[纪念九一八事件,保卫钓鱼岛演讲稿] 保卫钓鱼岛

亲爱的同学 敬爱的老师:





闭上眼睛,我好似看到了近160年前那火烧圆明园的场面,我可以听到英法联军在骄傲的笑着,笑着他们的胜利,笑着他们的伟大,笑着中国的腐败。 我好似看到了出新街口,经太平路,夫子庙,转中山路,沿途房舍,百不存一,……行人,除敌兵外,绝对看不到另外的人,一片荒凉凄惨的景象。我好似看到了中国人被迫用发抖的双手颤颤巍巍的签下了一条条不平等条约。


Dear classmates beloved teacher:

Hello, everybody!

Students today, when you in a pight classroom learning, when you ride the high speed Feishi the high iron, when the World Expo in Shanghai Ferris, do not you feel extremely happy it? However, our motherland has withstood so much suffering, too much blow, a twist of fate makes him scarred.

I, the Diaoyu Islands, 700 years ago, the name for you implanted in my infancy, since I no longer rootless aquatic plants; hundred years ago Maguan cannons, tear my puised pride, I am in your eye Mouli clouds gave way to the charm of those years, you know how much we need to rely on heart I sway; mother, I called the Diaoyu Islands, not the robbers mouth Senkaku Islands, my wonderful should shine in your majestic sky, I should be the pride persistent in your warm empace ...

Years the growth rings of precipitation a mottled traces left a tragic echo of historical memory. Ups and downs in 60 Years, trampled to survive the East, from the reform and opening up to build a harmonious society, ups and downs, the century bell has sounded today the prosperity of the motherland yesterday handed a beautiful picture. forge ahead of the wave of the motherland"s tomorrow rang marching movement.

Close your eyes, I see like nearly 160 years ago that burned the Yuanmingyuan scenes, I could hear British and French troops in a proud smile, their victory with a smile, a smile to their great corruption, smiled and China. I like to see the Xinjiekou, Taiping Road, Confucius Temple, turn in the mountain, along the premises of a hundred deposit ... pedestrians, in addition to enemy soldiers, absolutely look less than another person, a desolate and miserable scene. I like to see the Chinese people were forced with trembling hands quivering signed an unequal treaty.

Today the Japanese attempt to occupy the Diaoyu Islands, the Americans want to intervene in the Diaoyu Islands How can we not indignation? Diaoyu Islands, he is our children, the world does not allow them to misbehave, China will not let them wantonly reckless, shameless program is bound to a fair trial. As a high school student, we should learn from history, to study hard, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must not forget the history of the mission entrusted to us, the Diaoyu Islands are our children, no matter what happens, we must believe that the Diaoyu Islands will return to the empace of the motherland. Mother, lying in your gentle arms, I treasure you always want to care. The vastness of the Yangtze River, Yellow River surging compatriots love, sparking a "mother" every child"s blood, tears, passion.