
篇一:托福og综合写作欣赏【真题 MP3 范文】



摘要: 托福og综合写作欣赏【真题+MP3+范文】下载,本文主要是将托福OG里面的综合写作真题和范文、音频拿来,让学生练手,托福综合写作不同于英语四六级文章,期中需要我们主要的内容有很多,下面我们就来就通过托福og综合写作欣赏入手,带领大家进入托福综合写作的写作之路。

以上就是 托福 og综合写作欣赏了,小编为大家整理的 托福考试 托福考试综合写作(题目+范文赏析),托福OG是每一个参加托福考试的考生都会特别重视的内容,希望这些内容能够有效的帮助带提高自己的托福综合写作能力。


Altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness; individuals performing altruistic acts gain nothing for themselves.

Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals. Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family members, and even to strangers. Such acts are altruistic in that they benefit another, yet provide little reward to the one performing the act.

In fact, many species of animals appear willing to sacrifice food, or even their life, to assist other members of their group. The meerkat, which is a mammal that dwells in burrows in grassland areas of Africa, is often cited as an example. In groups of meerkats, an individual acts as a sentinel, standing guard and looking out for predators while the others hunt for food or eat food they have obtained. If the sentinel meerkat sees a predator such as a hawk approaching the group, it gives an alarm cry alerting the other meerkats to run and seek shelter. By standing guard, the sentinel meerkat gains nothing—it goes without food while the others eat, and it places itself in grave danger. After it issues an alarm, it has to flee alone, which might make it more at risk to a predator, since animals in groups are often able to work

together to fend off a predator. So the altruistic sentinel behavior helps ensure the survival of other members of the meerkat’s group.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.


Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Cutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet. The painting was attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the

representation of the woman’s face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt.

First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear –yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects’ clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency.

Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting there elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto is from below. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow -- which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error.

Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that is was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood.

For these reasons the painting was removed for the official catalog of Rembrandt’s paintings in the 1930s.


Professors are normally found in university classrooms, offices, and libraries doing research and lecturing to their students. More and more, however, they also appear as guests on television news programs, giving expert commentary on the latest events in the world. These television appearances are of great benefit to the professors themselves as well as to their universities and the general public.

Professors benefit from appearing on television because by doing so they acquire reputations as authorities in their academic fields among a much wider audience than they have on campus. If a professor publishes views in an academic journal, only other scholars will learn about and appreciate those views. But when a professor appears on TV,

thousands of people outside the narrow academic community become aware of the professor’s ideas. So when professors share their ideas with a television audience, the professors’ importance as scholars is enhanced.

Universities also benefit from such appearances. The universities receive positive publicity when their professors appear on TV. When people see a knowledgeable faculty member of a university on television, they think more highly of that university. That then leads to an improved reputation for the university. And that improved reputation in turn leads to more donations for the university and more applications from potential students.

Finally, the public gains from professors’ appearing on television. Most television viewers normally have no contact with university professors. When professors appear on television, viewers have a chance to learn from experts and to be exposed to views they might otherwise never hear about. Television is generally a medium for commentary that tends to be superficial, not deep or thoughtful. From professors on television, by contrast, viewers get a taste of real expertise and insight.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.


相关字搜索: 托福og综合写作


Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a long time. Which of these situations you

think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

If we want to live well, we have to live alone, because no one can take care of you all the time even though your parents. Being independent is a symbol of growing up. Thus, it is beneficial for young adults to gain independence from their parents.

Living with parents for a long time will increase their burden. After taking care of their children for nearly twenty years, parents are supposed to relax. It is young people's duties to give their parents a long vocation and start take care of themselves. Because parents, stepping into their sixties, have less energy than before; meanwhile, they would like to do something they are interested after their retirements in instead of keeping doing housework and serving for their grow-up children. My mother, for example, kept living with my grandparents until two years ago. During the past twenty years, my grandmother had no rest from doing house work. Everyday, she went to the market to buy food, cooked for the whole family and did the cleanings. This was because that my mom was dependent on her parents all the time and could not cook or do the housework herself. My grandmother, however, though loved and understood her daughter very well, sometime complained about the tiredness and having no time for entertainments. Obviously, my mother's dependence on my grandmother had affected my grandmother's later life. Therefore, it is improper for my mom to live dependently with my grandparents for such a longtime. She ought to live independently and allow my grandparents to enjoy their happy later life.

Living alone forces young people to learn some skills and do them well. Unlike my mom, my aunt lived alone since she graduated from universities. For instance, my aunt knew nothing about cooking or housework when she was a teenager, but now, she can cook various delicious foods and organized her own house in perfect order. This was because the situation of living alone pushed her to learn. Moreover, without these skills, she cannot live a healthy life. In the contrast, my mom, after my grandmother moved to my aunt's house, with me, lived a irregular and messy life. At the beginning, we ate take-away food everyday and had to hire a cleaner. Considering our health, she had no way but to learn cooking and cleaning. Thus, if young adults do not live alone, they can never cook on their own or even do simple housework because of laziness and independence.

All in all, living independently benefits parents as well as young adults themselves. It is one of the required courses during our life. Though at the beginning, young people cannot well handle numerous daily problems, it will be an unforgettable experience and a worthwhile try.




摘要: 托福OG高分作文评分标准解析,托福考试写作部分给很多同学的印象就是“八股文”,而且很多托福考生都会选择套用模板写出一些样式死板的文章来。依我之见,这样的做法按照ETS的评分标准来看基本不可能得到托福写作高分。接下来我将逐一为各位解析OG的高分作文标准。

首先,Development, “well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.” 也就是作者要用清楚恰当的解释、例证还有细节描述来阐述自己的观点。


A. 不要采用千篇一律的冗长段子来作开头介绍和结尾结论,这样凑出来的字数并不讨好。这其实表明的ETS的立场,不欢迎死板的模板式文章。

B. 不要言之无物。我们写这篇essay的目的是要develop一个topic,说明我们的观点,言简意赅比废话连篇要讨好得多,不要一味单纯地计较字数的多寡。

C. 不要一味只将话题集中在“这个事实的存在”上,要用比较具体的方式来阐述观点。这表明了ETS是希望作者运用适当的事例和细节描述来推出观点,而不是用不同的表达方式重复一个事实。


其实如何定义这个“散文式”真不容易,我自己个人看法是,开头亮出观点还是必要的,尽量用一些比较贴近生活的事例(例如OG-practice中的5分范文“when young adults should leave their parents”中的首段)或者是为大众所接受的常识式标准(例如OG中的5分范文“Dishonesty kills reliability”中的首段)来引入观点,这样会自然而然吸引读者的兴趣。

中间展开观点要用几个论点并无很硬性的规定,因为ETS真正看重的是作者develop topic的能力,这里有一个小tips,就是每个理由都尽量举些例子。能想到world famous的先上,最好是大部分人都知道的事例,比如说跟Business有关的可以举Bill Gates,跟科学有关的可以举霍金,跟政治有关的可以举George Washington,跟体育有关的举Michael Jordan,跟艺术有关了来个Da Vinci,Van Gogh,或者是Beethoven等等。想不到了来点


Tips: 平时多读书多看报,丰富自己的知识面同时在不知不觉间收获不少写作素材,考试时顺手拈来。

其次,Organisation, is really something that raters notice when you fail to organize. If an essay is organized, a reader will be able to read it from beginning to end without becoming confused. 这里说得很明确了,ETS看重的文章组织其实是要使读者读起来不会产生误解和迷惑,并不同于我们一般理解上的严谨而死板的结构,数碗数碟一点二点三点那种模式。这里也提到了三个关键点:




这个要求其实是比较高的,因为ETS在意的是文章的整体感觉,而不是你到底用了几个观点来论述你的观点。从OG中的高分作文范例可以看出,即使整个论述只有1条主线,只要前后联接得自然流畅,(本文来自:www.dXF5.com 东 星资 源 网:托福og写作)并能一步一步引导读者向结论靠近,就是好文章。

举个例子,像那篇“when young adults should leave their parents”,其实文章的只围绕了一个观点进行:“不少早早离开家里独立生活的年轻人其实思想上并不够成熟,他们实际上需要更多时间去学习和充实自己,才能更好地处理社会上的复杂和挑战”,评分者认为作者很好地“develop”了自己的观点,主线十分突出,论述很充分(既解释了为什么思想上不够成熟-因为21世纪竞争越来越大了,又解释了为什么需要更多时间去充实自己-因为年轻人需要更充分地学习各种独立生活的技能才能更好地为以后充满挑战的生活做准备云云…),过渡很自然流畅(用一句“so living independently at an early age is not suitable for all young adults”就自然地将话题进一步展开),还引用了一些观察资料作为客观证据(an observation shows that many University graduated students are unemployed. Therefore, they will not be…)。

Tips: 好好研究下OG上的高分范文,体会rater的评语。胡敏作文、笑来范文都是不错的素材,虽然个人感觉IBT的喜爱的文体来得有点更加自由,但相信考试时要能写出那样的文章,得低分的可能性相当低了。(详见第4点的风格分析)

第三. Language use, an essay must display “consistent facility in the use of language”. 这一点要求其实很清晰明了,作者要显示出对语言的熟练掌握和娴熟运用的能力,不仅词汇要丰富,句式也要多样。

语言要多样化,多用高级词汇,大胆使用同位语、插入语、伴随状语等,句子也大可适当运用复杂句式如定语从句、状语从句、表语从句等; 前后表达同一意思避免用同一词,简单句与复杂句相互呼应,相得益彰。

补充一句,对于考过 GMAT 的同学来说,高分的AWA并不意味着高分的IBT-writing。GMAT的写作更注重文字的逻辑性和结构的严谨性,而IBT的写作则更注重论点的陈述方法、文字的流畅性、句式的多样性及叙述的条理性。有了GMAT的坚实文字基础,建议大家尽量摒弃那种条条框框的模板写作方法,适应IBT的种种写作要求。

Tips: 平时研究语法时注意句式的积累,背单词时注意同义词的互相替代。





相关字搜索: 托福写作