
篇一:托福口语对话之About Part-Time Jobs_托福口语_托福_智课教育官网

xt">托福口语对话之About Part-Time Jobs_托福口语_托福_


NATASHA: I don't know what I'm going to do.

I need to find a job. If I don't, I won't be able to stay here next semester.

ERIC: Have you tried university part-time jobs?

NATASHA: What do you mean?

ERIC: I mean in the library, or in some information center.

Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions.

NATASHA: Yes, I know. I tried that.

They don't have anything now. So what can I do?

ERIC: Well, since you're a foreign student, it's hard.

That's because it's actually illegal for you to work in America.

NATASHA: I know that. You don't have to tell me that. That's my problem.

I know I have the right to work for the university. That's legal.

But they don't have a job for me. And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere.

ERIC: Anyway, there must be some solution.

You know there are many people working illegally in New York.

NATASHA: But I need a pretty decent job.

I need to make enough to pay my rent at least.

ERIC: I have an idea.


ERIC: Since you're Chinese, maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown.

NATASHA: I already had that idea.

ERIC: Well, why don't you go and look down there?

NATASHA: But I don't know what I would do.

ERIC: It may be part-time work as a waitress or something.

It would be illegal, but sometimes waitresses make a good salary.

NATASHA: Maybe. I don't know.

ERIC: I will ask my friends for you.

Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.

That's another thing you should do. Ask all your friends to ask around for you.

You might find something.

NATASHA: I have to find something.

Otherwise I have to go back to Taiwan. I'll be broke in two months.





































摘要: 小马过河托福频道为大家带来了如何考托福之托福听力疑难词组大集合part4,供考生们参考使用,更多托福辅导请继续关注小马过河托福频道!

60,make ends meet ——有足够的钱支付家用

-They understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you are a student

-Did you hear that Messier turn down that job?

Yeah, the hours were convenient, but she wouldn't have been able to make ends meet

61,lose track ——忘记,不了解,没有记下来

-Why were you late for the meeting this afternoon?

I just lost track of time

62,lose weight——体重减轻

-I must have lost some weight, look at baggy (松垂的) in my pants are

They don't look that loose to me

63,make a point of ——努力,特别努力,特别注意

-Next time it snows, I’ll make a point of taking a close look

-When you interrupted me, you make me lose my train of thought

65,make it ——办成功,做到,到达

-Here I am, I’m lucky I made it to the exam on time

I can see you were in a hurry; you are wearing your sweater inside out

-At the rate of its being used, the copier is not going to make it through the rest of the year

The year, it’s supposed to be good for five

-The subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks I don't know

If we will make the sever fifteen show

It's a beautiful night, let’s try to get there on foot, and if we don't make it, let’s

Just have dinner near the theater

66,make out ——分辨出,看清,听出,弄懂

-Any messages for me

Someone did call, but there were so much static(静电噪音), I couldn't make out what he was saying

-Could you lend me your biology notes?

Do you think you'll be able to make out my handwriting?

67,make reservation ——预定

-Too bad you didn't make a hotel reservation

68,make sense ——弄懂什么的意思,言之有理

-Did you like the movie?

I couldn't make any sense out of it

-I guess it make sense considering how many students have jobs

69,make the most of——充分利用

-It's much too beautiful a day to waste in doors

You are right, let’s make the most of it

70,make up——弥补

-Suran wanted to take a make-up exam

-Lora has to make up the examination

71,make up one's mind——拿定主意

-I think you help me make up my mind

72,meet each other half way ——相互妥协,让步

-My chemistry project is in trouble because my partner and I had totally different ideas about how to proceed

You should tried to meet each other half way

73,mess up——捣乱,把某事搅和了

-Su, would you like to be my lab partner with the next experiment

Sure, I just can't believe you still want to work with me after I messed up last time

74,mix up——弄混淆,搞错了

-I get the time mixed up and went to the wrong class

-I am surprised to see you in class today, I heard you were sick

Me, you’ve got me mixed up with somebody else

75,moment by moment——每时每刻

-As a result, Jazz is a natural expression of the moods and feelings of the artists, a moment by moment

76,next to ——仅次于

-Eggs are supposed to be one of the most helpful foods

Next to potatoes

77,on and off ——不时的,短短续续的

-Over three hundred and fifty labors and artisans have been working on and off since the money was raised to restore the house' grandeur 庄严, 富丽堂皇

-I just heard there are going to be showers on and off all weekend

There goes the picnic 我们的野餐泡汤了

78,on account of——因为,由于

-Do you think professor smith will cancel class on account of the special conference?

Not likely

79,no way ——表示强烈的否定

-Do you think Mark will get there in time?

No way

篇三:托福写作词汇Education part5

为了记忆而记忆 memorize for memorization’s own sake

记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律 memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws

责任感 a sense of obligation/ duty/ res-ponsibility 在英语中表示XXX感a sense of XXXX

A sense of belonginga sense of satisfaction a sense of achievement

a sense of accomplishment

盲从 follow sth. blindly/ follow sth. indiscriminately

限制创造力的发展 extinguish/ stifle/ constrain creativity

打击学生的积极性 dampen ( or sap ) the students’ enthusiasm/ frustrate the students

产生不必要的压力 beget/ create undue pressure

塑造某人的性格 mold/shape one’s character

Electronic devices should be shaped by us, no vice versa.

来自其他同学的压力 peer pressure前面已经有例句了

逆境 n. adverse circumstances/ adversity Adversity makes a genius

鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage the students to think critically/independently/creatively/innovatively

学校是社会的缩影。 A school is society in miniature.

不遵守纪律 n. indiscipline/ misbehavior/ mischief 违反纪律的学生 disruptive/ uuly students

理论知识 theoretical knowledge ←→practical skills

双语的 adj. bilingual

有趣的 adj. stimulating 再来一次发人深思的 adj. thought- provoking给人新鲜感的 adj. refreshing 令人振奋的 adj. uplifting给人动力的 adj. motivating很有启发的 adj. enlightening

监护人 n. guardian 监护人的职责 guardianship parents should fulfill their guardianship.

中学毕业当年成绩最优秀的学生 n. valedictorian大学毕业成绩最顶尖 graduate summa cum laude阐明,解释清楚 vt. Illuminate(学生)自我管理 n. autonomy启迪 n. edification具体一门课的内容 n. syllabus