

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It"s my honor totell you about the changes of my school. When you walk around our school, you can see various flowersand trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe freshair. It"s a nice place for us to study. 女士们,先生们,大家早上好!我很荣幸告诉大家关于我学校的变化。当你行走于校园的时候,你随处可以看到各种各样的鲜花和树木。同时,你可以闻到味道,呼吸新鲜空气。这是我们学习的好地方。

Please look at the new building over there. It"s ourlibrary that was painted white again this year. It not only looks morebeautiful, but also has increasingly more books than before. Reading differentkinds of books can enhance our horizons and increase our knowledge. I stillremember I entered the school two years ago, the library was old enough and Ialways couldn"t find my favorite comic books. Therefore, I often complained tomy classmates that the library was out of fashion that we were not able tolearn fresh knowledge in it. 请大家看那边的新楼,那是我们今年重新刷白的图书馆。它不仅看起来更漂亮了,而且书本也比以前多了。阅读不同种类的书籍可以开阔我们的视野,增长我们的知识。我仍记得两年前我进校园的时候,图书馆很老,我总是找不到我最喜欢的宇宙书籍。因此,我常常对同学抱怨图书馆已经过时了,我们学不到新的知识。

What was even worse, as a member of school basketballteam, my partners and I had few chances to practice, as the playground was toosmall to play and full of so many students after school. Luckily, I don"t haveto worry about that anymore, because our playground is large enough for all ofus to play games, and basketball court is also bigger. That"s wonderful! 更糟糕的是,作为校篮球队的一员,我的队友和我很少有机会去训练,因为课后很多学生,操场太小了不能玩。幸运的是,我不用再担心那么多了,因为我们的操场足够大,我们可以玩游戏,篮球场也更大了。真是太好了“! My school has changed a lot, for it is more beautifuland modern. I love my school. 我的学校改变了很多,因为它更漂亮更现代化了。我爱我的学校。


Changes in schools


Our previous schools do not now so many classrooms, the classroom is not even the windows. Winter, heating can not, students have been cold to cry, and then the students wear thick, can still inevitable cold. (我们以前的学校没有现在这么多的教室,教室连玻璃窗都没有.冬天,没法取暖,同学们都冻得直哭,同学们穿得再厚,可仍免不了挨冻.

Most(转载自:www.dXf5.cOm 东星资源网:学校变化的英语作文) afraid of cleaning, both inside and outside the classroom are loess ground and water, not watering.扫完each classroom, as students from the earth dug out of the same gray-haired face, we have only seen a pair of wandering eyes. A classroom, garbage, and can only use three or four times on the barrels, to complete.

( 最害怕打扫卫生,教室内外都是黄土地面,又缺水,没办法洒水.每次扫完教室,同学们就像从土里挖出来的一样,满头满脸的灰,只看见一双眼睛乱转.一间教室,垃圾多,只能用桶子提上三四次,才能完成.)

Not the same as now, the schools face tremendous changes have taken place.

Winter, the teachers gave us the fire, the warm classroom. Are also cleaning easier. Today, very nice layout of the classroom, the walls hung a picture, close to the primary code; ground is brick shop, in front of the blackboard behind. Small playground equipment, there are a lot of sports, such as the horizontal bar, parallel bars and so on.Teachers in our care and love very much, for so every student can be admitted to secondary schools.

( 可现在不一样了,学校的面貌发生了巨大的变化.
