



摘要: 托福tpo听力文本下载(TPO1-33)!托福听力重要的复习资料就是托福tpo听力,很多同学在模考软件上将TPO听力1-33练习了一番,但是在模考软件中不能让大家深入研究,用起来不是那么方便,小编特为大家整理托福tpo听力文本下载内容。

托福 tpo也即新 托福考试 突破口, 托福听力 是大家比较难攻克的项目之一,大家都会拿托福tpo听力来进行练习,熟悉听力环境,小编同样为大家整理了托福tpo听力文本下载(TPO1-33),这是为帮助大家结合软件内容使用,更深入了解真题出题思路把握规律。


TPO 01

Conversation 1


Listen to a conversation between a student and a counselor at the University

Counseling Center.


Hi, thanks for seeing me in such short notice.


No problem. How can I help?


Well, I think I might have made a mistake coming to the school.


What makes you say that?


I’m a little overwhelmed by the size of this place. I come from a small town. There were only 75 of us in my high school graduating class. Everyone knew everyone. We all grew up together.


So it’s a bit of a culture shock for you? Being one of 15,000 students on a big campus in an unfamiliar city?


That’s an understatement. I just can’t get comfortable in class or in the dorms. You know, socially.

针对大家托福听力提分困难的复习处境, 小马 有开发出模拟托福听力考场环境的托福听力APP,小马托福听力APP中涵盖了TPO1-34听力真题全部内容的,答案解析应有尽有。为让同学们能够有条不紊的提高听力能力,小马托福听力APP开启两种模式:“修炼”、“闯关”,两大模式进行魔鬼式训练。另外还有5000+词汇、1000+经典句子、200+文章,这么大的诱惑还等什么快来扫一扫下面的二维码下载使用吧!


Um…well, let’s start with the academics. Tell me about you classes.


I’m taking mostly introductory courses and some are taught in these huge lecture halls.


And you are having trouble in keeping pace with the material?


No, in fact I got an A on my first economics paper. It’s just that, it’s so impersonal, I’m not used to it.


Are your classes impersonal?


No, it’s just that…for example, in sociology yesterday, the professor asked a question, so I raised my hand, several of us raised our hands. And I kept my hand up because I did the reading and knew the answer. But the professor just answered his own question and continued with the lecture.


Well, in a big room it’s possible he didn’t notice you. Maybe he was starting to save time. In either case I wouldn’t take it personally.


I suppose. But I just don’t know how to, you know, distinguish myself.


Why not stop by his office during office hours?


That wouldn’t seem right. You know, taking time from other students who need help?


Don’t say that. That’s what office hours are for. There is no reason you couldn’t pop in to say hi and to make yourself known. If you are learning a lot in class, let the professor know. Wouldn’t you appreciate positive feedback if you were a professor?


You are right. That’s a good idea.


OK, er…let’s turn to your social life. How’s it going in the dorms?


I don’t have much in common with my roommate or anyone else I’ve met so far. Everyone’s into sports and I’m more artsy, you know, into music. I play the cello....


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摘要: 托福TPO1-24听力答案全集【考托必备】!在各位考友在用新托福突破口TPO做练习的时候,往往会想手头拿一份答案,随时参考,但是现在很遗憾,很难找到一个答案的合集,因此小编就将TPO1-24所有的听力答案整合起来无私奉献给大家!

托福 TPO1-24听力答案全集【考托必备】!在各位考友在用 新托福 突破口TPO做练习的时候,往往会想手头拿一份答案,随时参考,但是现在很遗憾,很难找到一个答案的合集,因此小编就将TPO1-24所有的听力答案整合起来无私奉献给大家!


TPO 01

Section 1

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C

8. A 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D

14. The amount of…/ The age of…/ Zircon in the…

15. B 16. A 17. B

Section 2

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. BDE 5. C 6. B 7. B

8. AC 9. C 10. A 11. BDE 12. D 13. C

14. Olympic: Is family…/ Eastern: Displays….

15. D 16. A 17. C

针对大家 托福听力 提分困难的复习处境, 小马 有开发出模拟托福听力考场环境的托福听力APP,小马托福听


TPO 02

Section 1

1. C 2. Include:ACD/ Not include: B 3. A 4. D 5. B

6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D

13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. BD

Section 2

1. AC 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D

7. only extrinsic: B/ only intrinsic: AD/ both: C

8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. A

14. AD 15. C 16. D

TPO 03

Section 1

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D .5 D 6. C 7. B

8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. D

14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C

Section 2

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D

8. A 9. B 10. B 11. CD 12. C 13. D

14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B

TPO 04

Section 1

1. AD 2. C 3. AD 4. D 5. B 6. C

7. NO/YES/YES/NO 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. C

12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. BD 17. D

Section 2

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. AD 6. C 7. D

8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. BD

14. The Federal Art…/ The National…/ Arts councils…/ The federal budget…

15. A 16. C 17. D





相关字搜索: 托福TPO1-24听力答案全集

篇三:托福TPO听力文本下载【Word MP3】



摘要: 托福TPO听力文本奉上,还没有的小伙伴们抓紧时间下载啦!近期备战托福考试的考友人数不少,托福听力又是我们的硬伤,为了帮助大家能够攻克托福听力高分,我们特别为大家整理了托福TPO听力文本,下面就来简单了解一下。

托福 tpo听力文本你下载了吗?每场 托福考试 结束后走出考场,你是否被 托福听力 狠狠的伤了一次,其实托福考试听力真题的难度与托福TPO听力难易度差不多,而且托福听力真题考核的内容类似题型在TPO中都有介绍,只要将托福TPO听力文本玩熟了,我们何愁托福听力得不了高分呢?


40. (A) In a restaurant.

(B) At a music school.

(C) In the main lobby.

(D) At the speaker's home.

41. (A) He was taking a walk.

(B) He was talking to Professor Calhoun.

(C) He was having problems with his car.

(D) He was eating dinner.

42. (A) Admission forms.

(B) Solar energy.

(C) Auto maintenance.

(本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:新托福tpo下载)(D) Course requirements for engineers.

43. (A) Three.

(B) Four.

(C) Five.

(D) Six.

44. (A) One.

(B) Two.

(C) Three.

(D) Four.

45. (A) Drive her to the lecture.

(B) Let her give him a ride.

(C) Borrow her car.

(D) Get his car repaired.

46. (A) To make recommendations on sensible dieting.

(B) To report the latest advances in brain surgery.

(C) To relate an experiment combining sleep and exercise.

(D) To advise on ways of dealing with sleep difficulties.

47. (A) Your heart rate is lowered.

(B) It becomes harder to relax.

(C) You become too tired to sleep.

(D) Sleep rhythms are disrupted.

48. (A) Failure to rest during the day.

(B) Lack of sleep on weekends.

(C) Vigorous exercise in the evening.

(D) Eating cheese before going to bed.

49. (A) They might eventually cause you to lose sleep.

(B) They help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain.

(C) You must not drink milk if you take them.

(D) They make it unnecessary to take naps.

50. (A) At a radio station.

(B) In a lecture hall.

(C) In a biology lab.

(D) At the doctor's office.

以上就是为大家介绍的托福TPO听力文本,为了便于大家能够快速提高自己的托福听力水平,我们在为大家介绍一本托福TPO听力核心词汇,这是来自于托福听力几乎满分的考生自己在备战个托福听力的过程中总结所得,现在分享给大家,希望对大家的 托福听力考试 会有一定的帮助。

相关字搜索: 托福TPO听力文本