Key words : membrane ; water treatment ; environment protection

CLC number : TQ028. 8Document code : A

1 Introduction

Water is a main resource for our human being ,but the problem of water is more serious than before.

China is a developing country while it s economy goes forward rapidly. However , along with the development of economy , the eco - environmental problem is becoming worse and worse , such as shortage of resources , ecological damage , environmental pollution and etc. all these are bound to have fatal impact s on the improvement of our living standard and on the substantial development of economy. Now the central government is focusing on the development over the western part of China , in which the economic development and the environmental protection bear key importance.

Membrane separation technology is an advanced technology that has been developing very quickly during the past several decades. In 1952 , Reid introduced the idea to desalinate the seawater with RO for the first time. In 1960 , Loeb and Sourirajin produced the first RO membrane with the potential practical application , which was a symbol of the birth of membrane science and technology. China has a 40 – year history of research and development of membrane. In this period , RO , NF , UF , MF , electric dialysis , pervaporation(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:保护水资源的英语作文) membrane , liquid membrane , membrane reactor were developed , and have been put into application in the fields of energy , electronics ,petroleum , petrochemical , pharmacy , heavy industry , light industry , food and brewery industry , people’s daily life and the environmental protection. Especially in the water treatment , the application of membrane technology turns wider and wider , and

plays an increasingly important role.

2 The state of water resource and water pollution in China

In range of environmental problems , water problem is extremely severe. There are one third of people on the earth facing with how to solve the shortage of water and how to treat the wastewater. This number will be doubled in the next 30 years. It is forecast by some experts that water , rather than oil , is going to be the main cause of conflicts regionally even globally.

There are 660 cities in China. Among them , more than 360 are short of water and 110 are in urgent situation. Further more , 40 cities are in the list of the cities that are ext remely short of water. It is estimated that the water shortage will be 40 billion tons annually , and that China will lack 60 billion tons water in 2030. Due to the water shortage , the product output decreases by 240 billion RMB yuan annually.

The water quality in China was deteriorated over the past few years. The polluted river length increased every year. According to the statistical data in 1999 , 46. 5 % of rivers were polluted in 100 000 km monitored rivers , but the wastewater treated ratio was only 23 %. [1 ]

Water pollution has become the obstacle of economic development and social progress. In Sanxia reservoir of Yangzi River , there are 21 counties discharging wastes into Yangzi River. The height of the float above water reaches 2~4 m , sometimes 6. 5 m. It has directly affected the work of Ge Zhou Ba water power station. It causes frequent breakdown of Erjiang power station. The worst case happened was that once a time the float caused severe power plants breakdown with an electricity loss of 14 000 kW , equal to the capacity of a small power station.

Water pollution not only becomes an impediment of the economic development , but also endangers the existence of the people. The water quality in Yangteng Lake drops to grade 3 from grade 2 , which causes the water undrinkable.

3 State of membrane industry

China has a lot of research unit s and researchers on membrane. The research on electric dialysis and ion exchange membrane began in 1958[2 ] . RO membrane began in 1965 and UF membrane in 1970s.The earliest prepared UF membrane , cellulose acetate UF membrane , was used in electric coat system in 1980s , after polysulfone hollow fiber UF membrane was manufactured. The researches and the development also went ahead rapidly on NF membrane , gas membrane , inorganic membrane , pervaporation membrane and liquid membrane.

Although the membrane industry of China is not big , it grows up very quickly. According to the statistical data in 1997 , there were 13 big companies of membrane with the output over $1. 2 million in China ( Tab. 1) . The output of solo membrane was $45 million , within which the imported value was $27 million. The industrial output relevant to membrane was estimated $0. 17 billion and it will be $0. 3 billion this year. The imported membrane is about 70 % sales in China. The output of locally manufactured membrane increased by 30 % annually.

In 1997 , the global output value of membrane and it s relevant equipment was about $10 billion. It is estimated that the output value will be increased to $14 billion in 2000. The output of membrane industry of USA was $1. 1 billion in 1997 and will reach $1. 6 billion in 2001 with the annual growth rate of 8. 0 %. In 1997 , the sales of membrane product s for water treatment was $0. 97 billion in Europe. It is reckoned to be $1. 65 billion in 2004 with the annual growth rate of 7. 9 %. According to these growth rates , China will catch up with USA and Europe in the coming years as shown in Fig. 1.