
篇一:托福考试三战104 从6分到30分


托福考试三战104 从6分到30分

一战:15+6+19+21=61 今年年初考的

二战:22+25+19+21=87 9月底

三战:30+30+20+24=104 1016



楼主一直以来自诩听力牛逼,从小到大英语考试听力基本都是满分,直到高三时候才开始偶尔错几个,做听力从来不做笔记就是听,听完写答案,四六级考试听力得比阅读高六七十分吧,因此从来没把 托福 听力放在眼里。所以告诫大家不要无视 托福听力 啊,这是所有英语考试中最难的听力。楼主可怜的6分就是血的教训啊。



关于备考材料我选择的是TPO+ 小马 精听20篇(我只找到15篇)+ SSS +普特随机材料。我觉得听力这玩意就是反复重复,直到你对任何一个音能够像听到中文一样立刻反应出来。但是毕竟材料有限,我们不可能cover考试时候所有单词发音,但是我想30分不是终极目标吧,楼主的目标也就29左右,所以这些材料就够了。其实这次听力有运气成分,section2有一篇我有一大段几乎没听懂,但是ETS居然没出题,或许ETS也觉得这段太难了。





楼主觉得,单词异常重要啊重要啊重要啊, 托福阅读 不比GRE GMAT ,托福都是坑爹的细节题,单词认识就牛了,不认识就傻了。当然那些抽象为ABC的单词除外。楼主第一次都没背过单词,所以分数居然一模一样。第二次背了下TPO的单词,于是提了一点,第三次巩固了一下TPO的单词又扫了下红宝。。于是就30了。。虽然可能是巧合但是也能说明单词的重要性啊。














语言运用上我觉得不要show 单词量,楼主用的单词很平实,可能有3、4个比较复杂的也就限于GREGMAT级别。只要给老师知道你懂不少单词就行。但是千万别用错了,用错了不如用简单词汇









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Task 1: What kind of strategy do you use to handle an overwhelming amount of work.


I think making a plan ahead of time and sticking to it is the way to go. For example, I did a twenty-page paper for my history class last semester. I was pretty concerned about not being able to handle it so I sat down and made a plan before starting the project. The plan was to start the whole thing by going to the library so that I have all the right books and material for my research, and then try to finish the first draft within two week. After that I’d show it to my

professor for feedbacks and suggestions on how to improve it. I followed this plan and everything worked out pretty well at the end.

Task 2: Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


I prefer to spend my vocation in cities for the following reasons. First, there’re so much more to do in a city comparing to being in the countryside. In a city, I’ll never run out of fun activities to do. For example, I can visit museums and watch movies or shop. The things we get to do in the countryside are pretty limited. Second, I don’t drive, so it’s easier for me to get around in a city because there are buses and subways lines, even taxi services. In a city like Beijing, it’s very

convenient to ride the subway which makes it possible for me to visit three to four places in a day.

Task 3


听力:女生不同意,因为(1) 沙发软容易犯困,学生无法集中经历;(2) 现在很多人用电脑,但是电源插头不够,所以学校应该把钱花在买电源插头上。

Reading: The school plans to buy new furniture for the library, because it will be more comfortable, and more people will come to study here.


The woman disagrees with the plan, because first, new couches will be very comfortable, so students might be very sleepy sitting there and cannot concentrate on their study. Second, the school should use the money to buy more electric outlets, because there’re not enough 271

outlets in the library for students to plug in the laptop computers.

Task 4

教授给儿子买积木。儿子第一次玩儿stack a tower,积木fell down so he called his father for help。儿子每天玩儿搭积木,每次积木倒了都会叫爸爸帮忙。教授会每天故意等一会儿再去帮忙,儿子在等他的时间里便学会了搭积木。

The professor bought blocks for his son. The first time when he stacked a tower, the blocks fell down and he called Dad for help. Then he played every day, so every time the blocks fell down, he would call his father for help. Then the professor tried to stay a little longer day-by-day before he went to help. Eventually the son learned how to stack a tower while waiting for his dad.

Task 5


Problem: The woman is writing a history paper in the library, but someone is very loud, and she can’t concentrate on her paper.

Solution 1: To report it to the librarian. But she’s worried the person might be mad and she doesn’t want to get herself in trouble. Solution 2: To go to another section. But this section has the books she needs to read, and it’s a lot of trouble carrying them to another section.

Task 6 271

用dinner为例阐述两种theater对观众的不同。在theater里,一种是演员表现的观众不存在,比如在吃饭,就认认真真地吃饭,和下面没交流。一种是是演员意识到观众的存在,比如在吃饭,演员可能问下面观众饭闻起来香不香? 甚至邀请观众加入他们。

Two ways theater treats audience.

The first is to ignore them. For example, when the actors are eating, they pretend the audience doesn’t exist, so there is no interaction between them and audience.

The second is to get the audience involved. For example, when actors the eating, they might ask the audience if the food smells good, or even invite the audience to join in.







I am keen on the blues music. As far as I know, Blues refers to a type of slow, sad music from the southern US, from the city of New Orleans. The tradition of the vocal ballad, usually accompanied by a guitar, also contributed to the Blues form. The music of Blues normally has a strong sense of sadness or gladness. For most of the Blues songs, the lyrics of the Blues pieces are filled with self-deprecating humor or encouraging comfort. Every time I feel exhausted or nervous, I will play a Blues song to relax myself. This music drives away all the troubles on my mind.

New Orleans [nju: '?:li?nz]



Nowadays the electronic technology results in the great popularity of electronic book in the schools. One thing is undeniable: the e-book has provided more convenience for students’reading. The readers do not need to carry a great deal of heavy paper books with them all the time. They can just switch on their electronic devices, say, the smart phone, the laptop or pc tablet, as long as they have them, to access to the materials they need. Despite its defect that it is very difficult to touch the exact items as the screens are small, too hard to makes notes like highlighting or underlining, I think its pros outweigh its cons.



I believe teaching students in the primary school is surely easier than teaching university students. For one thing, the young children are innocent and they do not know much of evil or wrong. Seldom do the young children disobey the teachers’ guidance whereas teenage students often do exactly the opposite as students at this age like challenging the conventions to make them special. For another, the knowledge to be conducted to the children is much easier than that to the grown students. Actually, it is easy to select or employ a primary school teacher, but not the same case in recruiting a high education teacher.



I think it proper for the government to do so. Above all, I shall say that government has the responsibility to lead the citizens towards a better living. The government runs the whole country. As long as it convinces the nation by nice treatment and make a safety and healthy environment for people’s continuity, the citizens can have good body conditions to make better contribution to the country. Besides, the resource that the government uses is from people and it is a kind of public resource. Where the money comes around should be where it goes around. So the

government should use the money rightly on such a public program.


3.学校在考试复习期间举办什么娱乐活动,期间取消校内公交车,有人感到不满给校长写信,原因一是噪音影响在宿舍复习的人,原因二是取消 校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。对话中女生认为这两个理由都没有说服力。首先要看书的人可以去图书馆看,不一定非要在宿舍,图书馆 很安静。其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要30分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,不是什么大问题。

A student writes a letter to complain that the school should not show films near the dorm during final exam period and cancel the school bus service in accordance, as showing movies makes noise to interrupt students who study in the dorm and the bus cancellation causes inconvenience to commute students.

The woman disagree on it as follows: first, she thinks dormitory is not a good place for studying. Instead, they can go to the library as it is very quiet and helps students to concentrate on their studying. Also, she points out that the campus is not big. Wherever they go, they can walk. Even to cross the campus, it only takes 30 minutes. And this school activity just lasts for a few hours, so it is not a big deal to stop the bus service during this period.



The school is planning to open evening class for the literature course and expand the class scale to meet with the larger eollments. The man disagrees as follows:first, he thinks it will lower the students’ study efficiency. Once the students number increases, it decreases the students’ opportunities on discussion. They cannot hear clearly with the lecture well and thus cannot learn well. Also, he points out that it is not suitable to have class at night. Most of the students do not have time to go for the evening class. Many students are busy with various activities or they part-time jobs to do at the outside.


Aggressive recruiting即商家在推广期间给与顾客一些实惠,积累顾客,推广期过后开始收费增加收入。 lecture举了一个gym的例子在说明 这种策略的有效性。具体是,gym在推广期让消费者免费获得健身指导,一个月以后取消免费政策,结果大部分人都继续使用该服务,于是增加 了gym的customer basis,是有效的。

Aggressive recruiting refers to a marketing strategy to expand membership and accumulate customers at the beginning of business.

To further explain it, the professor gives an example on a fitness center, a gym club company. When the gym club was newly opened, the company promoted its membership and provided one month of personal training for the new members. The members could learnt how to use the appliances and how to make a suitable fitness plan. However, one month later, when this free service stopped, some members quit the membership. Yet there were a large number of members continuing pay to retain their membership. As a result, this strategy successfully

motivated people to spend money.


Behavior exposure,行为曝光 (也有说是behavior principle行为准则)


教授举了他儿子tommy的例子。Tommy11岁的时候他们搬家去了洛杉矶。有一天教授看到Tommy望着窗外的邻里的孩子骑单车,他想去玩但是不敢,接着教授叫儿子一起去外面买雪糕。他叫儿子经过的时候跟他们say Hi,Tommy做了,回来的时候教授叫儿子跟他们聊聊自行车,Tommy也做了。结果,Tommy问能否出去跟他们玩,因为他觉得那群孩子友善,他可以融入进去了。

Behavior exposure refers to a method which helps children to overcome the negative influence to adapt to new surroundings when in a new environment.

To further explain it, the professors gives an example to his son. When his son, Tommy, was eleven, they moved to Los Angelas. One day, the professor saw Tommy was watching the neighbour kids riding bicycle, but Tommy dared not to join them. Then the professor asked Tommy to go outside to buy some icescream. He taught Tommy to say Hi to the kids and Tommy did so. When they returned, the professor suggested Tommy commend the bicycles of the kids’ and Tommy did as well. After they came home, Tommy asked if he could go out to play with the kids, because he thaughts the kids were nice. In this case, Tommy started to get into the new neighborhood.



The woman needs to hand in her vase as the assignment for her pottery course in the day after tomorrow, but she breaks it into three pieces this morning.

There are two possible solutions. First, she could glue it together as all the pieces are not tiny, but she concerns that the professor would discover the crack and give her a low mark. The second one is to make a new one again since there are two days left but she worries it would influence her to prepare for her final exam for another course.

I think the 2nd one is better, because she can ensure her works to look nice and get a good score. Besides, no matter repairing the current vase or doing it again, she has to spend time on both.


女生要在校报发表一篇paper,但文章写得too long to publish。

男的给他两个方案:方案1、删掉一半cut off the paper / make it shorter就能立即出版。但女生觉得每个部分都很重要,不愿意cut,要弄短就只能Summarize了。方案2、到暑期版上发表。女生不太愿意,因为暑假大家都放假了,没人看得到。

The woman has a paper to publish on the school newspaper, but the editor thinks her paper is too long to publish.

There are 2 possible solutions: first, she could cu


t off her paper to make it shorter to publish now, but she concerns that she should not cut it as every part is important and it’s not good to summarize either. Another one is to publish during the summer break, but she worries that students would have left school at that time, none of her friends would like to see her paper, too.

I think the 1st one is better, because she can ensure to publish her works when students are there to read. Besides, the school newspaper is not very acdemic, so it is ok to only abstract the key points.


讲猴子在树上,但是在那里,水只能在地底下得到。那么猴子是怎么得到水然后支撑生活的。第一个是absorb moisture from food,讲了一个什么hobe的猴子,它们吃的嫩叶子里面包含了水分,所以它们不用吃水也没有问题。第二个是喝雨水,一个called spider猴子的,它们用cup like plant来Link在树上,当有水的时候就用那个cup like plant来接水喝。(2012.5.5NA) In the lecture, it talks about two ways how the monkey get water to support their lives when living in the trees.

The first one is to absorb moisture from the food they eat. For example, the hobe monkeys eat a kind of tender leave which contains a great deal of water. By eating this leaves, they obtain enough water to meet with their physical needs.

Another one is to make use of tools to preserve the rain water for their living needs. For example, the spider monkey uses a kind of cup-like plant and links it on the trees to collect the raindrops when it rains. When they need water, they can access to the raindrops in this cup-like plant. In this way, they can have water for survival.


讲不怎么移动的海洋生物如何捕食,说有active method和passive mathod两种,分别举了两种生物,主动的那种是structure像plant,迷惑prey,用有毒素的触角缠住鱼类,然后吃掉;被动的那种有个壳,开条缝,海水流过时一些营养的particle就被吸收(2013.1.31CN) In this lecture, it talks about two ways how the sea bottom dwellers capture food for feeding. The first one is by active method. They have developed some physical mechanism to catch food actively. For example, the sea anemone grows in a structure like plants. This plant-like structure can lure the preys to stay around, then its poisonous antenna can coil up the preys and eat them up.

The second one is by passive method, that’s to wait for the food to come. For example, the oysters always stay still and steady at the sea bottom with its shell opened. When the sea water passes, the nutritious particles and plankton will be brought to the oysters for food. antenna [?n?ten? ]n.触角 plankton [?pl??kt?n] n. 浮游生物