

【四级预测作文1】 The Importance of Diligence

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Diligence by commenting on the proverb“Diligence is the mother of good luck.”You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.

范文The Importance of Diligence

“Diligence is the mother of good luck” ,as the saying goes,which means hard work and one’s life and career.There are some reasons as follows.Firstly, spirit is an indispensable quality that makes a person standout,as most people are endowed with almost the same IQ.Secondly,diligence leads to laziness must result in failure.An idle man indulges himself in creaturemind.

in all,I hold the view that diligence is crucial in one’s life.

【四级预测作文2】 Attitude Is Everything

Directions: Everything by commenting on the proverb,“” You

范文Attitude Is Everything

, “” which means

we feel. On the about active life,because to be in a good ’

In such a rat-race to encounter difficulties.In my opinion,we should “attitude is everything”.

【四级预测作文3】 Directions: Learning by commenting on Abigail ’s famous remark,“Learning is not attained by chance;it must be sought for with passion and attended to with diligence.”You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

范文The Way of Learning

Abigail Adams once said,“Learning is not attained by chance;it must be sought for with passion and attended to with diligence.” It is to say that learning is an enduring process in which one should exert oneself with desire for knowledge.

On the contrary,some people hold the idea that there is a shortcut in learning,and drag themselves to look for easy ways to study.。From my point of view,I am totally in favor of Abigail Adams’s remark. For one thing,passion i of ultimate importance in learning,as interest is the best teacher. For another,one should resort to hard work and perseverance to acquire knowledge.Rome was not built in a day.Diligence and determination will be rewarded,as God loves those who spare no effort to cultivate themselves.In a word,learning is a life-long process

which requires passion and diligence.

【四级预测作文4】 Abilities and Good Looks

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Abilities and Good Looks by commenting on the old saying,“Never judge a person by his appearance.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

范文Abilities and Good Looks We are often told not to judge people by their appearance, because for a person, abilities are far

more important than appearance. Throughout history,there are examples of However, nowadays some people hold the belief that appearance abilities,partly

interviews and have been given more opportunities firmly it is always one’looks were born to them,abilities have to be gained throughof hardworking which speak more of people’time while good looks only fade.Eventually,it is the that it is looks.

【四级预测作文5】 Directions: ’ Living without an aim ” words.

范文—just like the dead water ’s motivated when they want to the they set for themselves and have a sense of fulfillment when they setting goals one could take good control of energy being confused about what to do. a clear direction and certain plans, one will readily get what he/she wants.Consequently, we could draw the conclusion that we should live with a target, as a goal-oriented life is an active way of living. Without a clear purpose, we might feel at sea, squandering our time and opportunities.

【四级预测作文6】 How to Cultivate the Sense of Responsibility?

1. 培养责任感非常重要2. 大学生如何培养责任感

范文How to Cultivate the Sense of Responsibility?

Recently, the whole society is concerned about the image crisis of college students. Reports of campus crimes and demoralization emerge from time to time. Therefore it is urgently important to cultivate students’ sense of responsibility to make them responsible for their own lives. Sense of responsibility is not natured but nurtured. Two possible initiatives could be taken to nurture students’sense of responsibility. On the one hand, this quality should become part of moral education curriculum and be taught in classroom. When the young are awakened to the

point of being dutiful, they would make a difference. On the other hand, the students should have extra-curriculum activities to practice this quality. Military training and duty shift are only some of the successful examples to strengthen students’ sense of responsibility. Everyone must be responsible for oneself, the family and the country. With a sense of responsibility, a family becomes strong as a unit, a community benefits largely in its development and ultimately a whole nation progresses.

【四级预测作文7】 How to Handle the Past Glory?

1. 学会对待过去的辉煌对大学生非常重要2. 应如何处理过去的辉煌

范文How to Handle the Past Glory?

step into their dream school only to find that they become nobody glory as top students is totally ignored and out

Learning to handle the past glory is essential to a happybreak. We should let the past be past and never live on those that stop us from going ahead. What’s more, try to draw upon past glory. and In short, past glory to the past, can no represent our present more glorious future.

【四级预测作文8】 1.目前垃圾分类不遍忽视垃类带来哪响3.我们应该?

Waste Sorting

with all sorts of wastes mixed together are seen ’

t of

Waste sorting should be advocated,no matter from the perspective of economy or environment.Everyone should do their best by starting from daily life.More importantly,more campaigns for waste sorting should be conducted to raise the public awareness.

【四级预测作文9】 What Should Be Taught in Universities?

1. 有人认为大学应该减少理论知识的传授,而转向实用型技能的训练2. 我的观点和理由 范文What Should Be Taught in Universities?

Recently, there has been a heated debate over what should be taught in universities. Some people propose that curriculum emphasis should be put on practical skills rather than on theories or impractical subjects such as literature and history. They believe that, under many circumstances, practical skills count more than basic theories and principles. And employers expect their prospective staff to acquire some experience so that they do not have to learn from scratch.

Therefore, further education should aim at ensuring graduates to find a good job.

However, I strongly oppose the foregoing points. The purpose of higher education is not only to help students make a living, but also to inherit civilization and carry it towards the future. Any profit or market orientation would definitely undermine its base. Besides, practical achievements originate from basic theoretical research. It may be hard for students to know how-to practical skills without equipment with why-to theory. Finally, courses like history and know who we are and gain the meaning of life.

All in all, whatever we may put in the university curriculum, we should underrate basic theory education. It represents the essence of our civilization.

【四级预测作文10】 There Is No End to Learning

1. 学无止境2. 请论证此观点 文they got rid of learning once and for all. Actually, instead of high time for us to reaffirm the significance of the proverb to learning.

There are several reasons accounting for the necessity lifelong what we thirst for knowledge can never be satisfied. the more we insights into the world we’ yesterday may be out of date out to be tomorrow. must keep learning in All in all, we should stop learning even our Keep acquiring new knowledge, and you’【四级预测作文11

1.“富人应不应善事业一话已经全社会关注2. 有人认为富人理所应该做出贡,人持反对意3. 我的法

范文There is a general the that people with deep pockets giveaway assets to charity business. different opinions about the donation. Some people take it for granted that donate. Firstly, as the gap between the rich ’s reform and opening-up policy, and they should therefore do charity work as a return to our society.

However, still others think differently. In their opinions, the rich’s success mainly depends on their individual struggle, and they do not necessarily need to take the responsibility of charity. Besides, donations should be purely voluntary. No pressure should be brought on the wealthy to force them to subscribe.

For my part, charitable donations should be made on a completely voluntary basis rather than on social pressure. If their priorities are all about making quality products, treating employees well, being good to the environment and paying taxes,it is another kind of contribution to the charity cause.

【四级预测作文12】Should Schools Offer Handwriting/Swimming Lessons?

1. 越来越多的学校开设书法/游泳课2. 对此人们有不同的意见3. 我的看法

范文Should Schools Offer Handwriting/Swimming Lessons?

To prevent the decline of handwriting among students, some schools begin to offer handwriting lessons and set strict requirements on class hours for the lesson. Besides, students’ homework must be handwritten, and should not be typed on a computer. Their handwriting levels are used to evaluate the quality of teaching.

However, this act has aroused a wide public debate over whether the handwriting lessons are necessary. Some people believe that we should cling to handwriting because it is an artistic expression of one’s education background, personality and ’s more, it is the basic part of Chinese culture. Finally, the mere touch and smell of ink are pleasant hold that modern communication requirements rely mostly on typing. is no point of riting is not as efficient as typing, and therefore it isn’Personally, I think whether or not to have the handwriting students to decide. It is better to offer handwriting lessons as them compulsory.

【四级预测作文13】 On Internet Celebrities

1. 当今社会,越来越多的人通过网络一夜成名2. 现象人们褒看法 范文On Internet Celebrities

Nowadays, there emerge various of celebrities. In spite differences in style and their stories, they something in they all great fame overnight through the Internet.

le famous. However,this The Internet for show himself and express himself freely.

Besides, the celebritiesrise to encouraged ordinary people who dream of becoming a little of the Internet celebrities. rather than on people’’s more, many Internet celebrities please the Therefore, they exert a on people’s values,which is harmful for the development of culture.

As far as I’m concerned, we should be more open-minded to the Internet celebrities. In real life, they may be as ordinary as you and me, however, they are brave enough to pursue their dreams and bring fun to millions of people, which is worthy of admiration.

【四级预测作文14】 Low-carbon Life

1. 低碳生活悄然出现2. 低碳生活的意义3. 我的看法范文Low-carbon Life

Low-carbon life refers to a kind of lifestyle with low energy consumption and less carbon emissions while still maintaining personal comforts. More and more Chinese people have embraced this lifestyle, not out of fascination with something new, but out of an echo of an urgent call from the earth with its environmental problems going from bad to worse.

It is advisable to lead a low-carbon life. For one thing, it is significant in alleviating the energy crisis and producing less pollution. For instance, if everyone chooses to share a car or walk to work, we could save a great deal of oil, which in turn cuts down the amount of

篇二:三年级作文:广播体操比赛300字 八篇























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同学们你们学会煮面条了吗。话题作文 煮面条的作文500字(3篇)话题作文 煮面条的作文500字(3篇)。今天我可收益非浅,我回家一定煮一碗热腾腾的面条给爸爸妈妈品尝








昨天傍晚,妈妈下班骑着自行车带我回家。在回家的路上,我和妈妈有说有笑地聊天。话题作文 煮面条的作文500字(3篇)文章话题作文 煮面条的作文500字(3篇)出自wk-78500000529432.html,此链接!。正在这时,一件意想不到的事情发生了:一块约有一分米长的石头卡在了前车轮里。一刹那,我和妈妈都摔在了地上,两个人都伤得比较严重。走起路来一拐一拐的,再也不能够骑车了,只好推着车,一拐一拐地走回家。


准备工作做好了,我轻轻舒了一口气。接着,我按照妈妈教我的方法打开煤气灶。火苗一下子窜了上来,可把我吓了一跳。然后,我学着妈妈的样子把切好的肉丝、咸菜放在油锅里炒了一下。话题作文 煮面条的作文500字(3篇)小学作文-初中作文-高中作文-中考作文-高考作文-节日作文及各类中小学生作文。我再放了一点盐。我又炒了一会儿,放了一些水。等水沸了后,我放入面条。大约又煮了五分钟,我打开锅盖,一股香味扑鼻而来。面条煮好了。我看着自己煮的咸菜肉丝面,心里高兴得无法形容。
