


面谈的重点是表现出自己无法经由纸张书面所看得出来的热心、兴趣、特别才能、口才、表达沟通能力、想像力、创造力及组织判断力等,面试将使你整个的书面申请工作上,更具个性包装,增加审核委员对你个人的印象,列举以下面试常问的问题供面试学生参考。 面试回答应尽量详细、具体,不要抽



(一) 问答实例

◆ 问:How is this past year been for you?

Ex1. It''s gone fairly well academically. I like the courses a lot. I''m doing well, and I''ve had a good time with them.

Ex2. Well, I''d have to say this has been my most successful year this far. I am especially looking forward to my senior year because I was selected

editor-in-chief of our school newspaper, and my writing this year has got me a column in our school newspaper, so I guess this year has been successful.

◆ 问:Tell me a little about yourself?

I am interested in this university because of your sports program and because of the English opportunities.

◆ 问:I take it that you participate in sports at school?


◆ 问:Which one?


◆ 问:At what level do you participate?

At the Varsity level.

◆ 问:And you say you''re interested in the English program - can you tell me about your interest in English?

Ex1. Well, I''ve always enjoyed reading and writing, and I''ve heard that this school has a good writing program.

Yes, it''s known for its writing program. Are you interested in creative writing or expository writing?

No, I haven''t.

Have you brought any samples of your work with you?

No, I haven''t.

Ex 2. I''m especially interested in your English Department. I''ve always enjoyed reading and writing, and I''ve heard that you have a good writing program. I''ve brought a few samples of my writing in case you''d like to see them.

◆ 问:Give me three adjectives to describe yourself?

I feel that I''m a dynamic person and a very enthusiastic person. I also tend to be more introverted that extroverted.

◆ 问:Sounds like a bit of a contradiction. Can you explain this?

Well, I''ll try. I tend to keep my feelings inside of me and I don''t like telling other people what I''m thinking and feeling. On the other hand, if someone confronts me, then I will definitely tell them.

◆ 问:Can you tell me about a book you've read?

Yes, a book called The Matarese, a book about espionage by Robert Ludlum. It gave me an idea of the underlife of our government. I don''t know how much was true or how was fiction, but it had an impact on me.

◆ 问:Regardless, it made you think about some of the issues of government, right? Can you tell me about some of those issues?

The secrecy behind a government that seems to be open. And things you couldn''t think about, like in the news, small items, such as wars, that just sort of fade out of the way, because of the government doesn''t want you to know about them.

◆问:Has this book made you more sensitive to the news?

I find I take a greater interest in the daily lives of other people and other nations.

◆问:Is there anything that''s happened recently that you''ve picked up and has caught your interest, wondered about that you might not have otherwise?

Yes, the war in the Falkland Island, and uprisings in South America.◆问:Any particular aspect of it - a new story you caught, a detail or a fact that may have passed unnoticed - that you caught this time?

Yes, the use of propaganda by the two governments, Argentina and Great Britain. Each has a different story for the same event, such as the sinking of a British ship. The Argentines said they had sunk it, and the British wouldn''t admit it until a couple of days later.

◆问:Tell me, in your opinion what is the most serious problem facing the world today?

I''d probably say the most serious problem facing the world today has got to be the nuclear arms race.

◆问:What would you do about it to lessen the threat?

It''s obvious that we can''t go on like this. The money could be used in much better ways, and the only thing we could probably do is to get know, another SALT III or something to that effect, to try to contain the building of new nuclear arms.

◆问:I see by your transcript that you''ve done very well in most of your courses. Science seems to be an area in which you don''t do as well. Can you tell me why?

I''m really into science. I like the subject and I like the idea of messing around in the labs, seeing what blows up, what isn''t - I just don''t seems to be able to grasp the material as quickly as some others in the honors class. I''ve put in a lot of work and I''m not getting the results I''d like to although I really like the subject. If I were in an average level course, I''d probably do a lot better.

◆问:How did you a C student in science, get placed in an honors level course?

Well, last year I had a B in biology, and they automatically moved everybody with B or better into honors chemistry. I though I could do equally well, but biology and chemistry are different.

◆问:But you haven't dropped your chemistry, even though you're not doing well in it?

No, I like the course, and even though my test scores say otherwise, I know I''m getting a lot out of it.

(二) 面试者亦可主动发问,下列仅供参考,另可自行发挥。

1. How difficult is it for a(n) (English/Biology) major to register for courses in (computer science/studio art)?

2. What are the particular strengths of this college?

3. I am interested in _________. What are my chances of participating here?

4. Am I eligible, or appropriate, candidate for admission?

5. How would you describe the social life in __________ (Name of school)?

6. What is the work load like?

7. Is there a typical student here? If so, how would you describe him or her?

8. Does this school strike you as having a particular personality or atmosphere?

(三) 面试原则

1. 切记:微笑,等面试者伸出手才握手,牢记面试者的姓名,并在谈话中不忘使用。热心回答,且诚恳,表明面谈的愉快心得,不忘面试後投寄一封感谢卡。

2. 切勿:迟到,抽烟,吃口香糖,未请坐即先行坐下,勿因等待而表示不耐烦。

(四) 面试重点





5.不要答以"yeah", "mm"












? Could you walk me through your resume? Why MBA? Why do the MBA now? Why our school? What are your short term/long term post-MBA career goals? What are your 3 greatest strengths? What are your 2 greatest weaknesses? What do you think will be the biggest concern of the Admissions

Committee in evaluating your application?


Do you have any questions for me?



? What was the most rewarding aspect of your undergraduate experience?

? What are you most proud of about your undergraduate period?

? Why did you select this undergraduate major? Would you have

changed your decision today?


? To what do you attribute your strong academic performance? In which campus activities did you participate? What did you learn or

gain from this involvement?





? Have you ever dropped a class? Why? Which college classes did you like the best/least? Why? Do you think you received a good education? Do your grades accurately reflect your ability? Were you financially responsible for part or all of your college education?

? How many classes did you miss because of illness, personal business or other reasons?


? Describe your work experience (in general or with specific employers).




? What did you find most frustrating at work? What kinds of changes would you make at your work if you could? Do you have any opportunity for innovative thinking? Could you describe an incident where you disagreed with a superior? How was this settled?

? What aspect of your job do you most enjoy? Why?









? Of what accomplishment at work are you most proud? Could you compare your experience in these two jobs you had? If I ask your manager what he/she values in you, what will he/she say? What did you enjoy most/least about position X? Of which three accomplishments are you most proud? What problems have you solved in your previous positions? What have you disliked in your job with employer X? What are some recent responsibilities you have taken on? What do you think it is about yourself that enabled you to earn achievement X?




? Why did you leave job A for job B? What will you do if you are not accepted to any of the MBA programs Describe a typical workday. you applied to?




? What will you do if you are not accepted to our MBA program? Why did you choose to do X? Describe your ideal job after completing the MBA. How does your education or work experience relate to your career goals?




? Give me two cases where you demonstrated leadership. How would others describe your leadership style? What do you think is the right way to get things done through others?







? What role do you usually play in group situations? Could you give an What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight? What qualities should a successful manager possess? Have you ever spoken to a group of people? How large? Could you name someone you view as a strong leader? Why? Who are your role models? example?








Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own? Give me an example of your teamwork experience. Have you worked under deadline pressure? When? Do you prefer large or small companies? Why? What kinds of people do you enjoy working with? What kinds of people frustrate you? How do you contribute to groups?



? Tell me about yourself. Describe a time when you had to bend the rules a little in order to accomplish a goal.


? What do you like doing outside of work? Tell me about something in your life you would have done differently

if you had the opportunity.




? What 3 adjectives would others use to describe you? Can you recall a creative/innovative activity of yours? Tell me about a time you took a risk and what the experience was like. If you were to establish a set of values and beliefs on which to build a

business, what would they be?

? Is there anything specific/else that you would like the admissions

committee to know about you?








Define success/failure. Tell me about a time in which you failed. What would you like to change about yourself? Discuss any experience you have had abroad. Describe a life experience that had a strong impact on you? Tell me about an ethical dilemma you’ve dealt with. What do you get passionate about?


出国留学面试常见问题 需注意四大关键词




?你为什么会选择这个专业? ?这是申请

国外大学硕士学位的学生常被问到的问题。面试官以此考察学生对专业的了解,还会让学生介绍自己曾经做过的相关研究。?你是否从事过与申请专业相关的工作??比如申请工程管理,面试官会问你是否有过工程管理方面的学历、工作经验。这两个问题几乎每个面试都必定会问到。还有诸如?你会往什么专业方向发展???你的成绩如何、学分积点多少? ?学校会关注学生的学习成绩,根据学习成绩给学生一个申请






?你喜欢自然科学还是社会科学? ??长大

想做什么工作? ?面试官常通过诸如此类的问题,了








的关键。?你为什么转专业? ?毫无理由、仅仅因为













被黑客攻击,公司在信息安全方面应如何加强? ?这




2009年元月 小学 五年级 班 姓名


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chǎnɡ kāi jiān kǔ zhǎn x

īn jīnɡ yínɡ

jiē kāibó lǎn

duàn liàn mínɡ mèi

□□意志 □□胸怀 □□群书


□□的春光 □□的水珠 □□的劳动