




巴郎BARRON完整 托福 阅读文本 :节选

Learning Center

Man: Hi. Are you Paula?

$ Woman: Jim?

$ Man: Hi. Nice to meet you.

$ Woman: Glad to meet you.

$ Man: So, you need some tutoring in English?

$ Woman: Yeah. I'm taking English composition, and I'm not doing very well on my essays.

$ Man: Right. Um, well, first let's see if we can figure out a time to meet . . . that we're both free.

$ Woman: Okay.

$ Man: How about Mondays? Maybe in the morning? I don't have any classes until eleven on Mondays.

$ Woman: That would work, but I was hoping we could, you know, meet more than once a week.

$ Man: Oh. Well, Tuesdays are out. I've got classes and, uh, I work at the library part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But I c


ould get together on Wednesdays.

$ Woman: In the morning?



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摘要: 大部分备考托福的考生都应该知道托福词汇的重要性,不错,不过你真的背诵对托福词汇了么?不是所有的词汇都是非常的重要,今天小编为大家推荐的词汇资料就是托福巴朗词汇中文版,我们一起来看看详细内容。

今天小编为大家准备的资料是 托福 巴朗词汇中文版内容,相信大家平常看的都是巴郎资料,很少看到词汇,今天小编将这些词汇进行归纳,整理,变成了一份热门资料,我们一起来看看吧。

童鞋们!扫码送惊喜啦! 托福备考 资料包随时等你拿,还有 小马 资深老师助你备考一臂之力!赶紧快快扫描二维码吧!


acoustics n.声学

acquiesce v.勉强同意,默认

acquittal n.宣告无罪,开释*(*记)ac+quit(免除,抛弃)+tal→得到自由→开释注意quit本身就是一个单词

acrid adj. 辛辣的, (言语或语调)刻薄的

acrimonious adj.尖刻的

acrophobia n. 高空恐怖症

actuarial adj. 保险精算师的, 保险精算的

actuary n. 保险精算师, 保险(业务)计算员

actuate vt.开动(机器);激励,驱使

acuity n. 尖锐, (疾病的)剧烈, (视力、才智等的)敏锐

acumen n.敏锐,明智*(*记)acu(尖端)+men(表示名词)。联想*记忆:acumen尖锐的人。*同根词:acupuncture(针灸)*(*例)His business acumen has made him very successful.

acute adj.灵敏的,(病)急性的

adage n.格言,古训*(*记)分割*记忆:adage(年龄)。

adamant adj.强硬的,固执的*(*记)联想*记忆:adam(亚当)+ant(蚂蚁)“亚当”和“蚂蚁”都是坚定的人或动物。

adapt vt. 使适应, 改编

addendum n.补遗,附录(复:addenda)*(*例):The addendum contains many new words.

addiction n.沈溺,上瘾

addle v.使腐坏,使昏乱

address vt. 对...发表演说, 对付,处理

adept adj.老练的,精通的*(*记)ad+ept(能力)→老练的注意分辩adopt(采纳,收养),adapt(适应)

adhere v.粘着*(*记)ad+here(粘连)→粘在一起

adherent n.拥护者,党徒

adjacent adj.接近的,毗连的*(*记)ad+jacent(to lie躺)→躺在附近→接近的

adjoin v. 邻接, 毗连

adjourn vi. 延期, 休会, 换另一 个地方;vt. 使中止, 推迟

adjunct n. 附件, 助手; adj. 附属的

adjuration n. 恳请, 请愿

adjutant n.(军队的)副官,助手*(*记)请和adjust(调整)一起*记

admonish v.训诫,警告

adore v.崇拜,热爱*(*记)ad+ore(讲话)→不断想对某人讲话→热爱(某人)*同根词:oration(演讲)

adorn v.装饰

adroit adj.熟练的,灵巧的*(*记)a+droit(灵巧)。注意:maladroit(笨拙的)

adulation n. 奉承, 阿谀

adulterate v.掺假

advent n.到来,来临*(*记)ad+vent(到来)。*同根词:intervention(干涉)

adventitious adj. 偶然的,外来的

adversary n对手,敌手*(*记)ad+vers(转)+ary→对着转的人→对手注意:adversity(灾难)






相关字搜索: 托福巴朗词汇,托福巴朗词汇中文版




摘要: 巴朗的学习方法还是不错的,循序渐进的科学方法,既有利于应试,又有助于语言能力的全方位提高。本资源提供的是巴朗的阅读部分文本材料,资料很丰富,大家可以先做一下题,测试一下自己的阅读水平。

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2.3 Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is natural heat from the interior of the Earth that is

converted to heat buildings and generate electricity. The idea of harnessing

Earth’s internal heat is not new. As early as 1904, geothermal power was used

in Italy. Today, Earth’s natural internal heat is being used to generate electricity

in 21 countries, including Russia, Japan, New Zealand, Iceland, Mexico,

Ethiopia, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Philippines, and the United States. Total

worldwide production is approaching 9,000 MW (equivalent to nine large

modern coalburning or nuclear power plants)-double the amount in 1980.

Some 40 million people today receive their electricity from geothermal energy

at a cost competitive with that of other energy sources. In El Salvador,

geothermal energy is supplying 30% of the total electric energy used. However,

at the global level, geothermal energy supplies less than 0.15% of the total

energy supply.

Geothermal energy may be considered a noenewable energy source when

rates of extraction are greater than rates of natural replenishment. However,

geothermal energy has its origin in the natural heat production within Earth,

and only a small fraction of the vast total resource base is being utilized today.

Although most geothermal energy production involves the tapping of high heat

sources, people are also using the low-temperature geothermal energy of

groundwater in some applications.

巴郎BARRON完整 托福阅读 文本已经分享给大家了,在这里值得一提的,由于巴郎BARRON的内容难度加大,适合大家在中期使用,建议考生合理安排。