





interview英语测试是学校的专门教语言的老师,他们会提前发邮件给你,告诉一个链接和说明, 让你下载专门的软件,最好提前熟悉一下软件。 面试时间也是邮件给你几个可选时间,你选择一个给人回邮件确认,面试准时开始,注意给你的时间要和对方的时间对上号。






目 录

摘要................................................................................................................................ 2

正文................................................................................................................................ 5

1 你在机场的遭遇.............................................................................................. 5

1.1 办理登机手续.................................................................................................. 5

1.2 登机及乘机...................................................................................................... 6

1.3 在银行.............................................................................................................. 6

1.4 电话英语.......................................................................................................... 7

1.5 问路.................................................................................................................. 8

1.6 坐计程车.......................................................................................................... 9

1.7 坐公共汽车.................................................................................................... 10

2 你的酒店生活................................................................................................ 11

2.1 预定房间(ROOM RESERVATION) ............................................................... 11

2.2 在接待处(AT THE RECEPTION DESK) ........................................................ 13

2.2.1 没有预定房间.................................................................................. 13

2.2.2 已经预定了房间(或者想延长住宿时间) ....................................... 14

2.3 整理房间(HOUSEKEEPING) ....................................................................... 17

2.4 洗衣服务(LAUNDRY SERVICE) .................................................................. 19

2.5 维修服务(MAINTENANCE) ........................................................................ 21

2.6 唤醒服务(WAKE-UP CALL SERVICE) ......................................................... 23

2.7 结帐(CHECKING OUT) ............................................................................... 25

3 你在国外的测试工作.................................................................................... 28

3.1 要学会赞美别人,赞美也是一种美德........................................................ 28

3.2 预约测试官员................................................................................................ 29

3.3 简单会面情形................................................................................................ 30

3.4 地道英语(美国人日常生活中常用的五星级句子)................................ 30

3.5 预约测试官员................................................................................................ 32

3.6 简单会面情形................................................................................................ 33

4 民以食为天,你的海外饮食........................................................................ 34

4.1 询问餐馆营业时间的英语会话.................................................................... 34

4.2 打电话向餐馆订位的英语会话.................................................................... 34

4.3 入座时的英语会话........................................................................................ 35

4.4 用餐时的应用英语句子................................................................................ 36

4.5 投诉时常用的句子........................................................................................ 36

4.6 结帐时注意事项及实用英语........................................................................ 37

4.7 用电话询问遗失对象时的英语会话............................................................ 38

4.8 附件1:中国小吃主食的英文表达............................................................. 39

4.9 附件2:常用餐具......................................................................................... 41

4.10 附件3:常用词汇 ..................................................................................... 41

5 出差在外,家人常记挂着你,常和家人通信,通信在国外.................... 43

5.1 买电话卡........................................................................................................ 43

5.2 银行取钱,顺便办理些业务........................................................................ 43

5.3 在邮局,办理其他邮寄业务........................................................................ 44

6 公共标志和说明............................................................................................ 45

摘 要



第一章你在机场的遭遇,使得你可以从容走出国门,踏上旅途。第二章介绍的酒店日常用语,使得你可以有一个舒适和安全酒店生活,充足的休息是你出色工作的保证;第三章的测试英语可以使您在国外高效的应对测试工作;在国外吃饭历来都是一件最常面对,也是最重要的海外生活,第四章使我们不在为吃饭而发愁, 你的饮食得以保证,毕竟民以食为天。












出国在外,住宿是一个大问题,如果有办事处,那么您很幸运,您可以用母语和相关人员交流即可解决住宿问题。但如果没有办事处,您就要住酒店了,而且为了确保酒店能为您预留房间,在出发前,最好预定房间(Room Reservation)。

到了酒店,您首先要到接待处进行登记(At the Reception Desk),办理住宿手续。

住在酒店里,每天还会有辛勤的服务生为您整理房间(Housekeeping);出差在外,每天忙于开局,测试等工作,是不是感觉自己没有时间洗衣服了,那就享受酒店提供的洗衣服务(Laundry Service)吧;任何设备都用一定的生命期限,如果很不巧,在您住宿期间某些设备坏掉了,那您就要求助于酒店的维修服务(Maintenance)啦;如果您已经习惯了每天清晨由闹铃唤您起床,那您可能用得着酒店提供的唤醒服务(Wake-up Call Service);国际测试一般都要耗费很长的日子,在这里你免不了要理发,好在你了解一些常规的用语。经过n天辛苦的工作,您成功的完成了所有的任务,那就打点好行装,去前台结帐(Checking out)吧。


第三章 你在国外的测试工作

赞美也是一种美德,学会赞美别人,将会给你的工作带来意想不到的顺利。 第一次见面,最好电话预约,预约别人后,切记一定要准时,不要迟到,给对方良好的“第一印象”??


第四章 民以食为天,你的海外饮食

在国外用餐,希望能快捷方便,不过也需小心应对,毕竟民以食为天。如果是正式的宴请,需要先电话确定一下时间;去就餐时要选好合适的位置和你需要的餐饮 ;如果在遇到不满意的地方,也需要维护自己的合法权益,向服务员投诉:餐后买单,这有多种付帐方式和不同的消费习惯,可以注意一下:离开时,请小心自己的随身物品,如果不小心遗失了,别急,先打个电话到餐馆问一下:另外附上一份常用中英单词表,包括:中华小食、餐具、常用语。


第五章 出差在外,家人常记挂着你,常和家人通信,通信在国外



阅读测试 (Time: 100 mins)

Date: __________

一, 中英互译下列短语,句子(2×20=40 points)

1. meet the demands of the new market

2. apologized to me for making a mistake

3. exchange your newspaper for this newly published magazine with me

4. free of charge

5. have no choice but to do

6. have a keen desire for…

7. make a great effort to do

8. face the challenges of the pollution crisis

9. take advantage of…

10. the difference between human and animal

11. put the blame on sb.

12. have no difficulty doing your homework

13. according to his analysis

14. leave a deep impression on sb.

15. take measures to do






二, 用英语解释以下单词或短语. (2×5=10 points)

1. emphasis

2. misconception

3. get retrenched

4. means of survival

5. upgrade their skills


(5×4=20 points)

1. No one can deny that the rise of China?s economy leads China to play a more and more important role in international affairs.

2. Lately Peter is fascinated by Linda?s latest dramatic story which is much better than her last one, so he is always late for school these days.

3. All these victims have just suffered the severe earthquake, so they have a keen desire for the medicine, fresh food and pure water that the government will provide for them.

4. In spite of the fact that the police had warned them of the danger in the ancient cave, these young men still made an attempt to explore it.

四,选择填空(2×15=30 points)


【1】Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it. It is not the amazing complexity of television. Nor the impressive technology of transport. The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noises with our mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each other?s minds. This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle(奇迹)it is.

●This passage is mainly about_________.

A. the development of body language

B. the special role humans play in nature

C. the power to convey information to others

D. the difference between humans and animals in language use

【2】My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and no matter another human being with kindness and sincerity.

●What is the message mainly expressed in the story?

A. We should learn to be generous.

B. It is honorable to help those in need.

C. People in high positions are not like what we expect.

D. We should avoid judging people by their appearances.

【3】We often don?t remember things as well when we?re trying to manage several details at the same time. Without mental focus, we may not pay enough attention to new information coming in, so it never makes it into our memory stores. That is one of the main reasons we forget people?s names---even sometimes right after they have introduced themselves. Multitasking can also affect our relationships. If someone checks their e-mail while on the phone with a friend, they may come off as absent-minded or disinterested. It can also cause that person to miss or overlook key information being passed on to them.

●What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Multitasking has become a way of life.

B. Multitasking often leads to efficiency decline.

C. Multitasking exercises need to be improved.

D. Multitasking enables people to remember things better.

【4】When you?re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation-you have to finish something!

●What would be the best title for the text?

A.Adventures in Travel Writing

B.Working as a Food Critic

C.Travel Guides on the Market

D.Vacationing for a Living

【5】Too much TV-watching can harm children?s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.

●What would be the best title for this text?

A. Computers or Television

B. Effects of Television on Children

C. Studies on TV and College Education

D. Television and Children's Learning Habits



Amy didn't have a little finger.

It bothered James at first,but she seemed almost proud of it:she would refuse to use her five-fingered hand to hold his or move stray hairs from her eyes.She would always use her left hand,twisted and shocking.But that was only at the beginning of their relationship. After six months the missing digit became something like a comfort to James一he?d notice its absence in his hand and feel loved.It was something he couldn't explain to anyone else,and that made him love the missing finger even more.It was a secret between them both.

There was,however,a certain thing James couldn't ask about. He wasn't sure how she lost her finger. It was the only unspeakable topic in the relationship. It didn't bother him very much. He wasn't a curious person. He'd occasionally slip and begin to ask,but mostly caught himself. When he didn't,she'd get quiet in company or angry in private.He'd let her storm away and wait for the broken comb of her hand to run through his hair in apology.

They broke up over a mistake.His mistake.Amy started an argument over who should do the dishes,and he lost despite his best effort to point out the number of hours he worked. In his anger,he stabbed a fork into the wall. Amy didn't say anything;she didn't even look upset,just confused. When he pulled the fork out,two prongs(叉齿)stayed in the wall,so he threw it into the trash.

She was still staring,and he felt awkward and ashamed. He told her the prongs were in the wall,and the fork was now useless.What good would a two-pronged fork be for anyone? There wasn't any talking after that. She simply packed a backpack and went to her mother's.The next day Amy's brother(本文来自:Www.dXF5.com 东星资源 网:出国英语测试) and father came by to collect the rest of her clothing and books.Neither of them looked mad,though James couldn't figure out if they were truly uninterested or if silent anger was a family characteristic.

He painted over the marks on the kitchen wall a week later,but left the prongs in the wall.He fished the fork out of the trash and kept it in the silverware drawer,underneath the utensil tray.He'd take it out occasionally.Running his finger into the rough gap of the missing pieces,he'd try to feel what wasn't there anymore.

1.Which of Amy?s fingers was missing?

A. The middle finger of her left hand.

B.The little finger of her left hand.

C. The little finger of her right hand.

D.The middle finger of her right hand.

2.The underlined word“It" in Paragraph 3 refers to_.

A. Amy's missing finger

B. how Amy lost her finger

C . Amy's attitude towards her hand

D. why Amy never talked about her hand

3.What caused Amy to leave James?

A. Amy was afraid of James' extreme anger.

B. James repeatedly refused to wash the dishes.

C. Amy felt James disrespected her disability.

D. James continually talked about her missing finger.

4.When Amy?s father came to collect her things,A did not say very much to James

B did not know what the fight was about

C was clearly very upset and angry with James

D asked his daughter to stay with her mother

5.To Amy,the broken fork symbolized_.

A. their broken relationship

B. her damaged hand

C . a problem that could be solved

D. the way she lost her finger


Speed reading is a necessary and vital skill in the Internet age.We skim over articles,e-mails and tweets to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of the text. With so much information available through our electronic devices,it would be impossible to get through everything if we read word by word,line by line.

But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly,one which claims to have benefits beyond intellectual stimulation.

A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington,New Zealand,where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones.They sink into comfortable chairs and read in silence for an hour.

Unlike typical book clubs,the point of the slow reading club isn't to exchange ideas about certain books,but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet,relaxed environment. According to the story,the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers who miss the traditional way of reading.

Traditional readers,like Maura Kelly,say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind,improves concentration,reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to understand others.Some of these benefits have been backed up by science.For example,a study of 300 elderly people published by the journal Neurology last year showed that mature people who take part in activities that use their brain,such as reading,suffer less memory loss as they get older. Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people