





(本文来自:WwW.dXf5.coM 东星 资源网:托福考试的lecture)


1. 时间顺序。在叙说一个事物史的发展的时候,通常是采取时间渐进的方式来叙述。先怎么样,再怎么样,最后怎么样。

2. 空间顺序。在介绍一个事物的时候,也会采用空间移动的顺序。里面怎么样,外面怎么样,前面怎么样,后面怎么样,上面怎么样,下面怎么样。

3. 好坏顺序。在介绍新产品的时候,往往会先说它的几个优点,然后再说它缺点。在介绍某种现象的时候,也会先说它带来的好处,再说它的坏处。







摘要: 托福听力讲座Lecture全收录!常说“得听力者得托福”,因为托福4个科目中3个科目听、说、写都占有很大的听力比重,因此针对这三项中同学们比较薄弱的一项听力,小编整理出了一份非常好的资料托福听力讲座Lecture全收录压缩包,同学们可以免费获取使用。

托福 听力讲座Lecture全收录!常说“得听力者得托福”,因为托福4个科目中3个科目听、说、写都占有很大的听力比重,因此针对这三项中同学们比较薄弱的一项听力,小编整理出了一份非常好的资料 托福听力 讲座Lecture全收录压缩包,同学们可以免费获取使用。


TOEFL listening lecture 1


Listen to part of a lecture in biology class.


You've been reading about animal behavior. Today we'll discuss one of the most astonishing behaviors in the animal world: dancing bees. Did you know that bees can dance? Well, neither did scientists, until the 1960s. That's when a German scientist, named, uh, Karl von Frisch, noticed something truly remarkable. As he was observing honeybees, he noticed that some of the bees, which he called scout bees, flew out of the hive to look for food. When a scout found a site where there was food, it flew back to the beehive and started dancing. This dance somehow told the other

honeybees where the food was, because after the dance, the bees... [false start] some of the bees flew from the hive straight to the site of the food. Von Frisch called the bees that collect the food forager bees. He thought the scout bee's dance told the forager bees three things -- first, the smell of the food it had found; second, which direction to fly to reach the food; and third, the distance of the food site from the beehive. Von Frisch won the 1973 Nobel Prize for this discovery, but many scientists were skeptical of his theory. They didn't believe it was the dance that led the forager bees to food. Instead, they thought it might be, oh, the smell of the food on the dancing bee, or maybe that they just followed the scout back to the food site. Well, very recently, some British scientists used a new type of radar to prove that von Frisch's theory was indeed correct. It is the dance that communicates this information to other bees. The

British researchers found that scout bees perform two types of dances. If the food is near the hive, say, oh, about 50 or 60 meters away, the scout flies in a round pattern, like a circle. This tells the location, but not the direction, of the food site. If the site is farther away, the scout does what's called a waggle dance. It flies in a pattern of ovals and vertical lines. The speed of the waggle dance tells other bees how far away the food site is. The slower the dance, the farther away the food. If the scout flies in a vertical line up the side of the beehive, it's telling the foragers to fly directly toward the sun. If the scout flies vertically down the hive, it's saying, "fly away from the sun." Up is toward, down is away. If the scout flies at an angle to the hive, it's telling the foragers to fly neither toward nor away from the sun, but in between. The bees have a special internal mechanism to know which angle they should fly, based on the sun, the hive and the food site. They can also measure the distance they fly by recording the motion of things they see as they fly past. Now, um, one problem with von Frisch's theory had been this: It seems to take the forager bees a long time to reach the food site. That's why ... [false start] That's why scientists thought that perhaps it wasn't the waggle dance that led them there. For many years, scientists couldn't follow the foragers after they left the hive,. because they didn't have the

technology. Just a few years ago, though, the British scientists solved this problem using a new type of radar. They were able to attach a, uh, small radio transmitter to forager bees -- I don't know how, but they did. This enabled them to

follow the forager bees' flight after they left the hive. The radar showed that foragers, do, in fact, fly straight to the area of the food site. They don't follow the scout bee back to the site, because the scout goes into the hive after it finishes dancing. Well then, if the waggle dance does lead the foragers directly to the






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摘要: 有关托福听力中lecture与conversation的练习你知道多少,下面小编家里为大家简单介绍一二,希望对你的托福听力备考会有一定的帮助。



conversation更偏向于人与人之间的交流。lecture则是更偏向于学科词汇和逻辑思维的考察。而现在很多考友则是目的性很强,直接从lecture甚至 SSS 的听写做起,这样做的好处就是真的是极大的增强了个人的听力实力。但是反过来,当你在lecture上面花的时间很多的时候,你自然在conversation上面花的时间就少了,因此就会导致对于conversation的考试形式不是很熟悉。这本无可厚非。但是偏偏 托福 考试是有自己的侧重点的。

相比于lecture,conversation更多的是侧重于纯生活环境的考察,既然是生活环境,就免不了要有一些日常用语,以及前言与后语之间的前后配合。比如说到了前文学生说到了Sure, can’t miss them. I mean, they all say where and when the fair is, just not who should attend.但是后文马上又会说:Actually they do, but it’s in the small print.很显然,后面说的in the small print才是正确答案。但是如果仅注意到前面的just not who should attend,这就容易将题目打错。

而且从这个题各位考友还能看出来,lecture很多时候是就很多句话的联系进行提问的。但是在conversation之中,往往是一个小点,比如说in the small print就直接揭示出正确答案。而这个时候,当然,你有可能是在记笔记:P。






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