


1. 书/电影:《国王的演讲》

2. 科幻片看法:

3. 童年的游戏:捉迷藏

4. 童年的玩具:洋娃娃

5. 有用的网站:淘宝

6. 描述一件衣服:旗袍

7. 迟到的经历:上学迟到,老爹编谎

8. 有趣的历史事件:昭君出塞

9. 电子产品:电子词典

10. 外国菜餐馆:亚洲土地(东南亚菜)

11. 一幅画:《帕丽斯的审判》(金苹果的故事)

12. 古建筑:比萨斜塔

13. 现代建筑:东方明珠电视塔

14. 一家咖啡馆:猫咖啡馆

15. 喜欢的季节:秋天(枫叶书签)

16. 有趣的广告:奶酪(Nolan’s Chedar)

17. 想学的第二外语:法语

18. 家庭聚餐:给归国姐姐包饺子

19. 有趣的演讲:口译经验分享讲座(普通话转方言活动)

20. 一个喜欢的家庭:思思家

21. 户外运动:暴走(老保安)

22. 野餐:

23. 一个有礼貌的人:

24. 一见如故的朋友:

25. 帮助别人的事儿/被帮助的事儿:



一、 人物

1. 邻居帮助你

2. 一见如故的朋友

3. 描述一个老人/小孩

4. 一个有礼貌的人

5. 一个感兴趣/想交谈的人

6. 中国名人

7. 家庭

1) 家长孩子对孩子的帮助(哪方面、故事)

2) 父母和孩子的关系

3) 父母谁说了算

4) 一个家庭的决定

5) 心目中的好家长

6) 体罚对孩子的影响

7) 好孩子的标准

8) 孩子为什么会叛逆

9) 家长给孩子讲故事好不好

10) 描述一个你喜欢的/熟悉的家庭

11) 如何分享家里的趣闻

8. 如何成为明星


二、 事件

1. 有趣的历史事件

2. 帮助别人/被帮助的事情

3. 一件好笑的事情

4. 童年趣事

5. 迟到经历

6. 一场婚礼

7. 一件困难的事情

8. 团队合作


三、 物

1. 电影:1)未来的电影





6) 一部喜欢的电影

2. 书籍:1)喜欢的一本书






3. 电视节目:1)一个喜欢的节目


4. 广告:1)一个有趣的广告

5. 职业

1) 描述你理想的职业

2) 描述一个不同寻常的职业

3) 年轻人跳槽的原因

4) 政府对失业人员的援助

6. 学校规定:1)不满的一条

7. 历史

1) 了解历史的方法

2) 历史的重要性

3) 历史事件

10. 电子产品

1) 手机(优缺点、苹果手机风靡原因、买手机考虑的因素)

2) 电脑:1)用途

3) 描述一个电子产品

4) 最新发明的电子产品

11. 科技

1) 最新科技发明

2) 有用的发明——电

3) 网络:(1)利弊(2)有用的网站

12. 咖啡

1) 年轻人爱喝咖啡还是茶

2) 咖啡流行原因

3) 喝咖啡的习惯

4) 咖啡文化——意大利(站着喝,卡布奇诺只能早上十点之前点)

13. 季节

1) 你喜欢的季节

2) 讨厌的季节

3) 四季v.人生阶段

14. 颜色

1) 本国颜色含义

2) 你喜欢的颜色

3) 颜色与性格(衣服颜色与人的性格、色彩心理学)

4) 中西方看法有差异的颜色

15. 植物:1)本国重要植物 2)花

16. 假日

1) 假日去哪里做什么

2) 传统节日

17. 语言:1)二外

18. 演讲:有趣的演讲

19. 交通

1) 想买的交通工具

2) 描述一个交通工具(地铁、免费的好处)

20. 动物:1)野生动物(保护)

21. 规划

1) 你对未来的规划(短期,5年,长期)

2) 我国的长远规划

3) 规划重要性

4) 怎样处理自己的时间

22. 油画

23. 雕塑

24. 爱好

25. 理想:雄心壮志

26. 童年玩具:1)描述 2)今昔对比

27. 童年游戏:1)描述 2)今昔对比 3)电子游戏优缺点

28. 礼貌:包括哪些方面

29. 船

30. 包、装饰品

31. 校徽、校训

四、 地点

32. 建筑:1)古建筑 2)现代建筑 3)旧楼房拆迁 4)如何保护

33. 公园:1)描述 2)年轻人还是老年人喜欢去

34. 图书馆:1)描述 2)功能

35. 咖啡馆

36. 博物馆

37. 餐馆

38. 喜欢的街道

39. 待的时间最长的房间:

40. 放松的地方:

41. 住房:1)自己现在住的,以后想住的

42. 一个拥挤的地方:

43. 想去旅游的地方

44. 中国重要的城市

45. 靠近海的地方:

46. 农村:1)今昔对比

47. 一个需要有礼貌的场合

48. 环境

1) 旅游环境

2) 野外环境

3) 自然景色


五、 活动

50. 购物

1) 买过的物品,为啥买

2) 大商场和小商店对比

3) 描述一次网购经历

51. 沟通

1) 沟通技巧

2) 幽默感重要性

3) 沟通工具:1)短信 2)邮件 3)微信

4) 最喜欢的沟通方式

52. 保持健康:1)方式

53. 运动

1) 你喜欢的运动

2) 当下最流行的运动方式

3) 一个户外运动

4) 户外锻炼和健身房对比

5) 想尝试的极限运动

6) 太极

7) 舞蹈

54. 旅游

1) 完美假期

2) 想去旅游的地方

55. 俱乐部:1)参加的俱乐部

56. 减压

1) 压力来源

2) 一种放松方式

57. 改变

1) 自己最近的改变及原因

2) 老年人和年轻人对改变的态度

3) 整容和自然美



























Part One

1. Television

What TV programs are you interested in?

When do you watch TV?

In China, have television programs changed much in recent years?

How do you think TV programs in China could be improved?

2. IndoorGames

Do you play any indoor games?

Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?

What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

3. Friend

Do you have many friends?

How often do you talk to your friends?

How do you communicate with your friends?

How can people make friends in yourcountry?

4. Mirror

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

5. Watch

How often do you wear a watch?

What was your first watch like?

What kinds of watches do you like to wear?

Do people still wear watches in your country?

6. Housework

Do you do housework at home?

Do you think men and women should share housework?

What kinds of housework do you dislike todo?

Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?

7. Videogame

Do you play video games?

What kinds of video games do you like toplay?

Is it good for young people to play video games?

8. Shoes

How often do you buy shoes?

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

What’s your favorite type of shoes?

9. Robots

Do you like robots?

What kinds of robots would like to have?

Will robots change our society significantly?

10. Dream

Do you often have dreams at night?

Have you had a bad dream before?

What was the strangest dream you have had?

What do you usually dream about?

11. Forget things

What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out

Did you ever forget to bring something?

How do you remind yourself?

Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?

Part Two&Three 12. 有趣的邻居

Describe an interesting neighbor.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person likes to do

And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting


①Do you think neighbors are important?

②Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors?

③Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past? ④What are the benefits of belonging to acommunity?

13. 兴奋的活动

Describe a/an new/exciting activity that you want to try for the first time. You should say:

What it is

Where you can do it

How you would do it

And explain why you feel excited

Part 3

①Do you like to do risky things?

②Why is good to be adventurous?

③Does it benefit people when they try new things?

④Why do some people eat the same things all the time?

14. 未来假期

Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future

You should say:

Where you want to go

When you would like to go

What you can do for the holiday

Who you would like to go with

And explain why you want to have this holiday


①Do you like short holidays or long holidays?

②Do you think modern life styles give people enough time for leisure? ③What’s the most popular tourist attraction in China?

④What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?

⑤Do you think we should have more public holidays?

15. 和小孩共度时光

Describe an experience you spend your time with a child You should say:

When you spent time with this child

Who this child was

What you did together

And how you felt about it

Part 3

①Do parents in your country spend a lot of time with their children? ②Who did you spend most time with when you were young?

③Why do some young people dislike living with old people?

④What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends? ⑤Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?

16. 历史事件

Describe an event in history in your country

Youshould say:

Where it happened

When it happened

How you know it

What happened

And how you feel about this event.

Part 3

①How do people in your country learn about historical events? ②Do people like to learn history?

③What kind of people can appear in history?

④Should governments spend money on museums?

⑤Do you think museums should be free?

17. 商店

Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown

You should say:

Where the shop is

When it opened

What it sells

And how you feel about the shop

Part 3

①Do you like big shops or small shops?

②Why do some people like to visit small shops?

③Should governments develop big shops or small shops?

④Should shops be located in city centers or in the suburbs?

⑤What can shops do to attract customers?

18. 一个计划

Describe a plan in your life(that is not related to work or study) You should say:

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked