

最近,谷歌公司旗下的AlphaGo(一款围棋人工智能程序)在五局比赛中,以4:1 的成绩打败了世界围棋冠军李世石。 机器的全面胜利使得“人工智能”再度成为一个热门话题。一些人对这种进步表示欢迎,并期望人工智能能够在更多领域造福人类;另一些人则担心人工智能最终会失控。对此,你有何看法?人工智能将会怎样影响我们的生活? 请就这些问题写一篇文章,并给出合适的理由证明你的观点。

大的科技公司都在忙于人工智能的研究,这在最近几年尤为显著,比如 IBM 的 Watson,还有以 4:1 打败李世石的AlphaGo。但是,在那场世界瞩目的围棋大赛之前,人们对人工智能这件事的认识可能还只停留在电影里。


How Will AI Affect Our Life?

On the one hand, it is hoped that artificial intelligence and intelligent machines can replace human beings in all kinds of labor, on the other hand, they worry that their development will lead to new social problems. In fact, in the past ten years, the social structure is undergoing a quiet change. The social structure of "man machine" will be replaced by the social structure of "man --- intelligent machine --- machine". Intelligent robot is one of intelligent machines. Now and in the future, many of the jobs that would have been borne by people will be robots, so people will have to learn to get along with intelligent machines and to adapt to the changing social structure. But this change will make a big part of people.Artificial intelligence also makes a part of the social members feel the psychological threat, or called the spiritual


In my opinion, the robot's intelligence is an irresistible trend. Rather than worry about the dangers of prediction, think of ways to change it. For example, to add some restrictions to the robot program, etc..



Now , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. Have made a market research,we find that these things make our lives easier.

The digital products like the computer and the cell phone have completely made a great impact on our life. These products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspects of our daily lives and produced many economic benefits as well. The digital age has contributed to many labor saving technologies at the same time as improving the quality standards of production..

Because our company wants to extend ,so we need to hire someone to our company. If you want to be emploeed,just give your recommend letter to our company. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

现在 我非常乐意介绍我们公司我们公司的建立有很长的时间和各种数码产品 有一个市场研究 我们发现这些东西使我们生活更快这些数码产品象电脑和手机对我们生活有巨大的影响 这些产品导致我们更有效率利用我们每天的生活并且还有经济效益 数码产品有助于我们劳力的节省同样也还有更精确的产品

这些数码产品象电脑和手机对我们生活有巨大的影响 这些产品导致我们更有效率利用我们每天的生活并且还有经济效益 数码产品有助于我们劳力的节省同样也还有更精确的产品因为我们公司在扩展 所以我们公司需要聘用某人到我们公司 如果你想加入 仅仅给我们公司写一封介绍信 我们期待你的加入







?假如你的名字叫吴敏,你从中国日报上看到一则公司招聘经理助理的启事, 你写封应聘信你2001年从湖北大学国际贸易专业毕业你能熟练操作电脑一直从事贸易生意英语听说良好很有兴趣到公司发展并期待经理的回复

November 12,2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

In reply to your advertisement in China Daily, I wish to apply for the position of manager assistant.

I graduated from Hubei University in 2001 with the major of International Trade. I have been engaging in the trade business since then. I am good at computer operation and speak fluent English.

I would like to work in your company and hope I may be granted an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Wu Min






?说明:假设你是一个外企的职员。因故要辞职,特向公司总经理Mr. White 写辞职信。内容如下:你在本公司已工作了5年,为公司尽了自己的努力因住宅和公司相距较远,每天来回不易,所有想换一个离家近点的公司工作告诉公司总经理自己希望辞职的具体日期对公司总经理数年来对自己的关心和培养表示感谢和留恋如公司一时找不到合适的接替人,自己可推迟2个月辞职

?Dear Mr. White,

I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my job next month(May,20th). As an emplyeer of the company, I have strived with my work for five years.I

propose leaving for it is inconvenient. Now, Iwantto have a new work instead, which is not far away from my home.?

?Thank you for giving me many chances to learn and to gain the valuable experiences in the company. I hope my resignation would not cause you much trouble.I will put off my resignation two months if you couldn't find

someone to displace me for the time being.

?I would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

?Yours faithfully,?xxx









Dec20th, 2008

Dear Mr. White,

Thank you for your enquiry of digital cameras dated Dec11th. We enclosed a copy of pricelist of the products that you requested and other related information. The digital cameras made by our company are good at quality, reliable at function and low at price. You can enjoy 5% discount if you order ten (or above) sets of the machine. You will have 10% discount if you order a bigger quantity of the products. If the


re is anything else you’d like to know, please contact us anytime. We are looking forward to your prompt order.

Yours Sincerely


Manager of Sales Department








?Dear John,I am very pleased to introduce Mr. Xiao Jin, our marketing manager, who will be in London on business next month.

Mr. Xiao graduated from Beijing University, majoring in

Business Administration. Since graduation, he has been working in our marketing department for 7 years. So he is quite experiencedin marketing and he has close business relationship with

customers. Moreover, he is very active, responsible, reliable and hardworking.

I would appreciate it if you could give him any support and

help he may need. I hope you can visit China in the near future and I will show you around to enjoy its beautiful scenery.


Jin Ming????






?以David Smith 的名义写一封投诉信(a letter of complaint)。写信时间:2006年6月19日。内容:你在5月17 日在阳光百货大楼买了一台洗衣机,回家使用不到两周就坏了,经多次维修,还不能正常使用,要求更换或退款,但是售货员不允,因此向总经理投诉。Words for reference:更换:replacement退款:refunding