

The Big Bang Theory-- Bob Hu

Some battles you win, some battles you lose.胜败乃兵家常事。

I’m going to introduce him to a world of hurt.我要给他点颜色看看。

I have a nervous bladder.我尿急。

Bottom line.说到底

Revenge is a dish best served cold.君子报仇十年不晚。

You’re caught between a rock and a crazy place.你进退两难了。

This is a sticky wicket. 真是进退两难啊。

It just creams my corn. 竟在我的地盘撒野。

You’re way of line.=You have crossed some sort of line. 你过分了。

My original point.我早就说过。

You’re weighing me down. 你在拖我后腿。

Start over. 重来。

It’s mind-blowing. 真刺激。

Spoiler alert.不要剧透!

You’ll make Jesus cry. 你会遭报应的。

What goes around comes around. 真是因果循环啊。

Bazinga.逗你玩; 才怪; 你中招了… Drat! 靠; 见鬼!(Ack/ Darn!)willy-nilly 肆无忌惮地 jibber jabber 叽里咕噜(无聊)的事情Huzzah! 奥耶Yee-haw! 咦哈(表欢呼)

Neener-neener太好了!(表嘲讽)Pish-posh (谢尔顿)哪里, 哪里。(Not really.)

Hubba-hubba! 好极了!(Goodie)rooty-tooty, stinky booty 糗事; 陈年旧事

He’ll set his dog on you. 他会放狗咬你的。

I don’t like where this is going. 我有种不祥的预感。

talk back to sb. 跟某人顶嘴; 反驳

First come, first serve. 先到先得。

I’ll chop you to death. 我要砍死你。

I just want to blend in. 我只是想入乡随俗/ 融入这里。

You chicken. 你个胆小鬼。

take advantage of 占…便宜

I’m flattered./ You flatter me. 过奖了。

Don’t flatter yourself. 少臭美了; 别自作多情了。

It’s as if you don’t think I’ll punch you. 别以为我不会揍你。

I lost my cool. 我失态了。

I’m a little on edge. 我有点激动了。(生气后)

Nailed it! 搞定! 坚持…

pull strings 走后门; 套近乎; 暗地操纵

have a bone to pick with sb. 和某人说道说道/ 起争端/ 有笔旧账

I’ll see what I can do. 我会尽力的。

Let’s make a pinky swear. 我们来拉勾勾。(作动词+宾从)

drift off 开小差; 迷迷糊糊地睡了

They’re playing right into our hands. 他们正中我们下怀。

I wouldn’t put it exactly that way. 也不尽然如此。

preshow urination 电影等开场前的尿尿

At the very lease, ...最起码...

Hold your horse. 你耐心点; 稍等一下。

Eyes on the road.注意看前面!(开车)

What more do you need? 你还想怎样?

I made a boo-boo. 我疏忽了。

There’s hope for you after all. 孺子可教也。

Don’t play innocent with me. 不要跟我装无辜。

I got a real hankering. 我真地很想要!

a fairly labored metaphor 不自然的比喻

What a buzz kill that was!真是扫兴。

He’s harshing my buzz.他真是扫兴。

Honest to god. 说真的。

What choice did we have? 我们也无能为力。

Fair enough. 有道理。

Much less one... 更何况...(Moreover, ...)

Whatever floats your boat.你爱咋咋地吧。

born and raised 土生土长的

I’m pulling out all the stops. 我在全力以赴/ 绞尽脑汁。

I throw my back out. 我扭到腰。

We’ve been through this. 我们已经说(做)过了。

I get my way. 我说了算。

Why don’t we just cut to the chase and meet in the middle?


I’ll bear that in mind. 我会牢记在心的。

With all due respect, ...恕我直言...

It happens. 没准呢。

I’m walking away from you now. 我才懒得理你们呢。

thinly veiled contempt 毫不掩饰的轻视

wipe the floor with... 打得...一败涂地

I so loathe you. 我真鄙视你。

That’s not even from your franchise! 你根本没权利这么说(做)!

I bear you no ill will. 我对你无恶意。

Your smug self-satisfaction will be short-lived. 你这种自鸣得意注定是一时的。

Point taken.了解; 明白了。

As an outsider, you might be ab(原文来自:wWW.DxF5.com 东 星资源网:生活大爆炸六季)le to provide a fresh perspective. 你可以做到旁观者清...

You pathetic fool! 你个可怜的傻瓜。 bloviating buffoon 喋喋不休的小丑

narcissistic nincompoop 自恋的脑残crimson coward 脸红的懦夫

lousy suggestion 馊主意

You’re bluffing. 你在吓唬人。

Hold that thought. 话别说得太早/ 待会再说。

What a nervous nelly! 这么紧张干吗?

Be a lamb! 乖!

suffer in silence 忍气吞声

pine for a young lady 为伊人消得人憔悴

the only flaw in an otherwise perfect plan 智者千虑必有一失

Your poll numbers just keep dropping. (民意支持率下降)你怎么这么忍人嫌?

If the past is any indicator, no! 根据以往情况, 不可能。

vicious circle 恶性循环

I believe in knowing my enemy. 知己知彼...

tip a cow over on oneself 惹祸上身

Get over yourself! 少来; 少白日做梦了!

It’s reasonable assumption. ...不都这样吗?

Don’t I know it.可不是这样嘛!

Not this again! 有完没完!

friend sb. 加某人为好友

That’s thinking ahead! 真会未雨绸缪。

The alternative would be... 换句话说是...

It’s like trying to talk to a dolphin. 简直是对牛弹琴。(bird)

Oh, for crying out loud. 搞什么名堂!/哎呀!(表生气)

Please don’t drag this out. 这个不足挂齿。

agree to disagree 各抒己见

Don’t make this harder than it is. 别让...变得更难~别让离别变得更加不舍。

We just pile on. 我们只是附和而已。

I’ve taken the liberty of (doing)... 我已经自作主张(做)...

Hear me out! 听我说完!

It’s been killing me that... ...实在是不忍心啊。

Don’t beat around the bush! 别拐弯抹角的。

The first thing that comes to my mind is... 首先想到的是...

One slip of the hand and... 一不留神就...

You don’t have to be strong for me. 你不用再我面前逞强。

putting on a brave face 假装坚强

How you holding up? 你还好吧?(当对方承受精神压力时)







1. 小夫妻搬出去自己住?。

新一季的剧情将接着上季的震撼结尾重新展开。霍华德还在太空,而他的新娘伯纳黛特正在思考他们是应该继续和婆婆沃洛维茨夫人住在一起、还是出去单过。但有一件事是可以确定的,那就是伯纳黛特想搬出来,因为霍华德那套豹纹图案的床上用品令人毛骨悚然。“伯纳黛特想做一个正常人、和她的丈夫一起生活,但霍华德太过依赖他的老妈了,” 莫拉罗说。#电视剧#。



热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里, 分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN的角落。 在这里,有爱,有乐,有生活。









5. 艾米的“谢耳朵变真男友”五年计划。








热爱生活,乐于分享的各类达人聚在这里, 分享消费攻略,激发生活灵感,发现城市最IN的角落。 在这里,有爱,有乐,有生活。

