



摘要: 今天第一次参加雅思口语考试,心情很激动,也有点紧张。

今天第一次参加 雅思 口语考试,心情很激动,也有点紧张

我8点半就来到考场 工作人员安排我进侯考教室准备 然后给我一张表格具体内容是关于你对 雅思考试 的看法 对考点组织雅思考试的认可程度(全中文 这个不用怕) 基本上属于鸡肋 全填的最好(这点常识还是有的 毕竟在人家地盘吗)大约到了9点 工作人员进侯考教室说9点10参加口语考试的人出来准备考试,然后我们就出去 先是排队 考点的工作人员检查证件(注:这些过程全都是中文 工作人员用中文跟你交流 ) 然后你就可以直着往前走,我是今天room2第一个考生 room2的考官是一个慈祥的老大爷 戴着眼镜 我到了后 确定This is room 2 right? 他正在调试录音笔 然后问我带没带手机,我说没带(实际上关机放在口袋里)

然后进入考场——一个类似办公室的教室 满屋弥漫着香水的味道 这个能理解 外国人喜欢用香水嘛 考官语速很慢 问我名字 面带微笑 我解释了一下 such as :My name is LI MENG ,you know Bruce Lee (李小龙) we have the same family name 。老外会心的一笑 。然后他自我介绍 说自己叫Make 怎么称呼我 我说叫我Vincent(这里感谢Queena同学帮我起的这个好听的名字)他问我要了我的ID Card 我当时就来了句 Here you go (这个句子是在网上看到的 do not say :here u r )这样说起来比较地道(网上说的)


考官会说:在第一部分我会提问你一些问题,他问我的第一个问题是:你住在flat还是house 我当时有点激动 这问题我见到过 当即就回答了house 考试的时候状态不错 很有communication的欲望 但是回答完考虑了一下 house是不是别墅的意思....没办法 错了就错了 将错就错吧 我说 我的父母喜欢静 所以就在郊区买了一所house!(本段纯属虚构)

然后老外挺高兴(我感觉他心情不错 因为是第一个考嘛) 然后他又问我喜欢什么样的food 。我真的太激动了 全都是简单的问题 我说我喜欢Chinese Food 饺子 面条 能想到的说了一大堆 然后又说fast food 我也喜欢 比如KFC 麦当劳。。。然后他又问了一个关于garden的问题 我说在中国 garden有很多 青岛的中山公园就是一个大的garden 我小时候父母经常带我去那里玩

顺利进入Part2 考官给我一张Qcard 然后重复了一遍Qcard的内容 给我纸和笔 给我1分钟时间 我真的很幸运 Qcard 的内容是描述一个你崇拜敬仰的长者(elder) 顺其自然的我把背的比较熟悉的一个grandfather的内容大致的叙述了一下 中间半半卡卡 有不少停顿甚至有点说不下去了 思维有点混乱 就这样说了2分钟不到 考官说OK~~~

然后直接进入Part3 to be frank Part3的问题我没大听明白 他好像是说你认为中国人去别的国家生活很长时间 这对他们来说有什么利益(benefit) 我说了很多 大体说国外环境好 工作环境不错 学习环境也OK 然后说我自己要去北欧学习 诸如此类 此时考官礼节性的点了点头 从表情看 他能理解我的意思 但是可能一开始我的回答有点偏离他的问题 他又重复了一下问题 我考虑了一下 说 我恐怕我没明白您的意思 他又很慢的 逐词逐句的重复了问题的内容 很不幸 我还是没大明白 其中有个单词Longer 我没明白什么意思 然后我说 i am so sorry 我在一个语言学校学习 名字叫朗阁(不是广告啊) 言外之意我不知道他所谓的longer什么意思 他有点明白了 点点头

然后 对我来说最关键的一步 他关掉了录音笔 表示我的考试内容结束 然后低头在写些什么东西 我最后站起来来了句烂熟于胸的套句:at the end ,thank you very much and the best wishes for you have a nice day !他表示感谢 并说了拜拜!


Overall,我感觉口语考试真的不像是在考试 完全的chat 抛去什么句型 什么语法 什么发音 完全就是自我发挥 没有必要考虑太多条条框框(当然这些条条框框在备考的时候会非常有用,至少回让你在考试的时候更好的发挥) 很多人说进了口语考场 你背过的句型 好的句子基本上忘得都差不多了 我也有同感 但是我比较放松 (毕竟第一次考雅思 分数对我来说不是很重要)看的很重反而事得其反 还有一点——讨好考官 单纯的从语言上讨好他(物质上不大实际) 说白了就是在聊天中哄他 让他觉得也很放松 我考试除了最后的他低头写东西感觉像是在考试 其他的真的没感觉是考试(不知道我这种状态是好是坏)

历时两天的雅思考试结束了 我的处女考也结束了 感触很多 觉得自己很多东西真的没有复习到 或者说欠火候 很大的火候 希望下次考试不会像这次一样仓促 希望下次的口语考试还能像今天一样relax!!!!Best wishes for all of IELTS candidates !

相关字搜索: 雅思口语









-Personal Experience套路


How can we have more things to talk about?

Direct answer + expansion + expansion

Step 1

I enjoy动词ing某笼统类型的something

Step 2

Such as ___ and____

Step 3

I think给予观点

? Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I enjoy doing outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it?s really healthy.

? Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I?m into doing some contact sports such as football and basketball, I think it?s really intense and I love the body contact between players.

? Do you enjoy playing games?

Yea I do, I enjoy playing computer games such as CS and WOW, I think it?s really fun and it?s a wonderful way to loosen up.

? What kinds of films do you enjoy watching?

I love watching Hollywood films such as Lord of the Rings and The Avengers, I think it has wonderful special effects and the plot is exciting.


What + who, when, where, why

Step 1-WHAT

I + 动词 + 名词

Step 2 –WHO

With my friends/family/By myself

Step 3 – WHEN

During my time off / During my weekends / During my holidays


When I‘m feeling bored / When I‘m feeling tired / When I‘m feeling happy/down Step 4- WHERE

At… / To…

Step 5 – WHY

To (为了…)

To have fun为了好玩儿

To get some exercise锻炼身体

To enjoy myself自己享受

To improve my____. 提高我的…

To keep fit保持健康

To loosen up放松

To eich myself

To kill time

To eich myself

? I watch films by myself during my time off at home to enjoy myself.

? I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit.

? I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expand

my horizons.


? Do you enjoy doing sports?

Yea I do, I enjoy doing some outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it?s really healthy, I play basketball with my friends during my weekends at the park to get some exercise.

? Do you enjoy cooking?

Yea I do, I enjoy cooking Chinese food such as GBJD and TDS, I think it?s really good, I cook with my mother during my weekends at home to enjoy myself.

Step 1

I remember when I was a kid…

I remember a while ago…

Step 2

I did something…

Something happened…

Someone did something…

Step 3

I thought it was ____ so I started to _____. (用于衬托喜好)

It made me into a ____ person. (用于衬托观点)

? I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I

could learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums.

? I remember when I was a kid, I would always listen to my mother sing, I thought it was

so beautiful so I started to enjoy singing.


? Yea I do, I enjoy going to cultural museums, such as history museums and art

museums, I think it makes my free time productive, I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I could learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums. Different ways to say “I think”

I feel that… / In my opinion… / The way I see it..

结构:I think Opinion 1 and Opinion 2



___ can enhance someone‘s ____.

___ can cultivate someone‘s ____.


技能类 做饭 开车

Hands on skills动手能力

Independent ability独立能力

运动类 跳舞 游泳

Physical ability体能

Coordination skills协调能力


Artistic talent艺术天赋

Artistic taste艺术品位



Mental development心智发展

Knowledge of ____对什么的认知

Social skills社交能力

Teamwork ability团队合作能力

Sense of responsibility责任感

? Doing sports can enhance people?s physical ability.

? Learning how to cook can cultivate my independent ability.

? Reading books can enhance children?s mental development.

? ____ keeps someone posted about the latest _____


? Advertisement keeps people posted about the latest products The internet keeps me

posted about the latest events.

? ____is good / bad for someone?s (名词)




Future development未来发展



? Studying finance is good for my future development.

? Doing exercise regularly is good for people?s health

? Studying English is good for people?s careers.

? is a good way to express someone?s (某种心情) towards _____








? Sending flowers is a good way to express people?s love towards their other half. ? Singing is a good way to express people?s emotions towards life.

? Going to live concerts is a good way to express my passion for music.

? ______brings someone (noun)




Sense of achievement成就感


? The internet brings people convenience.

? Raising a pet brings me a sense of achievement.

? Going to KTV with my friends brings me happiness.

adds spice to someone’s life (给谁的生活添加乐趣/更精彩)

? Computer games add spice to my life.

? Gardening adds spice to my life.

____ helps someone get a better picture of _____.


? Traveling helps me get a better picture of the world.

? History museums help people get a better picture of Chinese culture.

_____is a necessary part of life.

? Learning how to cook is a necessary part of life.

? Driving is a necessary part of life.

? Entertainment is a necessary part of life.

____ has a positive / negative influence on ______.

____ has a positive / negative effect on ______.

? Smoking has a negative effect on people?s health.

? Reading has a positive influence on children.

? Playing too much computer games have a negative influence on student?s studies. ____ can fulfill people’s _____

Spiritual needs精神需求




HHSyasikouyu雅思口语名师 屌师带领大家攻雅思Introduction Questions Hey (考官名字), How’s it goin today? It’s a pleasure talking to you.

Hi (考官名字), thanks for giving me the exam, hope everything goes well. Hey this is my first time, so take it easy on me please.

What’s your name?

My Chinese name is XXX but I usually go by ______which is my english name. Where do you come from?

I’m from ____ which is a muncipality in China.

Are you a student or do you work?

I’m a university student, I’m doing (name of major) at ____ university.


Well,Actually…You know…


1. 举例扩展法

2. WH句型扩展法

3. Giving reasons

基础知识扩展方法1 -Giving Examples

Step 1

I enjoy 动词ing某笼统类型的something

I’m really into 某种类型的something

Step 2

like___ and____

Step 3

You know, it’s 给予观点

Do you like toys?

I’m really into soft toys, like Teddy Bears and other soft dolls, you know they’re pretty cute and cuddly.

Do you enjoy traveling?

Yea I’m into traveling abroad like going to japan or Europe, you know it’s really nice to know other cultures and experience new things.

Do you like sports?

Well, I love doing some outdoor sports like mountain climbing or bike riding, you know it’s a great way to enjoy nature and also to keep fit.

基础知识扩展方法2 -WH句型


What + who, when, where, why

Step 1-WHAT

I + 动词+名词

Step 2 –WHO

With my friends/family/…

By myself

Step 3 – WHEN

During my time off

During my weekends

During my holidays


When I’m feeling bored

When I’m feeling tired

When I’m feeling happy/down

Step 4- WHERE



Step 5 – WHY

To (为了…)

To have fun 为了好玩儿

To get some exercise 锻炼身体

To enjoy myself 自己享受

To improve my____.提高我的…

To keep fit保持健康

To loosen up放松

To eich myself充实自己

To kill time打发时间

To expand my horizons 扩展视野

I watch films by myself during my time off at home to enjoy myself.

I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit.

I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expand my horizons.


Do you enjoy listening to music?

Yea I’m into traveling abroad like going to japan or Europe, you know it’s really nice to know other cultures and experience new things,I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many countries to expand my horizons.

Do you like sports?

Well, I love doing some outdoor sports like mountain climbing or bike riding, you know it’s a great way to enjoy nature and also to keep fit, I do sports with my friends during my time off to keep in shape.

基础知识扩展方法3 -Give reasons


Mainly it’s because _______ and also _______.

Well, for one it’s coz______ and also partly because ______.


Why do people go to museums?

You know, main(本文来自 东 星资 源 网:frank雅思口语)ly it’s a great place to see new things and also it’s quite educational. Do you like to read?

Well yea, for one it’s coz reading can eich my knowledge and also partly because reading is a wonderful way to kill time.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

For one, I choose to study finance coz it can give me great work opportunities and also partly because my parents gave me pressure to study this.


_____ allows someone to have new experiences / new insights / new outlooks. EG.

Traveling abroad allows me to have new experiences.

Reading magazines allows people to have new insights.

______appeals to my personal taste.


Spicy food appeals to my personal taste.

Light music appeals to my personal taste.

______gives someone lots of positive energy.

Eg. Music gives me lots of positive energy

Eg. My parents give me lots of positive energy.

___ can enhance someone’s ____.___ can cultivate someone’s ____. Vocabulary:


Hands on skills动手能力

Independent ability独立能力


Physical ability体能

Coordination skills协调能力


Artistic talent艺术天赋

Artistic taste艺术品位



Mental development心智发展

Knowledge of ____对什么的认知

Social skills社交能力