


12月10日雅思听力 S1 order restaurant S2 garbage recycle S3 oil resources S4robots 12月10日雅思阅读 第一篇是interpretation 第二篇是animal


A类小作文饼图,对比的是the number of people per household;


北京北京语言大学 P1: 家庭住什么房子,家里窗户能看到什么,经常陪父母么,一起的时候都干嘛 P2: 一个想短期打工的国家 P3: 年轻人去国外工作好吗?一般都干什么?为什么好多人想去跨国企业

首都经济贸易大学IELTS考试中心 RM5 P1: 家乡,报纸和杂志,广告 P2: 描述一项保持健康的活动 P3: 你们家乡有没有足够的设施供人们锻炼?怎么看待青少年过度肥胖?怎么做?

天津天津外国语大学 part1 do you love your hometown, will you go back to your hometown, house or flat, what can you see through the window; part2 sth made you laugh; part3 男女觉得有意思的事情是不是不一样,不同年龄的人看喜剧是不是不同

辽宁沈阳师范大学 P1:study/ will do / visitor in home P2: a small business P3: 大公司 小公司 MBA课程 管理技能

黑龙江哈尔滨工业大学IELTS考试中心 01 P1: 念书还是工作,学的科目有什么,你喜欢你学的专业吗,你小时候做的户外运动有什么,你认为孩子应该做户外运动吗,你喜欢唱歌吗,你小时候唱歌吗 P2:你和你家里人在一起共度的时光 P3: 你喜欢老物件吗,你认为


黑龙江大学 02 P1: 学生还是工作,花,喜欢一个人还是团体工作 P2: good new 最近卡到,在哪,什么时候看到的,什么感觉对于这个新闻 P3: 公众喜欢什么样的新闻,传播一个新闻需要什么

吉林吉林大学P1: 专业,艺术 P2: 让你生气的事情 P3: 是否应该表现自己强烈的感觉,后面都是free style

湖北武昌实验 part1 家乡,家乡让你印象深刻的地方; part2 describe a small business you would like to own ; part3 愿意做自己的老板吗,发展在大公司好还是小公司,愿意去大公司还是小公司

武昌实验 part1 major,why this major, 跟别人学习还是自己学习,outdoor activity, 多久做一次活动,去兴趣班吗,参观过画廊吗; part2 有时间想学的课程是什么; part3 大学会为学生们提供别的课程吗,大学应该设置其他类课程吗,找工作时,专业知识重要还是工作经验重要

福建福建师范大学 P1:工作,空闲时间跟家人做什么,怎么跟家人过周末 P2: 有趣的歌 P3: 关于歌的问题

广东广州仲恺 part1 study or work, do you like color; part2 描述一次用imagination的时候 ; part3 想象力的相关问题

广州仲恺 part1 study/work, advertisement, 为什么现在那么多广告,哪里可以见到广告,上次送花是什么时候,人们为什么要送花; part2 good news ; part3 什么是good news, 人们会面对面share news,政府什么时候向群众公布新闻,过去人们share新闻更困难吗,good news都包括什么

深圳赛格 part1 accommodation,bike,weedend, holiday; part2 经常去的一个场所; part3 为什么人们喜欢奥林匹克运动会,为什么有些运动项目大家不喜欢,过去和现在的运动群体对比

四川四川大学 P1:住的地方 ,walking P2: APP P3: 关于APP的内容 不同年龄的人对APP的态度

重庆四川外国语 part1 house/apartment,famous people you like ,do you think you can be one of them ; part2 tall building; part3 中国人偏向于住城市还是乡村, 注重公共交通吗

陕西西安交通大学 P1:工作还是上学 ,专业,家乡,手写还是电脑 P2: 团队合作 P3: 合作需要的品质,如何更好的合作,合作的分工,一项不需要合作的事情

浙江 浙江 part1 study/work,喜欢艺术吗,去过艺术馆吗; part2 描述令你生气的事; part3 人们喜欢去分享自己的情绪吗,为什么女人比男人更喜欢分享自己情绪

山东 济南 part1 house/flat, 窗外能看见什么,喜欢reading吗,小时候家里有很多书吗,读书相关问题; part2 favorite film; part3 电影相关,什么样的电影受欢迎,为什么,黑白电影受欢迎吗...

中国海洋大学 part1户外活动,假期,近水之地,flat or house; part2 送给别人的礼物; part3 什么时候会送礼物给别人,给小孩子的礼物,送什么礼物,喜欢送礼物吗,喜欢送礼物的类型





Passage 1:

题目:Optimism & health






Optimism and Health

Mindset is all. How you start the year will set the template for 2009, and two

scientifically backed character traits hold the key: optimism and resilience (if the prospect leaves you feeling pessimistically spineless, the good news is that you can significantly boost both of these qualities).

A Faced with 12 months of plummeting economics and rising human distress, staunchly maintaining a rosy view might seem deucedly Pollyannaish. But here we

encounter the optimism paradox. As Brice Pitt, an emeritus professor of the psychiatry of old age at Imperial College, London, told me: optimists are uealistic. Depressive people


see things as they really are, but that is a disadvantage from an evolutionary point of view. Optimism is a piece of evolutionary equipment that earned us through millennia of setbacks.

B It has been known that optimistic has something to do with the long life, and

optimists have plenty to be happy about. In other words, if you can convince yourself that things will get better, the odds of it happening will improve - because you keep on playing the game. In this light, optimism T,is a habitual way of explaining your setbacks to yourself', reports Martin Seligman, the psychology professor and author of Learned Optimism. The research shows that when times get tough, optimists do better than pessimists - they succeed better at work, respond better to stress, suffer fewer depressive episodes and achieve more personal goals.

C Studies also show that belief can help with the financial pinch. Chad Wallens, a social forecaster at the Henley Centre who surveyed middle-class Britons' beliefs about income, has found that the people who feel wealthiest, and those who feel poorest, actually have almost the same amount of money at their disposal. Their attitudes and behaviour patterns, however, are different from one another.“

D Optimists have something else to be cheerful about - in general, they are more

robust. For example, a study of 660 volunteers by the Yale University psychologist Dr Becca Levy, found that thinking positively adds an average of 7years to your life. Other American research claims to have identified a physical mechanism behind this. A Harvard Medical School study of 670 men found that the optimists have significantly better lung function.


The lead author. Dr Rosalind Wright, believes that attitude somehow strengthens the

immune system. “Preliminaiy studies on heart patients suggest that, by changing a person' s outlook, you can improve their mortality risk, “ she says.

E Few studies have tried to ascertain the proportion of optimists in the world. But a 1995 nationwide survey conducted for the American magazine Adweek found that about half the population counted themselves as optimists, with women slightly more apt than men (53 per cent versus 48 per cent) to see the sunny side.

F Although some optimists may be accurate in their positive beliefs about the future, others may be uealistic-their optimism is misplaced, according to American

Psychological Association. Research shows that some smokers exhibit uealistic optimism by underestimating their relative chances of experiencing disease. An important question is whether such uealistic optimism is associated with risk-related attitudes and behavior. We addressed this question by investigating if one, s perceived risk of developing lung cancer, over and above one' s objective risk, predicted acceptance of myths and other beliefs about smoking. Hierarchical regressions showed that those individuals who were uealistically optimistic were more likely to endorse beliefs that there is no risk of lung cancer if one only smokes for a few years and that getting lung cancer depends on one' s genes.

G Of course, there is no guarantee that optimism will insulate you from the crunch' s worst effects, but the best strategy


is still to keep smiling and thank your lucky stars. Because (as every good sports coach knows) adversity is character-forming -so long as you practise the skills of resilience. Research among tycoons and business leaders shows that the path to success is often littered with failure: a record of sackings, bankruptcies and blistering castigations. But

instead of curling into a foetal ball beneath the coffee table, they resiliently pick themselves up, learn from their pratfalls and march boldly towards the next opportunity.

H The American Psychological Association defines resilience as the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma or tragedy. A resilient person may go through difficulty and uncertainty, but he or she will doggedly bounce back.

I Optimism is one of the central traits required in building resilience, say Yale University investigators in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. They add that resilient people learn to hold on to their sense of humour and this can help them to keep a flexible attitude when big changes of plan are warranted. The ability to accept your lot with equanimity also plays an important role, the study adds.

J One of the best ways to acquire resilience is through experiencing a difficult

childhood, the sociologist Steven Stack reports in the Journal of Social Psychology. For example, short men are less likely to commit suicide than tall guys, he says, because

shorties develop psychological defense skills to handle the bullies and mickey-taking that their lack of stature attracts. By contrast, those who enjoyed adversity-free youths can get derailed by setbacks later on because they' ve never been inoculated against agro


K Learning to overcome your fears. If you are handicapped by having had a happy childhood, then practising proactive optimism can help you to become more resilient. Studies of resilient people show that they take more risks; they court failure and learn not to fear it. And despite being thick-skinned, resilient types are also more open than average to other people. Bouncing through knock backs is all part of the process. It" s about

optimistic risk-taking being confident that people will like you. Simply smiling and being warm to people can help. It' s an altruistic path to self-interest - and if it achieves nothing else, it will reinforce an age-old adage: hard times can bring out the best in you.Questions 1-5


Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than TWO words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

Optimists generally are more robust. Yale University psychologist Dr Becca Levy found that an extension of around 1 to your life will be achieved by positive attitude toward life. A Harvard Medical School conduct a research which study of 2 male volunteers found that the optimists have remarkably better 3. And Dr Rosalind Wright believes optimistic life may enhance the 4 "some initiative studies on S_ indicate that people can improve their mortality risk by changing into a positive outlook.

Questions 6-10



词性的介绍 .................................................................................................................................. 1

使用方法 ...................................................................................................................................... 5

句子分析的简单例子 .................................................................................................................. 6

简单的主谓宾结构 ..


.................................................................................................................. 12

主+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 .............................................................................................. 26

主+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 .......................................................................................... 31

被动语态 .................................................................................................................................... 32

主语+不及物动词 ...................................................................................................................... 40

主系表结构 ................................................................................................................................ 44

It 做形式主语或者宾语的句子 ................................................................................................. 56

There be 句型 ............................................................................................................................ 62

并列句 ........................................................................................................................................ 63

状语从句 .................................................................................................................................... 65

名词性从句 ................................................................................................................................ 67

定语从句 .................................................................................................................................... 69







? 自己先翻译一下,对照准确的句子 记住句子中出现的词伙,熟悉其用法和语境 熟悉基本的句型,确保自己在不同语境下可以迅速选择和写出准确的单句 注意观察错误的句子,因为这些句子一般都是常见错误,可以提高你对语法错误的敏